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Jolt UK Freelancer

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Sun Sep 14, 2003 2:59 pm

Considering the fact that the server is almost always full when i want to join i'd say it's pretty popular.

/me still trying to logon to the jolt server

Post Sun Sep 14, 2003 3:49 pm

jesus chirst..the gaddamn lag on that server is unbeliveble..any 1 else expriencing it?

Post Sun Sep 14, 2003 4:13 pm

What server has the lag?

The Uk one on the other side of the world to me ?

Or the other one that is much closer ??

lol i swear, none of you guys know how to let anything go and have a good time, the servers are up for us to use, people donate time and sometimes money to run them for us, they can run them anyway they like, you don't like it, move on, why flame admins doing a job for their community.

Myself i think anyone going on about a server that banned them a week ago saying they don't a rats ass about it is nothing more then a lier, I take it someone was hurt and is not able to seperate the game from real dont always get your way, lets move on...

TLR forums is not where the game is played, Elite as good as it is, is not the centre of Freelancer, other servers out there offer different playing envoirments for others,

I hope you all find yours, but if on your jounry to find it, you stumble and fall, don't yell at the admin or the people of that server becasue they do not share your views of what a good server is, keep an opened mind and remember the world does not revolve around you.

Try and enjoy your Freelancer experience while it is here.



Edited by - FooGoo on 14-09-2003 17:40:46

Post Sun Sep 14, 2003 5:12 pm

"Myself i think anyone going on about a server that banned them a week ago saying they don't a rats ass about it is nothing more then a lier"

Well i find offensive being called a "lier", but okay everyones entitled to an opinion, take this "liar" advice and go to jolt, give some negative feedback on the jolt forums, you'll might get surprised to the outcome, oh, when youre banned remember to ask them "why?" you'll might even get more surpised

When im ill treated this way (and it seems im not the only one if you check the other posts on the thread) i wont let go untill they bleed, sorry, some folks can have passive attitudes, i wont stand to lack of respect on such way, may i remind you this is a public forum, everything related with FL is discussed here, i also find offensive that some folks think they can get to a thread and order or sugest everyone to stop discussing a certain topic inconvenient to them, this is a single thread on a forum, if you dont like it just keep away from it, plain and simple, if were doing something wrong then its up to the moderator to apply sanctions on the thread not you

Edited by - cams on 14-09-2003 18:15:22

Edited by - cams on 14-09-2003 18:29:05

Post Sun Sep 14, 2003 5:39 pm

"When im ill treated this way i wont let go untill they bleed, sorry, some folks can have passive attitudes, i wont stand to lack of respect on such way, may i remind you this is a public forum, everything related with FL is discussed here, i also find offensive that some folks think they can get to a thread and order or sugest everyone to stop discussing a certain topic inconvenient to them, this is a single thread on a forum, if you dont like it just keep away from it, plain and simple, if were doing something wrong then its up to the moderator to apply sanctions on the thread not you "

lol, I think you are missing my point, it is not about stoping this because i agree or dissagree with it, I like to read a good flame here and there, I like Kaoz on forums, drama, the whole bit at times.

This is about me reading this and it not going anywhere, trying to suggest to some that perharp this is a no win sittuation and maybe just move on.

Personally it does not matter to me if you sit here refreshing the page to counter or read a post made in this thread, its your time, do as you wish with it.
I was only trying to offer a suggestion

Good luck on your crusade.

Post Sun Sep 14, 2003 6:13 pm

"trying to suggest to some that perharp this is a no win sittuation and maybe just move on." but there is nothing to win or loose here, if it was a matter of having my ban removed i could stay here forever holding my breath, no this isnt about a ban (its very easy to create a new ID in 1 minute and circunvent the ban anyway) its about the principle of the thing, its about doing the right thing, and protesting whenever someone does the wrong thing, i have a life out there, i see this forums twice a day prolly, i dont care if i dont reach the entire FL comunity with my message, if i reach one person i feel happy, the jolt folks screwed up, now they must learn there is a consequence for every act, and messups never go unnoticed, and thats why me and some more folks are here for

Edited by - cams on 14-09-2003 19:15:18

Post Sun Sep 14, 2003 11:16 pm

OMG FooGoo, why did you do that for?

Why did you have to bring back reason and calm to this tread. Things were starting to heat up again, we were getting the big generalizations going like; all clopsians are no good noobs and carebear lovers that can't fight and something like all PK clan members are evil cowards that only act tough when in a pack. Personal insults were about to become crunchy. Dirt was going to be flung. My father can beat your father up. Your bicycle sucks, mine is the best. I went to school longer, so I'm smarter. I make more money than you, so I'm better. I hang around the cool kids, so I'm cooler etc etc etc.

But since we're being reasonable now, here is what I can tell from this tread:

Considering the inclinations of the accusers, I would suspect that aggressive playing and/or comments are not welcomed on Jolt. This is viewed as bias and negative censorship by some.

Considering the inclinations of the defenders, I would suspect that harmonious and polite playing and/or comments are welcomed on Jolt. This is viewed as dedicated admins protecting the innocents by others.

That did not prevent everybody from acting like a bunch of middle school kids. That's not a bad thing either BTW. I act like a kid as often as possible.

Anyway, the touchier thing is that apparently one of the admin of Jolt might be bias and power hungry. The same behavior could be perceived as a good admin looking after the regular crowd. Depends on the point of view. I think I'll find out for myself.

P. T. Barnum said it best: "Every crowd has a silver lining."

Then again George W. Bush said: "I know that the human being and the fish can coexist."

I Broke the side handle...

Lazy Boy
I'm not a complete idiot!
I'm missing parts...

Edited by - Lazy_Boy on 15-09-2003 00:23:11

Post Mon Sep 15, 2003 2:55 am

But Ma we wuz having fun!!! ah nutz ...

I recommend that people go to Jolt or come Browclopsia and give these places a try, if you don't like what you find, fair enough, but if you make some effort to fit in you may find you actually like the place, just remember that these places have an established player base and the servers are already the way the players want them to be, so if you come storming in like a fricken Nazi, don't expect a warm welcome.
That has nothing to with biased or corrupt admins or any other B.S. excuse, it's entirely up to you, how you act will determine how you are treated, act like a je.rk and you'll be treated like one, that's not hard to grasp is it?... Enough said.

Post Mon Sep 15, 2003 3:11 am

Yeah dont do like us (the nazis) that got into the server to be insulted by everyone untill our patience was exausted (i tried to reason with them for a week lol maybe you can resist a bit more), when youre to the point you want to shoot em, you declare war, the entire server unites, they get owned and the admin bans you

Post Mon Sep 15, 2003 4:19 am

Actually to explain it right,

you decided we needed a war, then you would not come out of the base at omega-11, the sides were far at that time, we have people that were decient fighters...but you coward....the server crashes...

Later on, you get owned 6 times in a row by NAV, you then call on your NEO buddies because you or your clan could not back yourself up.

Now at this time it is 1 est am like sundaynight/monday morning , no one was really on, you guys then get into a ffa with players on the server yes, the only real pvp person on the server at that time was nav...

It is a shame you seem to think you "owned" the server, you yourself owned nothing but a respawning pad, you could not back your own word up with yourself or your clan and have to call in others to help you do a job you could not do.

Your shoes were a bit to big for you, you can run around here saying anything you like, fact remains, you owned nothing on that server.

Thank you and have a good night.

Post Mon Sep 15, 2003 4:49 am

Don't play the victim, you were an obnoxious pr!ck from the minute you showed up on the server, doing the same bull your doing here right now, you made no effort to fit in, you flamed the forums and harassed people on the server, and when you couldn't have it your way, you went kiss a$$ed to get NEO to come fight your battles for you, you didn't own the whole server, the server was virtually deserted when you launched your assault, and our best fighters weren't on at the time since a major tournament had just ended and almost everyone had already left, we have PKers in our numbers that make you look like a Sunday school teacher.
You personally probably couldn't own your way out of a paper bag, stop trying to hang your star on NEO's accomplishments, if there was any glory to be had, it was their's, not your's, and probably the only reason why NEO came was because Elite was down and they were bored.
It's my understanding that NEO is not banned on Browclopsia just you and your followers, so that says a lot right there.
We have no problem with pkers so long as their cool about it, NEO are cool about what they do, they don't gloat when they win and they don't flame everyone when they lose.
You are nothing but a NEO wannabe and a poor sport, It's not fun having anything to do with you, that's not because of what you do, it's because of how you do it.
This is just a fricken game, but you turn everything into a personal assault. Admins have 2 choices when dealing with people like you, stop running the game, or get rid of the person who's taking the fun out of it!!

Post Mon Sep 15, 2003 5:36 am

I owned everyone on that server, there was only 1 NEO, neo despises browclopsia btw, and your admin didnt banned them because they are the nº1 clan on elite and that well, would cause a pretty huge incident, anyway the NEO official stance of your petty server is "lame, with a lazy and incompetent admin behind" need i to really quote tasiin?

Youre a band of lammers and rejects, proof of that is that you are stuck on that lame server under the admin skirts, as i said and i keep this, people from that hellhole named browclops arent just credible

PS-i never flamed you idiots on any forums, oh yeah after being harrassed, insulted and banned sure i flamed you boys, all that hatred i see from your flame posts (yeah thats another thing, i never flame, but your band of "mature" idiots does that in every post) comes from my victory there, everyone knows that, and the only ones denying and lying like hell about it is "browclops scum", take it like a man!

"NEO wannabe" - i was neo cleaver for quite some time you know, and i left and created owl and neo respects me and my clan, a thing they really dont do with morons like your kind

Neo wasnt on browclops out of boredom, AE pissed them off with their disrespectfull attitude (tks to lammer justimian) and they decided to give us a hand to crush AE and major lammers there

"You personally probably couldn't own your way out of a paper bag, stop trying to hang your star on NEO's accomplishments" - You clearly dont know what youre talking about, i invaded and took over 24/7 UK, 24/7 Seattle, Almost did the same with browclops and jolt, (the two first servers i did it alone, no neo help the other two, admins mass banned us and prevented domination), youre nothing more then a whining insect, and ill forgive your disrespectfull comments once as ignorance is something common on the idiot class human you are doc

Edited by - cams on 15-09-2003 06:49:51

Post Mon Sep 15, 2003 6:24 am

Who is everyone?, people stupid enough to listen to your dribble?, I don't give a
sh!t what you think, I' m interested that other's see the truth of this and don't misjudge our servers based on your warped perspective.
By your own words you damn yourself, "I Invaded and took over", finally we see a glimpse of the truth.
Keep hanging on NEO's coat tails, you didn't leave NEO, you were thrown out for treason, Owl was originally an Anti-NEO clan, why NEO bothers with you now I don't know, maybe someday they'll wise up and scrape you off.
Nobody is stuck on browclopsia, which just further illuminates your ignorance, we play on a lot of servers, both modded and unmodded, including Elite, which is yet another server from which you've been banned. You can say whatever you like, has anyone spoken up in your defense? No? Why is that I wonder?

The truth is there for everyone to see regardless of what comes out of your pie hole. People only have to search these forums to see what your all about.

Post Mon Sep 15, 2003 6:44 am

I think there's too much flame in this thread to be considered "good-natured in-character roleplay".

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