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Server crashing and cheating

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 7:45 pm

You're entitled to your opinions Fade, I simply disagree. My server doesn't crash all the time, how would that be explained? I'm using the same piece of software as you aren't I? How does one explain such a different experience then?

You blame DA and MS for not tightening up the code, I'll praise them for developing such a tight piece of software. You don't give a damn about my opinions, fine but that doesn't mean you're right either.

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:01 pm

i am sorry but i ve got the problem of crashing server !
i dont wana know who is the fault i d like no more have this problem
i explain :
i play on one unique pc ( mine ) for 25 hours.
but i don t know why and the server crash ...and now it crash every minit of game...unplayable !!
here we have no cheater only one account gold version etc etc.
so ...i install only server files on another pc on my PRIVATE lan . no more cheater so ....and i ve transfered my account to the new server : same problem !
the server crash every 1 mn .....
anybody can help SERIOUSLY please ??

i am sorry but i agree with the guy who tel the game wasn t finish ! there cound not have past beta test even all this problem does not exist ! also i think they ve forgot many things for a real good game play ...but this game exist and this is the only one of this style ...this is a good point for first ....

thank you in advance for answers ...

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 11:48 am

Hey, I have the same problem. My server crashes all the time. So i need help too.
Where are all those experts who know the answer? ;-)


i'm a german don't hit me ;-)

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 1:54 pm


no more cheater so

To me this indicates at one point you did in fact have a cheater character or why would you even mention it this way?

If you modify a client and try to log into a server that doesn't have a clue what this modification is, you will render the server unstable most of the time.

Bottom line. if you want to mod, then stay on your own server and enjoy. If you want to cheat, stay on your own server and enjoy. Failure to follow these simple rules, chances are this will make the server you do choose to jump on unstable ruining it for everyone else staying legit.

....and so it goes.

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 1:59 pm

some news ( may be usefull )
on the same server who crash i ve made a new account and restart the game...
no more crash so i think we can considérate that is an account problem.
the account is corrupt ....but now i d like to know why ????
i never cheat ( i hate cheater ) i never have anybody else than me on my own server why ??
is there a solution to regain my character ??
may be the game have a bad programmation and if you start a server and play on the same pc the game + server take all cpu ressources system and crash ...
this crash mayube corrupt just the account ...may be you have to play with a distant machine ....??
some opinions ??
( dont hit me i am french )

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:34 pm

how many times will a repeat this :
this crash was on may lan server !
no cheater can copnect on it and i have no cheat and dont want some for ALL games ! thx stopping say ereverythings are cheater faults !

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 11:20 pm

hi again and again
here is the console message i can read when server crash
"E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\space\StarSys.cpp(540) : *** WARNING: StarSystem::enter(): CLI(1) System(Li01)
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CEqObj.cpp(454) : *** WARNING: alloc_equip: Archetype[0x8000bec6 not supported/equippable!
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CEqObj.cpp(454) : *** WARNING: alloc_equip: Archetype[0x8000bec6 not supported/equippable!
9393: 0,337425"
if somone can help

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:45 am

This kind of crash is related to the character files getting corrupt (no cheating involved or account corruption). And I repeat, no cheating. I've been playing the game for a lot of time with a friend of mine in my LAN, and we don't cheat at all. The characters get corrupted sometimes when you buy stuff, but I'm not sure of what triggers the problem.

I'm working on a POSSIBLE solution to this problem, no promises tho.


Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:47 am

Exactly, the server crashes when you buy a weapon, I have yet to identify it tho. Notice in the previous post the phrase "unequipable". It means that a certain weapon/shield is not equipable.

The best thing we could do is get loads of money and go around buying weapons and equiping them trying to make the server crash, so we can identify the problematic weapon/s.


Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:33 am

From what I gather, that error message comes up when you click on an item that is dimmed and you get the message in the cosole indicating the item is not loadable. Been there since inception. Not so much a server crasher as it is a server stresser. In the early days, that could have easily crashed the machine. The code on the server was tightened tremedously as we go close to gold.

I do know that if you look at the task manager, it will show what is really stressing the CPU and it might not just be the flserver. In my case a lot of times it is the system idle process.

Try changing the importance of items, I seem to have not found the perfect balance myself yet, but only one crash since I loaded Gold and only because I was surfing at the time.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 12:23 pm

Well thanks for the info, but I can assure you it's not related at all to the CPU being stressed. The real reason is the character files getting corrupt, although I have to find what it is that triggers the problem. It could be anything related to the character, from the reputation to the ship, weapons, cargo. My bet is on weapons to be honest.

The game works flawlessly until the problem appears and from then on the server will become highly unstable whenever you load the corrupt character file. If you eliminate the character file the server will start working perfectly again.

I was planning to go buy the retail version in these days, can someone please tell me if they had the unstable server problem in their retail version? (not gold)


Btw I've had times when I played for several hours without problems so it's not like you will always have the character files get corrupted.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 12:25 pm


Uh, Oh, didn't see that there was also page 2 that stated
the things i had in my mind...

Edited by - nuce on 05-03-2003 12:32:04

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:53 pm

Ok, I've experienced this MP server connection trouble as well. So, I read some about the measures in this topic and tried them. I strongly believe it's a char-based problem since it worked anew when we removed our former accounts and got new ones. Though, it isn't only a char-based prob, as a person before me said: it's got something to do with the commodities as well.
As I said, we played for a while after getting the server to work again, but just some minutes ago, it crashed. What had happened was that my friend had got some diamonds in Hamburg and was going to texas to sell them off, though he got killed before he reached the destination, and when he clicked 'respawn' the server crashed. Aint it a wonderful bug?

This thread is my only hope :>

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 7:39 pm

I had the very same problem as explained here (server crashing every time I tried to use a jumpgate - sometimes just when exiting the current planet i was visiting). I deleted my char and started ALL over and had no glitches until a couple of hours ago when the same thing happened. Every time I try to jump the SERVER crashes. Error log is identical to the one mentioned earlier in the thread.

Now - I don't feel like starting the multiplayer over a 3rd time!!!

Have 2 machines and the server crashes in the same fashion on both.

Can anyone help?

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 7:55 pm

Hehe, it seems to be a major problem, with lots of people experiencing it.
Now almost everything about the problem and what might cause it is said, and it must be up to DA to patch it... and it has to happen soon.

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