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Jolt UK Freelancer

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 9:41 pm

We have to cater for all player abilitys on jolt basicly because if we had a pro only it would be fairly empty.
Also jolt is a GSP and the whole point of a public server is to showcase how good the servers are so people will rent them.
so new players and advanced are welcome at jolt.

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 1:03 am

Jolts still there and still kicking
pop along and have a blast

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 1:29 am

[OWLcleaver here, go to hell!

Jolt is a server where admins are clan members and ban everyone posing a threat to their little lame clans, akasha specially is a potty mouth admins that harrasses players with "YOU ARE TAKING OVER MY SERVER OVER MY DEAD BODY!!!!!",(yeah she usually speaks of jolt as her own server, she owns it) and of course the ocasional **** YOU!!!!"

Jolt has a very bad reputation, and lame admins like akasha help a lot on that

Oh, btw if any of you is planning to play on jolt, never say UK sucks on system, thats insta ban, altough its not on the server rules they ban anyway without warning, words like "b-i-t-c-h" also get you banned with no warning, the little admin friends can use terms like "eat a dick" freely tough, if the admin doesnt like you expect them to smurf on a clan anonimous nick (that way you dont know its an admin) and sneak on you trying to provoke grounds for a ban (they can dockrape you with their suckup friends or they can flame you to get you to flame them and ban)

Got news for you akasha UK SUCKS YOU B-I-T-C-H

*Drops a hazard buoy on jolt space, message - dont get near it, can be dreadfull - lamest server... evar*

Edited by - cams on 11-09-2003 02:57:48

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 5:02 am

Ok well not to go to the extent cams went to..i will say there is a very very big problem with the admins on jolt....the server its self is ok nothing great like there trying to make it seem. If u don't live in europe u will prolly get a ping of 150-200, but the admins abuse power like no tommorow...for instance here is something that pissed me off to the x treme.I was playing on jolt and started chating with a char called [hunterminx or minxer or something along those lines...anyway we got friendly, and chated for quite a while.She then told me she was an admin and her other name was ashaka, i thought this to be kinda odd cause she would engage in battles with other factions and almost look to provoke anyone not with a [hunter in front of there name i thought this was weird behaviour for an admin but im thinking whatever ill get in good with this chick and and have an admin in my pocket.

So for the next few days we got to know each other more and more and this isnt meant as a flame but she got on my last neve just annoyed the hell out of me...she is just plain and simple to much of a dork/nerd for me, remeber this is in my opnion only.So then she asked me if she could have my msn name buy this time ive had enough of her, got to the point i din't even wanna play on that server anyomore just so i wouldnt have to talk to her but i like to think of myself as a gentelman so i poliety declined to give her my msn name nothing rude about it at all.Next few hours i kinda ignored her by the time i stoped playing i wasnt responding her at all.

The next day i come on and she asked me why i was ignoreing her i said very politely im busy ill talk to u some other time.At that point she finally got the hint called me a few obsneiteys which i won't say here out of respect for this board and 2 min later im BANNED...what do u know.I did absolutey nothing wrong at all not 1 thing but ashaka banned me now if that isnt total admin abuse of power then nothing is.This is a warning THE ADMINS AT JOLT UK SERVER ARE POWER FREAKS(at least ashaka is)....and how pityfull is it to bann someone just casue they din't want to talk to you anymore....thats sad on so many lvls and reflects on how ridicliously stupid jolt must be to choose her as an fingers hurt....but the truth shall set you free...and my story had to be told.


Edited by - Mark the Shark on 11-09-2003 06:20:28

Edited by - Mark the Shark on 11-09-2003 06:25:23

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 5:47 am


that is just messed up. i guess i need to get me a screen shot proggie or use FRAPS to document all my conversations i have. Cos any server Admins spy on ppl on and encite ppl to get banned is disgusting! Hell maybe i can just get myself banned if kill enuff players... or.. oh know! I prolly just got banned for this post!

i haven't seen anything this bad since Matt fell off the face of the earth after opening from alpha centarui 2 !!!!!!!!

that is TOTALLY wack

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 6:24 am

Jolt is clearly a server to avoid. Too bad there are no other servers as good as Elite, especially since it's going to be down for a week, now.

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 12:57 pm

Another bunch of lies made up by [OWL because we would not stand for there crap on our server.
And that msn rubbish its a total bunch of lies made up to try and make us look bad.
truth is [OWL are bitter about being banned .. get over it.

Jolt is a large UK GSP and we have rules to stick to and rubbish like that does not happen otherwise we would be all sacked rather quickly.

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 1:02 pm

Considdering neo and owl clans got banned there a few hours after they arrived , yeah i'd say you avoid the place

Was fun to watch though

Time is too short to hate everybody , just hate a few

Edited by - Corwin02 on 11-09-2003 14:15:12

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 1:23 pm

NEO arn't banned only OWL who desided to flame our boards with imature posts and spat there dummys out.

basicly anything they say should be taken with a pinch of salt

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 3:12 pm

Nope i dont even know the guy, the other is a NEO,and corwin heh hes a firm neo hater wouldt lie for us even if hell froze over, the fact is, im sorry akasha your server has the reputation it deserves, bitterness? only of loosing a few days on the server to find out the server isnt up to my clan standarts, flame war? you started it baby, when an admin flames someone from my clan and resorts to lies to make them morally more deserving of a ban, i kinda loose respect for that admin and say "to hell with it, feel free to flame em too were leaving this hellhole so we have nothing to loose" you also banned notecs, and banning ppl for suspissions of being owls.. that was class A lameness (they werent owl anyway but tks for messing up)

You mass banned us after i announced on my forums that we were leaving, so i think you maybe a little frustrated or something, notecs were banned too, neo wasnt because there was no neo around, the truth is, your server isnt up to a good gaming experience, your server is lame, i dont care about your server, but i dont mind showing everyone what you do there akasha if you see on the replies several ppl on the FL comunity dont like you, i feel flatered for you implying this all is owl propaganda but i think you overestimate us and underestimate your actions as an admin , btw TLR is not jolt, so please dont flame here otherwize your thread will be locked

On a side note, new servers comming around like this one here ... er&M=False

Are starting to exploit the general lameness impering on jolt class servers and using it to get more popular themselves, check this rule out

"PvP is allowed and encouraged, there will be no "mass bannings" for clan-related PvP incidents"

Edited by - cams on 11-09-2003 16:22:32

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 7:56 pm

I have not personally visited UK, though I have heard some pretty bad stories about it, and not just on these threads. Sorry Corwin, we weren't banned.

Also, I do believe that Proxima adopted the anti mass bannings policy specifically because of the events on Jolt. Sounds like a much better server to me, and possibly worth looking into when Elite goes down.

Edited by - Tasiin on 11-09-2003 21:02:13

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 8:04 pm

What cams said is true i don't even know him have never met him before...just seen some of his "colorfull" post here on TLR.Fact is im not In the clan called OWl or in any clan for that matter...ashaka deney it all you like my intent here was not to flame but to inform and let the people decided for themselves if u paint an untrue picture of how ur server is ran then i feel it's my responsibilty to prove that ur statements were/are untrue.You know what happened and i know what happened, deney it all you like the fact still remains that it DID happen and that u DO abuse your admin privilages.The fact that you would even lie about it happeneing just proves that you are still bitter about the whole situation...and that you are a liar, and a liar and a bitter decentfull person does not make a good admin by any standards.I request that you do the honorable thing and relinquish your admin privliages we both know that you are not fit to be an admin and it seems by these post from other people here that they feel the same way.


Edited by - Mark the Shark on 11-09-2003 21:05:23

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 8:34 pm

jolt is the only server I've properly played on (usually stick to SP)...and I think its great! the only problem I have with it is that I can never get on when I want to because the quota is always full!

before people quosh the admin they should respect the fact that these people give up their time to run the server for you to enjoy playing on....don't you think?

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 8:46 pm

if your into pvp i would advise you to not go get way to much whiners who complain to the adim "and they belive every crap that spews out of these lamers"...and then in turn you player under the fear of being BANNED...

Post Thu Sep 11, 2003 8:49 pm

And i think we players that give the server popularity and credibility (remember, jolt is a comercial server belonging to a big company that deals with ISP business) and profit do not deserve to be poorly treated this way, im speaking for my clan only, we respected the admin board on that server, even helped them in some situations regarding handling with cheaters (we helped get a large group of them banned, they were lagging the server like hell) and in return got flaming, threats (yeah they are clan members and as so flamed us like hell), heh my clan was even flamed on their forums (the "YOURE TAKING OVER THE SERVER OVER MY DEAD BODY!!!!!! IM SEYING EVERYONE OF YOU GET BANNED!!!!" famous post, made by akasha), i tried to reason with akasha, quoting parts of the convo we had on FL "me: what did i do to you to get threats? - akasha : SHUT YOUR GOB!!!!!!!! **** YOU !!!!!!! - me : again, why are we being threatened? - akasha : YOU ARE DISRUPTING OTHER PLAYERS!!!!!!! SHUT THE **** UP!!!!!! - me: ok, name me one single nick we abused, heck were the ones being flamed, disrupted, harrassed, mobed around, being banned over lies - Akasha : SHUT UP AND GO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!! DONT PISS ME OFF!!!!!!!"

Do players deserve to be mistreaten like this? no

Does the admin team do a better job defending personal interests on a server like using their influence to protect the clans they are afiliated to? no, the admin should have a neutral part regarding gaming and focus only on the managing/maintenance of the server

Are this messups their responsibility? yes, and it reflects later on the server reputation, sure the admin is free to make whatever he wants on his server (do note that akasha doesnt own the server, she is employed by the jolt ISP company and one of her job adresses administration of the FL server on jolt); if the admin does a good job the server people talk positively of it, if the admin messes up (the case here) people speak bad of it, its called freedom of expression, since jolt is offering a public service, every user has the right to express its opinion, or in this case its protest

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