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Server crashing and cheating

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 10:44 pm

all right so i ve done the expérience about loggin and selling all my weapons....
that dont change anything !!
the server always crash ...i can only take a old save of my account and replay ...but sometimes ( impossibleto say why ) the server crash and account gone corrupt ...
so i cant see other solution but waiting about a patch for this f...cking bug !!

it s appear that this game has never been tested and many things are missing to do it the best MP starshooting game ...

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 11:08 pm

I disagree with your opinions charon. If you need help, ask your questions. But don't bash the very game you're trying to play. You get no sympathy from me when you do that..

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 11:36 pm

Charon, I agree with you... I think there's no one out there except the staff from DA who can help us, and we'll all have to wait for a patch to solve this.

Though I like to see new posts here :>

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 12:06 am

Hi Stinger,

I think that what charon says is fairly legitimate if he did own the game. There is no excuse at all for a game having such a big bug in it's final version. Sure there will always be bugs in the games you buy, but considering the importance of this bug I can't see why they didn't find it while testing it.

To be honest I really like the game itself, but it makes me want to throw it out of the window each time I lose my progress.

The server should be the most stable part of the product itself, as it's the same server some people will be using on dedicated machines, which just can't be rebooted every 2 days because the character files get corrupted.

If they don't get a patch out soon I'm going to start using my freelancer CD as a freesbie.

My 2 cents,

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 12:14 am

By the way, I just noticed something.

I don't know if this was a coincidence or what but I could play with my corrupted character as long as I was the only player in my server. The corrupt character file will crash the server only when there is another player playing in the server too, with his character. Of course, may have been a coincidence.


Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 12:37 am

My server crashes regardless if I'm the only player or not. Have started up a 3rd time and made scheduel tasks to back up the character files - it's a damn hazzle cause the bug can occour but it won't crash until u hit a portal. Just gotta keep server in console mode and look for the error. If u get it, dock and sell and new stuff you've gotten. If its still there when u exit station revert to backup file.

A hazzle as hell, but for the 1st time i'm at least making progress in the game.

Yeah, really sucks that they couldn't afford proper testing/bugfixes - cause this is a major bug.

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 1:10 am

Mouth, I completely disagree with your opinions too. I have had very few problems with my beta version or my gold version. I have yet to see anyone say they couldn't fix their problems if they had a retail version. The retail version has some very useful tips to solve most problems right on the CD. If you properly maintain your computer you increase the odds this game will work flawlessly.

Your "crack" about the testing is not accurate, it simply your opinion based upon an assumption. Say it for what it is.....

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 1:41 am

ok a friend of mine set up a private testing server 3 days ago, no crashes whatsoever. the pc is a PIII 500 running win2k server. we used trainers and we made all kinds of accounts. no errors so far. the only thing i can think of is that we used the pc for running FLserver only. no background processes or apps.

we also are looking in on a error that keeps people form being able to reach the "global catalog server". this means they see no servers under the internet tab. these people also time out trying to connect to direct-ip and lan games. if anyone has any info on this, plz post.

"Yes, it's the right planet, all right, " he said again. "Right planet, wrong universe. " Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 1:43 am

we used trainers

That says it all. I'd start from scratch and stop using the trainers and see if you experience the same results.

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 1:53 am

no we just recently used trainers. worked fine before that also.. anyway all "trained" accounts have been removed. bye bye sabre :'(

"Yes, it's the right planet, all right, " he said again. "Right planet, wrong universe. " Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 10:00 am

Hi all. Just got the game today, I think it's excellent and I'm having a blast. HOWEVER...I am becoming quite frustrated with the server. I am running a dedicated, and I am experienceing the identical error as charon posted above (the one about the not supported/equipable). I have had a friend testing (from outside my LAN) and after about 10 min of gameplay he gets kicked and I recieve the error on the console. After that he is unable to log in at all until I stop/restart the server. Tried completely reinstalling, deleting accounts, etc.

There are only 2 accounts, me and him. No cheating or anything else involved. The server is a 1ghz athlon running winXp, everything freshly installed today.

Why, why, why?

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 10:10 am

The people experiencing problems: MAKE SURE MICROSOFT KNOWS! It is very important that you call MS Support for what it's worth, and tell them you have issues. This is the by far best way to ensure it gets patched.

DA are currently investigating the server-crashes, and I hope they soon return with an answer to this issue. Afterwards I hope they'll try to address the cheating issue, but it MIGHT boil down for us to do something about it... So anybody care to extend the HL/CS Anti Cheating tools to Freelancer?!?

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 11:02 am

Seems that all the crashing servers are AMDs - anyone getting this (constant crashing from certain points) on Intel platforms?

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 12:35 pm

My server causes this bug on AMDs, never tested it on Intel.

Btw, maintaining your computer sure is important but it's not like everyone playing this game is stupid and doesn't know how to use a computer, stinger. I get the impression you're blaming it on us if the server corrupts our accounts. A properly tested game won't have such a big problem on release, so it's not an assumption if the same bug shows up on a really big ammount of computers.

I'm running the server on a dedicated box, an Athlon 1.4 Ghz, and to be honest I think the coding behind it completely sucks if it crashed because of a 2 players load. The problem here is a bug that seems to show up on certain boxes, or maybe you were just lucky enough not to trigger it in your server, but please accept it for what it is... a bug. And even if it wasn't so it would mean that the server coding is not optimized like it should.

To be honest I can only see facts here, it's not about 1 person having problems after all,

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 12:49 pm

Aaah, aint it just wonderful? The feeling of knowing you're soon getting home from school and have come up with yet another possible solution...
damn i'm longing to test it...
You'll hear from me soooon... though, it is a long shot

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