@The Bone Collector
now that was one complicated trade lane, i dont even know if i understood it correctly...
here is what i got:
original text:
The Bone Collector
my trade route with my Humpback is New London to Ohashi Station (Sho ko ku) and back, yields me 675K and no issues. I run steaks to Denver and Light Arms to Ohashi -375k that way,
and Engine Components from Deshimo Station to Freeport 4 and Optronics (i think) from there to New London -300k that way.
Haven't had any problems yet. Yields about 1mil an hour, if ya push it and don't get knocked out of the trade lanes too much. its about 16 jump gates a round trip, roughly 30-40 waypoints one way. Hell, I like it---pretty smnooth trip really.
my calcs (again, didnt fly it actually):
New London => Denver (Colorado)
sell Optronics: 1203
Profit: 993
buy Luxury Food(?): 192
Denver (Colorado) => Ohashi Station (Shi***u)
sell Luxury Food(?): 1360
Profit: 1168
buy Light Arms: 238
Ohashi Station (Shi***u) => Deshima Station (Shi***u)
Deshima Station (Shi***u) => Freeport 4 (Magellan)
sell Light Arms: 532
Profit: 294
buy Engine Components: 344
Freeport 4 (Magellan) => New London
sell Engine Compontens: 1350
Profit: 1006
buy Optronics: 210
overall Profit: 3461
Efficiency: 3461/80= 43,26
3461/60= 57
that means if u wanted to get the same as in the new berlin => new york run, u should need 44 minutes to do the run, if u need - as you said - about 1 hour (60 mins) that would only equal 57 credits per minute.
i want to find the ultimate trade route, cmon boys, try harder!!!
and @noelho
its not that hard actually.
before i did anything at all, i destroyed some DSE depots in new york and was neutral to the rogues and outcasts.
had to destroy more in rheinland because of the unioners and red hessians, but that wasnt too hard.
one more in kusari space and now im neutral to all factions im currently dealing with.
PS: why does this board censor the string k-o-k?? =>*** *** ***<=
Edited by - sp00n on 19-03-2003 16:00:27