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Squad wars on ELite

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 12:55 am

Squad wars on ELite

Here is a suggestion, to make the game more interesting, we should designate bases for each clan, also zones of control. Right now, for example, most of the Woflpack starts out on Omicron Theta Freeport 9. We consider this our base, along with the SE (Schatten Engel). We could introduce our clan having some zone of control, say starting with fp9. If we want to expand into another clan's area we could fight a squad-war for the control of this area. Something like a 5v5 match should be sufficient, when a TRL referee counts how many deaths there were from each side. The winning side obviously gets control. What do they do with this control? They can decide who does and doesn't go in to their sector. This means that if there are some commodities on a base, like eagle ships on fp9, they control it. If violators are noticed, they'd be put onto a 'wanted' list by the TRL, and people would make their life miserable all over the system. To make it worth their while, some reward could be involved. Obviously then this base would have high strategic value, and other clans would like to overthrow the dominance of a single clan by forging an alliance.

Anyhow, now I was getting into the specifics of this idea. Thats not what I neccisarily want to be doing, because you might reject my idea based on all that crap i typed at the latter stages. What I'm saying is think about making the game more interesting, by expanding the role of clans. If specifics can't be worked out, then we could simply set up monthly squadwars to find the champion of TRL (or monthly singles tournaments for that matter). Think about the clan idea, and instead of simply rejecting it, give suggestions on how to make it better.


Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 1:41 am

this definatly wouldn't work at all, you are suggesting that we give the base with the Eagles in it to SE or WP, are you nuts! it would result in a major abuse of power, you might to this on your own server but Stinger would definitly not allow it on Elite, it would make being a non clan player virtually impossible, but i think this idea might have a basis for a capture the flag type mod, but it wouldn't work in a normal server at all

Peace through superior firepower.

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 6:26 am

This sounds a whole lot like the Base Wars mp game in Tachyon: The Fringe. How about instead of giving clans the bases that house the VHF's you give the clan a base in each sector (but have the Border Worlds be an area where a clan can put a base for Omikron Theta, Gamma, and Alpha esp. since these areas technically belong to the Zoners, Corsairs, and Outcasts respectively). And I do like the idea of a capture the flag type of gameplay (if would definitely give higher lvl players something else to do other than terrorize players who don't care to power-play through MP). There's my two cents. Cheers.

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 1:04 pm

I would just like to say that AFT hang out at Ruiz Base in Omicron Beta but i dont say we own it... its just our home..

I like the idea of giving the clans bases but thats should be input totally new bases for just the clans and that the bases have their designment etc..
and each clan can just have ONE base... otherwise the universe would be overflowed with bases... and then you can download a "Elite Server Mod" to play there... isnt that something?

Have A Burger At Milliways..
.. And Start Watch The Universe Fall.. - Hichickers Guide To The Galaxy.. (I HAVE NOT READ IT, LOL)
My Homepage
AFT homepage

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 4:30 pm

hey , m8, where's the problem?

well, fine idea to give bases to evry clan in Fl, but i see no problem..
Of course, no clan should claim a base or planet of the original game, just to give same chances to all, but, imo, if u give locations, it can only b done by modding...
A new base or planet or even systems can be inserted elsewhere in the game and, pls remember, there are 2 systems called "unknown" in the game..

Lol, would be funny to have ur base in one of those systems... cause the Nomads attack all and evryone....


Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 10:32 pm

Actually, I will design an occupation mod just for clanners if someone will do the programming involved. Such a mod would not be difficult, it would involve only the additions of a few custom Icons and user tags in the game and then only to indicate who is occupying a givin political territory. The worse part would be how to handle an attempted takeover when the opposition is not on the server.

However, I would love to see Zoids CTF or something in the way of a class based competitve mod done for Freelancer.

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 10:53 pm

How could the game work out if you where in a clan or not. Insted the bases should just cost LOADS which only a clan could afford ( or some mad trader). You could buy better and worst wepon systems for the base and it could be destroyed. You could have the choice of what the base sold like which ship but not the choice of the price.

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 3:42 am

I agree that for a mod where bases are bought, each base's price should be high enough so that it's not out of reach, but needs the whole clan to chip in and donate some credits towards buying it. Thing is, judging from some people's stories, it seems fairly easy to rack up a million credits if you know how, so maybe that should be taken into consideration too.

/707th/ Zaccix
Member of the 707th Silver Dragons.

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 5:28 am

great ideas guys. Obviously that would stimulate economic warfare, and make the game more interesting. I think someone should design such a mod where bases can be bought. We also need to protect the rights of non-clan people. Would they still be allowed to buy stuff at these bases? The perfect mod would make clans equal to organizations like zoners or corsairs. The clans themselves could set reputations for other pilots and/or groups.

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 8:10 am

To protect the rights of players you could have a merc clan/guild. That way, if you are going to be flying through somebody else's territory you at least have an escort/guide. Or you could have "hostile" clans/guilds monitor jump gates/holes and charge a little toll for use of their space or station. Just an idea. this is starting to sound a bit like Realms war in Dark Age of Camelot (take a jump gate into somebody else's territory to steal the flag and try to sneak/bust your way out). Since most high lvl players already have several million credits, you could just make a station cost so high, that no single person could possibly afford it (I'm talking like 15-50 million creds). You could have the price of a base reflect the various munitions sold inside and how often those supplies get restocked (the base model station would have at most a startracker-ish ship and only sport 2-4 lvl guns...whereas the top of the line station would hold a hammerhead or equivalent ship and carry lvl 7-9 guns/launchers). Just a thought. But, definitely make the bases destructible...I mean, that way you REALLY have to watch out for attack wings of eagles/sabres/titans carrying sunslayers and a full load of diamondbacks/cerberus'/nomads. Hehe, "Time to make a strike against x clan...let's go take out their base!" Oooo, just think of all the fun to be had! Cheers.

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 8:22 am

15-50 mil?? Im sure most experienced players could make 1 million an hour. I think bases would have to be about 500 million to be realistic.

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 8:45 am

if i costs that much the base shouldnt be destructable... or wait i got a better idea:

the base costs 100 million credits and the base CAN be destructable but WHEN the server restarts the báse can come back up... its not fun to spend whole days to get a base and then when u finnaly got one someone comes and kills it..
but if it respawnes it would be great.

also for the ships thing you must pay a sum to the base like 10 million for a titan to be sold there etc and 9 million for level 9 ships etc.

and with the guns thing, you must get the guns yourself and sell them to the base and that way there are limited guns and equipment etc.

a password to enter the base should be great too..

another thing is that for every ship or equipment that is sold the base gets all the money but 25% of all the money goes right to the clan bank.

if having you own clan system witch should cost atleast 250 million you can have some payment thing to enter the system. which clan members and their allies dont have to pay..

so would this be to hard to fix?

Have A Burger At Milliways..
.. And Start Watch The Universe Fall.. - Hichickers Guide To The Galaxy.. (I HAVE NOT READ IT, LOL)
My Homepage
AFT homepage

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 2:16 pm

yea this would be fun, but i'm not sure who could take up making such a servermod. As for me, i have very little programming experience.

Also money isn't an issue. Different stations could cost different amounts depending on their strategic importance. But it seems like for the most important stations 1billion wouldn't be a bad price. That would take some work from all the clan members, or a huge loan from another more powerful clans. Anyhow, we could figure out the exact prices later.

So any volunteers on making this?


Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 2:24 pm

bountyhunter: In MP game players are simply given a choice between a number of teams to join. It is up to the players to ensure that clans are kept together.

In an occupation scenareo 2 teams could be based in the outer systems in the farthest corners of the map and each would be either required to dominate a system for a period of time to win it or to destroy a systems defences (AI, base Turrets, ETC...) Under the second situation it would be conceivable for 2 opposing teams to hold portions of a given system, creating a definate battle front. Any AI would automatically align with the occupying force. Due to the persistance of the Freelancer universe, as long a players were on the game would play, possibly lasting for days or weeks before a winner could be declared. (Total domination) For a class base game, Jump gates could be locked off between opposing systems, forcing Jump hole usage or a a ship could be used to "Hack" the gates, thereby allowing access through it for a time.

A CTF game could also be held across the entire map but one could not be allowed to dock while holding a flag. If a flag was lost by a runner it would have to be picked up by the owning team and returned to base.

Player who Trade could be aligned to any team or "neutrals", with free access to any system unhindered by AI. Benefits could be give to teams who owned systems where traders were operating. Trade lane components could be traded to help the "hacker"(read above) do their job, engine parts could be traded to allow engine upgrades. Small arms converted to ship weaponry.

However, Orion is right. Even minor programming is a pain in the butt and when I say something is easy to program, I mean that the changes to the game would not be major (no new graphics, models, ETC.). A difficult job would be to add tons of new media to the game or make major code revisions. A CTF scenareo is considered "easy", it's the most basic of mods after all. The above Occupation game would require extensive rewriting of the script and possibly a hack of the EXE file to work. And I just gave out raw details without fleshing out all of the nuances of such a scenereo running in Freelancer. My role in programming is merely as a designer, an Idea and detail man. I can write the mod, but I cannot program it by any means.

And I would need more than one coder. At least 3 would be required to produce the mod in any decent length of time. And depending on how in depth the mod is, 3D modellers, Skinners, and sound artists may be required to create what would be needed in game.

Edited by - Nog on 16-04-2003 15:42:52

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 6:14 pm

If you could just sell any ship you like it wouldnt be very good you could make your base in manhatten and sell the eagle. Part of the fun is having to fly right back out to Theta to get ya old ship back.

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