There is a game that does dynamic price changes already... it's called Jumpgate, a MM sf ORP ( Interestingly, it has its own level of "boredom" even though it's dynamic because, unlike here where folks figure out "the single best route", there, they sit around utilities that crunch trade numbers for the Jumpgate universe, and do whatever's best at the moment. Jumpgate is about 1.5 years old and had a shot at being a big MMRPG but, while what it does it does just fine (trading and, particularly, its combat ranking system is far more sophisticated than FL), it never had enough to flesh it out and make it an engaging place that folks would want to come back to for weeks, months, or years. So it never reached a critical mass. I just checked and saw that there's 82 people online at the moment... not squat for an MMRP company to stay alive and grow. A game like that needs a lot more space/attractions and hundreds or thousands of people to really take off, like other MMRPGs that hit it big.
I guess I just thought I'd mentioned Jumpgate, since I haven't seen hardly anybody here mention it.