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Server crashing and cheating

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:40 pm

Sure... I run the Dark Times server.
These are my server specs:

AMD Athlon XP 2000+
512MB DDR333 RAM
Windows XP Pro
3 T1' dedicated lines

My server has only crashed 3 times.... all due to my ignorance. I set the max connections to high and that crashed the server due to the Server just now being able to keep up with it. I have since lowered the max connections from 128 to 40..then down to 36. The third time it crashed was due to power failure..someone experimented on the effects of beer on an electrical outlet for some reason... Other than that i hve had no problems with player acoutns or anything. And most people tend to come back and play more on the server.

I don't know if this has anything to do about it, but i do do regular reboots and player account backups so that people don't loose anything of that much. I also have players report when they believe someone is cheating, then post the suspects name in the news, and give them 48 hours to show that they aren't cheating. This usually leads to a few things. 1 the palyer never comes back, 2 the player clears there name, or 3 the palyer is banned.... Either way it seems to be a good wa to keep cheating down. Let's see....what else do i do.... when server laod s are low, i jump on the server and play some to check out whats going on and to help peeps out.... Yeah..i guess thats it....if you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

FYI: I'm not the one who experimented with the beer

Edited by - Sith on 11-03-2003 19:44:00

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 11:03 pm

Hi everyone!

I've got the same problem with running the FL server... Exactly the same... We have a very big network in our neighboor... But not much of members are playing FL... still about 10 ppl... I wanted to run the server and got the same problems... I wouldn't repeat everything that is said before... I'll just ask some quastions and write my computer(s) configuration(s)...
The first and the main computer I'v tried to run the server is:
AMD Athlon 1200, 256mb, Ge-force2 32mb, WinXP, DirectX9
INTEL Celeron 800, 256mb, Riva TNT2 32mb, WinXP, DirectX9
We've tried to run the server on my friends' computer that has Windows98... and everythhing worked properly... No bugs... So... I have some thoughts:
1)I think the bug appears only in WinXP... Please write here if you have some other system and have the same problem...
2) Did someone have already told Microsoft about the bug? Did they answer?
I am very upset that this kind of bug appeared! I want the solution of the problem... But the only solution is to wait the PATCH =(

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:11 am

My Observations:

My Server:
Cable Modem

Server Stability:

Server will crash about every 24 hours no matter what (but oddly for me it doesn't appear to be a memory leak as server never takes more than 150MB with 24 players)

Server will crash every 2-6 hours with 24+ players on it with a cable modem

If I turn down the players to 18 the server appears to only do its daily crash and not the 2-6 hour crash.

Therefore, I have concluded that bandwidth is the major contributor in crashing, although there is some sort of stability issue that needs to be patched.

We also need more logging and admin tools to see what players are what level, how long they have been on the server, and a transaction log that shows both player trades and money transactions.

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 3:33 am

# StealthNet Freelancer Server Brasil
AMD K6-2 533 MHz running W2K Server, 256 RAM behind a firewall / NAT
ADSL 256/128, 8 players, default config with friendly fire on
No crashes, but I have to manually "refresh" it every 24 hours (close and start it) to reduce lag and utilization.

I had today a hard disk crash on that server. I'm copying / replacing / restoring files to bring the server back. Average of 5 simultaneous players.

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 3:24 pm

yeah, maybe it's XP-related, or crack-related, directX or whatever... however, I don't intend to reinstall neither xp nor directx...

I do believe in a new patch, fixing all the bugs. When will it be released? :>

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 7:33 pm

I also get these messages:

"E:\Freelancer\Scratch\Source\Server\space\StarSys.cpp(540) : *** WARNING: StarSystem::enter(): CLI(1) System(Li01)
E:\Freelancer\Scratch\Source\Common\CEqObj.cpp(454) : *** WARNING: alloc_equip: Archetype[0x8000bec6 not supported/equippable!
E:\Freelancer\Scratch\Source\Common\CEqObj.cpp(454) : *** WARNING: alloc_equip: Archetype[0x8000bec6 not supported/equippable!

and the whole weapon issue (where you click on a weapon your ship can't utilize) makes sense, but a simple warning message shouldn't take the server down.
A simple warning also shouldn't corrupt character data either. Stinger, I know you said things were tested thoroughly, but I'm beginning to wonder just HOW thoroughly. I may be way off track here, but seemingly minor issues seem to be the cause of these crashes.

Anyways, details of my setup and further comments below:

Network conenction is cable modem, LinkSys BEFSR41 in router mode, static route from my NAT'd LAN to my ISP, and a Cisco Catalyst 2924XL Enterprise switch feeding the rest of the house. All the proper ports are forwarded to the proper places (I can host lots of other games just fine) on the LinkSys and there are no access list entries on the Cisco box.

My LAN is controlled by an NT4 server and I run a full NT Domain setup as well as a couple linux boxes with Samba on them (One as a backup domain controller, the other handles FTP/POP/SMTP/DNS/NFS duties), an OS/2 Warp 3 box (Just for foolln' around with) and several WinXP/2k/98 client machines.

My FL server runs on a dual PII-500 machine, 256M RAM, embedded Highpoint 366 ATA100 disk controller, TNT2 Ultra video (Yeah, I know, kind of waste for a server machine but it was a card I had sittin' around. heheh) and an Adaptec 2940U SCSI card attached to an Exabyte 8mm Tape drive. (8505 if it matters)

OS is Win2k Pro stripped clean of unneccessary crappola. My crashes seem to occur either shortly after entering a jump gate, or right when exiting the jump. No warnings, no nothing, the entire machine reboots. Last night I did catch a dump message related to HAL.DLL so I thought I'd had a driver issue or bad piece of hardware. I opened the case, made sure everything was snug and installed the latest and greatest drivers for all the hardware.

This helped a little bit as I was able to keep it running for nearly 10 hours with just me on it. As soon as we got to 3 players last night, it crashed every 10-30 minutes.

The system event log says this:

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was 0x0000000a (0x0100005a, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x8006656b). Microsoft Windows 2000 (v15.2195). A dump was saved in blah blah blah...

immediately upon restarting. I do have another machine I could move the server to, but judging by all the posts here, I'd say that's little more than an exercise in futility right now.

Anywhere in the docs there's better troubleshooting info? I've read the ReadMe and the whopping 3 paragraphs on running a server in the manual. Microsoft's support site is pretty much useless since you can't punch in an actual error message and get possible solutions.. I'm beginning to think I just pissed away $40 on this thing since the reason I bought it was to run a persistent server for me and my buddies to play on. I'm more frustrated than annoyed at this point. The game has potential and I'm enjoying the hell out of the singleplayer mode, but again, the multiplayer possibilites are what got me interested in the 1st place.

Anyways, that's all the detail I've been able to dig up for now. I hope this gets resolved soon.

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 2:08 am

Hi All,

I've spent probably 100 Hours in FL Beta and Gold. I've never had any problem hosting or joining multiplayer servers (Bar Elite being Full).

Why are you all arguaing about who to blame for the problem when you should discuss pratical ways to sort it !!!


Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 9:45 am

Apocaplypse: Practical ways Are being discussed, as well as the searching for the problem's origin. However, for somebody there seems to be no solution what so ever and therefore we appeal to the developers to bring forth some kind of patch.

Post Mon Mar 31, 2003 2:03 pm

Is there someone who have find a fix for this problem yet?

Post Thu Apr 03, 2003 3:20 pm

Haven't heard nothing about it

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 7:03 pm

yesterday on (a server which crasches about every 3-5 hours so its "playable"

... i was playing FL with a friend from my homenet as my m8 stumbled on a guy named BOBAFET, i´ll refer to him as MoaC (Master of all Cheaters) for now :/
MoaC kept on smcking all players near manhattan with an ease i just couldn´t believe so i told sleeve bout it (another fair player on that good server) and we left for manhattan to see for ourselves.

We chased MoaC for nearly half an hour w/o being able to rip him apart (we were 4 peeps in eagles and titans with nomad gunz) he just kept on moving out of range within a second or so w/o activating thruster, he NEVER actually activated thrusters or cruise, but managed to keep fooling us around... jeez i can´t tell ya how this one sucked me off... guess how it ended up ??

He wasn´t able to shoot one of us down and after 30 minutes of fighting he just said : "this is no fun, bye bye" and WHEEEE, MoaC activated some kind of insta jumphole and was 6k away in 2 secs !!

this is REAL, i hope somebody else has seen this as i seem to be the first one reporting in this forum... MoaC pissed on my gaming fun ((( *WHINE* any suggestions ?

../wave from berlin/germany

Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 7:27 pm

It's so typical. The cheaters are the first to terrorize rank1 players in Manhattan.

I've had the same experience.. Some guy was killing Rank1 players in Manhattan. When I jumped out of the last trade lane he popped up on my radar about 3k away. I proceeded to call him names and demand he leave the system at once. While viewing his ship on my radar. I noticed the moment he turned towards my ship. 1 second later I received a "shield failure" while he was still 3k away.. I quickly used up 1 third of my shield batts and headed towards my target. He then appeared 2.5k behind my ship and brought down my shields again. I turned around with enough time to watch him hurtle towards me firing what looked like more than half a dozen nomad weapons.

Oh well.. PvP is lame tell the cheating is patched.

This game is like playing MOHAA for the first time after Spearhead was released.


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