Keep some things in mind though. This sort of customization is impossible via the server. PK is either on, or off all over. The resulting self policing in the area must be done manually!
Got any policemen /informant wannabees?. We're recruiting good men and women to serve a commission on the Elite server "keep Liberty safe" campaign. Rewards include an ample supply of the best of the best weapons / trade secrets of the universe / a map of all jump holes / a list of all commodities prices all over the galaxy / unlimited supply of credits and the direct ear of the server admins!!
(I'm just kidding but this sounded aweful cool to me)
Also, this sort of thing would only be enforced on servers controlled by admins who support this sort of venture. Othere servers may not be so kind or willing to support this initiative.
But it looks like the Elite server will be one of the largest out there so we can adopt any sort of build in "culture" or unwritten rule we want within the big boy.