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the ultimate cloaking device (and legit on all servers too!)

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Post Fri Aug 08, 2003 10:13 pm

at a certain point in the game lvls no longer mean anything.

example, lvl 40 v lvl 60, the only diffrence lies in the amount of money, both parties have access to the same equipment and both have enough money to buy anything in the game, the only diffrence is the amount of money each player has, in a spontaneus (sp?) battle it doesnt matter how much more money the other guy has because that factor doesnt come into play during a fight, just because some one is a hight lvl then you doesnt mean that their ship is faster or thier weapons are stonger even if you have the same ship and weapons, lvl is only a refelction of how much money you have.

also i belive tolling is an integral part of the role playing expirience this game provides, if you dont want to get taxed dont go to areas that have people or clans knows for tolling, in FL there are about 3 diffrent ways to get to where you want to go and if you must enter an area in which you can be taxed you can hide and use jumphole and other covert stuff, not just hit F1 the moment you are attacked.

Post Fri Aug 08, 2003 10:51 pm

Regulator, I'm not talking about agree PK... that would be silly to begin with. I'm talking about slapping around n00b's and dock camping. I agree with you that PK is part of the game and role playing and all in good fun - especially if someone is being a ****. It's the PK'ing of the low level guy who is trying to get started that is the problem. How can he ever get going if he is constantly pk'd?

Carl, I agree tolling is part of the game and good fun all around. However, when you sit there at level 30+ in a titan or eagle and toll the lvl2 rhino with his first load of engine parts... THAT'S WEAK. I agree with you that anyone over level 20 better be able to take care of themselves at all times. n00bs (like me) under lvl10 deserve a chance to get started, unless we are mouthing off, cheating, or otherwise being n00bidiots.

Life is a sexually transmitted disease.

Post Fri Aug 08, 2003 11:08 pm

"Everyone has a reason for hunting others, considering it "no reason" is quite relative "

I'm not too sure about this, even though i'd like to think it true. Once i was with my friend and we were starting a new name on some random server (Can't remember the name, this was a while back), and we were in Patriots. Two members from a clan (Can't remember their name either but that isn't the point of this post) were in Barracuda's and started firing at us. Luckily we got away onto Manhattan in time but their intentions were clear as they started jibing and calling us cowards. Meh personally i don't mind, just saying that we didn't say anything or do anything in chat to make them want to PK us. =)
Proud member of the Jade Falcons

Alizao! I shall avenge you. Bretonians must die!

Edited by - DeaconCrude on 09-08-2003 00:08:30

Edited by - DeaconCrude on 09-08-2003 00:09:18

Post Sat Aug 09, 2003 1:03 am

it's called running away and it's not nearlly as disgusting and disgraceful and not to mention downright idiotic as the F1 cheat

It is disgraceful to run from a duel, when you're in defense of you honor. It is not a disgrace to pull loot away from the hands of someone who believes he has the right to kill you because he's got more money and hence bigger guns, and to deny him the opportunity to sell the contents of your hold for even more money. It is not a disgrace to steal a kill from under the nose of a pilot who sees a human-controlled ship merely as a chance to hone his targetting skills. It is not a disgrace to deny pkers the chance to pretend to be pirates in order to make the game more interesting. It is a one-sided interest at most.

Post Sat Aug 09, 2003 8:08 am

why would anyone run from a duel? if you are dueling you're not supposed to have any cargo or loose weapons. secondly it's not just frieghters and n00bs who are doing the F1 cheat, it's high lvl people in powerfull combat vessels who are doing it now to either get out of deing and regenrate their shields at will, do you know how long it takes to knock out lvl 10 shields with a drake? only to have the guy f1 back into the game thus wasteing all that time you spent trying to take his shields out, this is complete BS and nothing you say can justifie it.


it may not be a disgrace to deny people you're cargo and all that other stuff you said, but it is a disgrace to deny them any thing useing the F1 cheat.

Edited by - Carlsoneo on 09-08-2003 09:10:48

Post Sat Aug 09, 2003 10:10 am

Try being honorable! I hate dying as much as the next guy but I'll do it with honor. To cheat by cloaking is to fight without honor.

There is no honor in killing the weak-Klingon Proverb

Post Sat Aug 09, 2003 11:09 am

RE - Hittin' the F1 button.

This is a stupid idea, to log out and back in during altercation with other players of the game. If you don't like PK, step off the mat and go to a non-PK server. Very simple. Fight the AI only, and make lots of money. Live life in the trade-lanes. See ya.
I don't agree with dock-rape. I don't agree with killing total newbs. But I have faced the situations mentioned here before, carrying a load of cargo, or being attacked, plenty of times. I have lived and died in my FL alternate reality - if you're gonna make a sandwich, why don't you dock somewhere first? Otherwise you're just half-stepping. It is useful to park your ship in space at times, but lame to do so when interacting with others. Try getting even instead. Maybe you'll become more skiled.

Clan Leader
The Fringe Raiders.

Post Sat Aug 09, 2003 2:47 pm

I was in a Humpy, with two PKers camping the gate out of Manchester. They had Eagles. I evaded and dodged, eventually getting to the gate. I would have escaped alive had those damn trains not been there. Point is, I nearly escaped, in a Humpback. Of all things... I didn't need F1.

So if you're going to come here and tell people they can use F1 to escape death, remember this: I'm watching... and I'll be sure to hand your ass to you should you pull this on anyone I know.

Post Sun Aug 10, 2003 7:33 am

anyone still using the F1 technique after level 20 needs smacked...hard. and running from another player of the same level, or a lower level is not even cowardly...i think i would go so far as to say that person is "french" (no offence to any brave frenchmen, if there are such people in this day and age).

flak, im really not impressed that you know how to dock with trade lanes without stopping. not just any newb can do that, but it's not a big deal, seriously. try getting away from two eagles while your in a starflyer, or even something like a clydsdale, and then mabye ill be impressed.

but the fact is, besides cheaters, and our brilliant friend flak the ultimate escape artist, i dont think there are many people that can get away from a sabre while flying a rhino. maybe if they are VERY lucky, and absolutly everything works out, and the other player isnt too bright, then they might stand a chance...but not im doubtful. in this case you have two options: press F1, or die.

a low level player can't just run froma a pk, someone who has been planning this will have disrupted the closest trade lane, and he will have hornets, cannonballs/firestalkers, and a couple class 10s. if you engage cruise, he hits you with 5-10 hornets (in case some miss and you have countermeasures), if you try to use afterburners, he will keep pace with his adv thrusters while firing missles, and if you try to dock he will gun you down. theres nothing you can do to win, and if all your cash is in your cargo hold (which happens a lot at the low levels), you usually have to start a character. wasnt that just thrilling .

Edited by - admiral_tolwyn on 10-08-2003 08:35:49

Post Sun Aug 10, 2003 7:45 am

"PK should always be meaningless if both parties don't consent to it, as in a duel or something. It's like rape."

Oh please.. if you really think this.. consider this point.. why the hell would someone join a PK server in teh first place if they didn't consent to being pk'd. if they join a PK server. they IMMEDIATELY concent to being killed by other players.. thus it's not like rape at all.. if you dont want to be killed by other players.. go join a care bear server.. you can have the same enjoyment wihtout the risk of being killed by other players


Post Sun Aug 10, 2003 4:07 pm

It wasn't a trade lane, it was a Jump Gate. Meaning I could still be blasted to bits on the way out. Plus, these guys had nomads, tizonas, cannonballs, and wasps. The chances of me getting away were pretty low, and yet I nearly pulled it off. I'm not the ultimate escape artist. Infact, if I could do it, anyone can. Trust me. The humpback is a horrible ship (drom is better) and my piloting skills could have used a lot of work at the time.

Blasting noobs is a pretty evil thing to do (I don't, unless they go and piss me off) but they did join a PK server, and they're going to have to put up with the people who don't share my view. Using F1 is just lame, no matter what level you are.

Edited by - FlakAttack on 10-08-2003 17:11:34

Post Sun Aug 10, 2003 9:45 pm

@Johnny: Yes, I've considered that a long time ago when I joined Elite, thanks much. But I also reasoned that few people on Elite would pk out of spite, being one of the more honorable servers, and found that I was more or less right.
You have your views and I have mine. I cannot fault you for that. This is not an attack; understand that I respect your willingness to defend those beliefs.

Post Mon Aug 11, 2003 5:17 pm

from Tolwyn:

a low level player can't just run froma a pk, someone who has been planning this will have disrupted the closest trade lane, and he will have hornets, cannonballs/firestalkers, and a couple class 10s. if you engage cruise, he hits you with 5-10 hornets (in case some miss and you have countermeasures), if you try to use afterburners, he will keep pace with his adv thrusters while firing missles, and if you try to dock he will gun you down. theres nothing you can do to win, and if all your cash is in your cargo hold (which happens a lot at the low levels), you usually have to start a character. wasnt that just thrilling .

This is the key to the problem. This is ONLY hard on starting players and PKing is basically meaningless to ALL others. I guess this is why all of these idiots get their rocks off parking on Manhatten and taking out noobs as they leave out with all their cash in their holds.

Killing is My Business....And Business is Good....

Post Mon Aug 11, 2003 7:50 pm

If I ran a server, I would ban people that use the F1 cheat. The F1 menu is for logging in and out and not for mid-fight regenerating or disappearing. Freighters under level 5 would get away with it, but no fighters (any level) or freighters (level 5+). F1 is not part of the game-play. It is there to help facilitate the use of the game.

I don't see noob killing as a problem. If a noob is being persistantly picked on, then that is a problem. An extreme case is if a noob loses all his money in cargo. That is stinky, but he can sell some nanos or like you said, start a new character to get another 2,000 credits. Even this extreme case is not a big deal(but still stinky). You are only a noob for a short period. It is really that terrible if you run out of money a couple of times. If someone is pking you too much, then try asking other players for help. Probably 99% of the time, you will get someone that will releave you of the pest.

This anti-Pking attitude that I see from a lot of people is irritating to me. I'm not talking about you guys in particular, but there are tons of people that believe that consensual dueling is the only honorable/acceptible form of PvP. And so many get pissed off if someone tries to charge them taxes. If the activity a person is doing is part of the game, then deal with it by playing the game. I feel like charging tolls and stuff now just to piss people like that off. I respect those people, I just strongly disagree with their methods of combating any kind of role-playing that utilizes non-consensual PvP, such as taxing.

Keep it reasonable and when someone is Pking you or playing the game in a way that you don't like, then use the game and help from other players to punish them.

I am going to add "Keep It Reasonable" to my signature, since I talk about it so much. LOL

USB/GOV Website
Keep It Reasonable!!!

Post Mon Aug 11, 2003 8:15 pm

Regulator, why not just refuse to fight people who do it? You dont need rules against this, you simply need common sense. If your dueling opponent does this to you, run off, and give no explanation. This tactic's very useful for n00bs in Starfliers or other weak ships if they need to run from a n00b killer, even more so for people being hunted by someone out for revenge. Whoever said you had to make it easier for your annoying aggressor? Besides, I thought the topic here was to use it constructively to escape destruction in situations OTHER than dueling. If they do use it in dueling...refuse to duel them. Period. Eventually they'll get bored because everyone refuses to duel them, and they will stop being cowards and fight to the death. They'll only continue to do it as long as you let that tactic work on you, and waiting for them to reappear is exactly what they want --- and expect --- you to do.

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