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Digital Anvil needs to fix multiplayer PK.

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:42 am

I am new to this game as i have only bean playing for some 2 hours now, but i had to add my view on this. i have played many online game, from Ultima Online all the way down to TDZK (Yes CS is in there too).

Pking is both a blessing and a curse of any big online game. there are so many view and so many points that not every body will get what they want but one thing that has bean getting me is that in two hours i've bean killed twice. one of them was with in two min of leaving the station. i am no great fan of PKing but i don't think it should be removed complaetly.

I think personly that the best idea is the stronger police force in the starting sectors. This is one of the two main ways of stoping newbie killing. the other is newbie turns/time were the new player can't be attacked with in that time but can't attack himself.

The life of the Lost Man is a long one....

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 5:52 am

Where are the people that like PvP but don't want to do it every single time the opportunity arises? That's the group I'm in. I won't be able to access ANY PvP if I go to a server that doesn't have it.
um...ok. So basically you want PvP, but only when you're in the mood?

No, I dont think there's any servers that cater to that. Maybe you start your own server with a toggle that adds the words "ok, I'm in the mood for PvP now" at the end of your alias or somthing, heh heh.

You can call me an idiot, say I'm crying, tell me to go to a "care bear" server, or otherwise degrade my views, but they're still valid.
Any view is valid. But if you are in the vast minority (and you are), then you're gonna have problems finding people to play with.

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 6:22 am

All you're doing is taking jabs at people you disagree with. Try being constructive. I know your screen name has "sadistic" in it, but you don't need to be...

I know there are quite a few people that don't feel the need to fight all the time. I hate to be a broken record, but D2 has lots of them, and lots of other Co-op games do too. All this talking has led me to a hypothesis: the only reason some people are so vehemently against putting restrictions on PvP is because there are none at present. That may seem obvious, but it's very telling of how people are acting right now. I mean, since PvP is technically limitless on servers right now, people will just do it for their own enjoyment, even if it's spoiling the fun of the newb holed up in that base you're camping at. The newb may like PvP too, but he isn't getting the chance to build up a ship so that the fun would be MUTUAL. Again: PK, bad; PvP, GOOD, when it's a challenge.

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 7:33 pm

PKers, please go ahead and kill me. But if/when I win, don't quit the server and go crying to your momma.

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 7:55 pm

I know there are quite a few people that don't feel the need to fight all the time.
Yet all the populated servers seem to be be PvP. This in spite of the fact that there are plenty of free non-PvP servers. Why do you think that is?

Sarcasm aside, my point is that you do have a choice. You seem to want some kind of limited PvP. Well, there are servers that do that. The Elite server does that via moderation. Yes, I support DA putting in options for long as it isnt at the cost of somthing else (like stability issues for example).

people will just do it for their own enjoyment, even if it's spoiling the fun of the newb holed up in that base you're camping at.
Very few people will risk being banned just to beat up on newbies in Liberty space.

PKers, please go ahead and kill me. But if/when I win, don't quit the server and go crying to your momma.
I've never heard of a PKer complaining about being PK'ed. I'm sure they exist, but I've never seen one myself...

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 11:01 pm

Speaking of server lists, that needs to be tuned up too. There's no way to limit the number of servers on the list really, since even with a ping of filter of 200 the list is still gigantic for some reason. And you can't stop the refresh, which is annoying because anything you click on just disappears above or below the screen as you as you click. A "stop refresh" function, more filters, and filter settings that SAVE when you quit the game...that would be appreciated.

Edited by - aerundel on 20-03-2003 23:17:41

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 7:45 am

Hmm I don't know if this would be a 'good' trade route.. but its cheap to do and you can make a fair amount of money.

First off you need to have at least a defender.. since thats what I had when I did this.

In Dresden near the middle their is a mining field. What do you mine? Diamonds. This can take a while to fill up your cargo hold if you are a transport. After you get your diamonds there is a jump hole in that field. Take it and you'll end up in Frankfurt, i think, from there you can go to Sigma-13. Now Sigma-13 is pretty much a safe zone. I was in there flying around for a long time and I never ran into another ship that was hostile and its usually one ship. So from Sigma-13 you can head up to the Kusari systems and then you are only a few trade lanes to New Tokyo. You can sell these diamonds which you got for free for 1600 at New Tokyo.

At first its hard to get past all the Hessians.. I am still trying to figure out how to make them nuetral.. and to find thier base in Dresden. But later on its pretty easy. Yet it is a long trip... I would recommend getting a frieghter and a fighter and just pick up diamonds and then share the profit.

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 10:36 am

ok here's my take on this. It isn't so much a matter of putting level restraints in the game as is setting a way so that you can creat a character and use them on all the servers heres why.

1.) Newbies can play on carebare servers till they can get them selves a ship that gives them a fighting chance if they choose to.
2.) No working your butt off on one server and getting good ship and weapons just to have server disappear and have to start over on another server.

Again most games like this are player controled this is not a MMO game the servers are player run. If you dont want to be PK then dont join a PK server that simple but I do think they should set it so you can play your characters on all servers so you dont get slaughted the sec you stepped in. That and the fact that I had a titan on Roughtneck then suddenly Roughneck was gone so till it comes back on I have to start all over from scratch thats a tad bit annoying.
O and yes on all games that are player run servers or games you can fight any one you wish but its usually by choose and not forced.
any way thats my opion. I have sent Micrsoft telling them the same thing all though I dont think it will happen. Course I think there talking about turning it in to a pure MMO which if this is the case in a year there wont be player run servers. Any way take it easy.

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 10:42 am

That would require a total reworking of the multiplayer account/server system...


Post Tue Mar 25, 2003 4:31 am

I hate this whining about powergamers. If a guy A does smart trade-routes, makes cash and levels up, is he a bad guy? What is he supposed to do, take liberty police missions in New York at lvl 1 with rest of you dimwits?

Why don't you just read the friggin forum and start trading instead of complaining?

Post Tue Mar 25, 2003 6:16 am

It has nothing to do with 'powergamers' as the nerd term is, but with game imbalance and most if not all aspects of it, from economy to weapons/shields/AI.

Dont start flaming.

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