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Squad wars on ELite

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Sun Apr 20, 2003 12:13 am

hold on a sec here...
ok so this is my take on this subject

1: clans have to pay an extremely large sum of cash to construct a base anywhere on the map... police and other guys can completely destroy it and no respawns.. so it is the job of the clan to build a better stronger base (w/more funds etc...)

2: to take over a base... all original clan members must be witheld from entering a certain radius for X amount of time, otherwise rival clans have the right to blow it up (no duh)

3: possibly a self destruct thing??

4:if an alliance is made to take over a base / system / area... both clans can dock and the area is considered neutral between the controlling factions and appears hostile to enemy forces and friendly to allied forces...

5: the host clan can set some rules like no shooting within 4k of base... if you do this will happen to ya... (you get the message)

6: If all members of the controlling clan are absent then that base is considered neutral OR under the control of the AI and if the rules aren't followed then the AI comes and busts you

and just as a side note... i really really really don't think this will happen cause there has to be one universal server that can host hundreds of players (to really make this exciting) and a really powerfull comp. to proccess it all. then somehow everyone must register their clan and come online...and since there are SO MANY servers out there... finding it won't be easy.... then there are programming issues stated above.
Phoenix out
PS: thanks for your time

"Mess with the viper, and you'll get it's fangs" Blood Dragons

Post Sun Apr 20, 2003 3:01 am

yeah you are properly right =(
but nice idea about the alliance thing....
if it would be a really hardcore mod, with alot of remaking,
they would be factions, and they WOULD even with an alliance
be hostile to each other, if they blow each other up too much

"Keep it icy, man .. I dont want to end up a corpse before my time, because YOU were daydreaming[!"

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