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Best trade route i''ve found GOOD money and NO hostiles!

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Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 3:30 pm

I am a new player and usually only get through a fight by the skin of my a**. I have found a way to haul contraban that I have not seen posted yet that may be helpful. If you park outside of the main shipping lanes you can hear the radio traffic and listen for a big transport going to the system you want. Lock onto that ship and "escort" them where ever they are going. Every time I have done this the navy or who ever is in authority never scans you. Just drop out of the wormhole right before you get to the system you are looking for. If you stay way under the system you can turbo straight to the dock and hopefully get docked before anyone scans you.

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 1:33 am

fyi once u have a good ship and can handle youself on the ridge border sys try the diamond run from planet new berlin to planet new tokyo if you are capable of finding and using the jump hole to sigma-13 from new berlin u can do a run 10-15 mins makin 1200 profit per unit mind u there r baddies in sigma-13 but nothing a humpback can't handle unless i find u *note* the new berlin jump don't work for me but it does for friend

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 6:14 am

This isnt exactly without risk. I just lost all my money, 30k or so, as I bought a bunch of the contraband from Ainu. I wasnt 15k to the jump back to New Tokyo when some pirates decided they wanted my cargo. Well they blew me up and now I have zero cash, and no cargo.

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 9:12 am

Lol okey, sorry about that then but i havn't happened to me the 2 times i've done this to reach a million$
Guess it's pure unluck and you should have handed em over hehe

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:29 pm

I found an awesome one for higher levels - load up on nice cheap engine parts from kusari space at about $330 a pop, then fly to planet new london and dock sell em. profit of near $1000 a unit, but a bit of a trek. pretty route, if you can ignore the pirates

THEN buy as big a cargo hold full as you can of luxury food for $192 a unit. Fly straight to Manhattan in liberty and sell, you'll make about $1008 profit on each item. They are perishable so you stand to lose mebbe 8 units in transit, it's a few jumps there, but I can carry 175 units and I am making 200k a trip or more.

Risky cos of the pirates and God they are hard but with that kind of money I have beefed my ship up and I'm going looking for some seriouis Rheinland freighter soon (I thin kit's the top of the range one). then once I have made, ooh, a few mill, I'll find the best very heavy fighter out there and go and kick some arse. Big style.

hope someone finds that useful, and anyway who wants a completely safe route? we all need some fun in our lives...

Copula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:39 pm

The only problem with the diamond run from New Berlin to New Tokyo are the campers sitting out by the New Tokyo docking ring. You try to dock, and they just blow you away. Lost a few runs that way. I guess it all depends on the server you're on (that is, if you're playing MP)

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 4:57 pm

ein i dunno what server u play on but where i play u would get banned for that kind of action, i mean at least let the poor guy unload b4 u take him out hel warn him of your actions even.... o well u can always wait and get the bastards back

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 2:13 am

well before you start off to shi ko ko system when ya buy the rhino in manhatten buy luxury goods.. only 180 a pop and if ya can make it there in one piece you will have made 1100 profit for each then start the cardamine run and back.. by then you should have about 200k then buy a heavey fighter blow up 5-8 cops in liberty go to macton base (should be nuetral now) and buy dromedary and haul back to manhatten pick up as many luxury good and sell at ainu and haul cardimine.. 2 hours work and you should be level 20+

meant to say level 20+ not 30+

Edited by - redlance on 15-03-2003 08:02:29

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 2:34 am

To add to the Ainu-Roppongi route, the gate construction site in Hokkaido pays mad prices for gate lane parts,1400 I think. Just on your way to the system is the Pueblo Station which has the lowest price for these, around 114. The downside is, you can lose the cargo but it wont cost much and Ive used the ainu-roppongi route ever since going online and died maybe thee times on numerous servers. This helps funding the first runs so you wont be with empty cargospace(luxury goods cost 1400 to buy) Theres a wrecked ship near the gate construction containing lane parts also. And the profit for goods is 1400 , not 600 per piece , )

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 8:59 pm

Works like a dream Yttrasil ! Thnx a lot m8 !


All this other routes are nice too, but think about the LENGTH of it !

With Yttrasils, you only have ONE jumphole, a few tradelanes and a little free flight !

Only real prob is the cardamine, if u don't want to get in trouble with the cops...
But...hey...that's RISK

Simply use your cruise engines DIRECTLY to the jumpholes (fly directly in front of the damn thing), also use your afterburner or cruise engines between the tradelane docking rings.

I got three or four times scanned, too, but if u make it to enter the tradelane or roppongi station you're out of danger / scan !
Even if they already got u, as soon as the docking sequence starts you're save !

I made it from zero to lvl 31 IN NO TIME !

Thnx a lot again ! Nice route.

Oh, BTW, i cruised to Hamburg, bought me a shiny new Humpback, took 250 Diamonds for 489 each with me, equipped that bllody thing with the best weapons to get for a freighter, got back to New Tokyo, selled the diamonds for about 1600 each ( ), and got back to the normal route.

And even IF u you get in trouble NOW, Class 7 Guns/Turrets from Rheinland and a nice Class 7 Freighter Shield with 5000 Hitpoints from Ainu Depot ---> most "problems" are gone...or..."blown in the wind" know what i mean...


Edited by - ian666 on 16-03-2003 00:16:57

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 8:33 am

People, this is the best run I've ever found, gets you good money quite fast, but it's true money rolls in after you've got decent money.

Here's what I've done:

i) First, get neutral with AT LEAST police, navy, and hackers. Hackers and police are #1 priority. Everyone else it doesn't matter, but it helps if you have as least hostile as possible.
ii) Go to mactan base in Magellan (consult a galaxy map for its location, but it's not hard to find on your own)
iii) Buy the dromedary, as soon as you can afford it. You can do these runs I'm about to explain with a simple rhino, but as soon as you can, get the dromedary. It can carry 275 units and only 62k credits, and will literally pay itself off.

Now for the actual trade route:
1) I suppose you can start out at manhattan, it'll be cheaper to start there. Buy as much H-Fuel as you can fill up on.
2) Go over to california and stop at Los Angeles. Drop off the H-fuel. If you have the Dromedary with a full load (275), you've made 16,225 credit profit.
3) While still in LA, pick up Engine Components.
4) Fly over to magellan, and drop off the Engine Components off at Mactan Base. The profit on a full load is about 123,750.
5) Pick up Cardamine at the base.
6) Fly over to Manhattan, drop off the drugs, and you've just made 184,250 on that one load, 324,225 for the full trip.

324,225 isn't bad for a round trip that totals up to 4 system jumps. Also, the trip is in completely low-level space, so the risks of death are minimal. Mactan base is only about 17k from a trade lane, so the trip to a hacker base isn't that bad for once. Not to mention if you're still hostile with anyone in those systems, you can warp away easily, because the only system that has people armed with cruise disruptors are bounty hunters.

In like 5 hours I earned 1.5 million creds...enough to live well for a while. Right after I had a nice trip over to Vogtland base in Dresden to buy my Sabre and some nice new weapons (although you get crappy ones unless you're friendly with their people...i was neutral but still negative rating).

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 10:52 am

There are way better routes than this one and New Berlin > New Tokyo... WAY better... Keep looking...

Seriously, you guys are talking 1000 profit on runs and saying it's great. I can name a bunch of more profitable runs off the top of my head. I'm not trying to ruin the party, but don't brag if what you're running is not that impressive.

Also, to figure out the true profit of a run try this equation:

(Sale - Purchase)/NumberOfHops

Edited by - Nagorak on 16-03-2003 10:55:21

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:22 am

sure there are more profitable runs.. what these ppl are trying to share are easy routes with a high payoff and low/no risk

...Just a random thought from a random mind

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 1:18 pm

Mactan is not a safe route. Hackers demand your gargo quite often when not friendly and they do use cruise distruptors. GC on the other hand has taken interest in my cargo only once when I parked for several minutes near their base because of biiig lag. Thats once for maybe 50-60 runs on diff servers. Hackers ship is the best choice tho and easy to obtain, agreed there

btw, Nagorak. the route posted by Yttrasil provides 160k profit one end, 80k other end with dromedary and only 2 dockings. Doubt there are better routes

Edited by - lammas on 17-03-2003 13:24:35

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:34 pm

Karland, about your Luxury Food run. If you go a little bit further, to Planet Denver in the Colorado system, you can sell those Lux. Food off for 1200/each instead of 1000@Manhattan. I only lose an extra 5 in count by going the distance (235x1200 vs. 240x1000). There is another bonus in going to Denver. They sell Optronics at a decent price. You can load up on Optronics and carry them back to New London with you for your next Lux. Food trip. Having good profit back and forth is the key here.

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