btw, I think we might wanna move this thread, just to be save.
Tohoku has two entrances?
About the tradelanes. I don't see a whole fleet of battleships, or even one, go through a tradelane. I think they're to big for that. And as a fleet is only as fast as it's slowest vessal...
And if Lib sabotages the jumpgates, there are still jumpholes out there.
And about the Lib battleships, yes they have at least one (where are the others anyway) in each system, with the Missouri being the farthest away from the planet. But a tactic assult would be able to distract, distroy or maybe even capture them...Who knows.
You're absolutely true about Alaska.
In the end I think we have to little info on each house to be able to make a good and clear "Prediction".
based on technology, Lib would win although Kusari has Kansai research station (with the minefield), who knows wath they're inventing there.
Based on force strength I think Rheinland would win. But that's only because the game isn't equally balanced. But then again, neither is the real world...
Don't forget that Kusari has most of the H-fuel suplies and Brettonia has a lot of basic material, industry and the gold in Dublin.
Liberty is totally dependend on trades with other houses, so they need to form an aliance or they will be cut off by the other houses.
And I still think that if they fortress themselves in in Alaska, they wont be able to get out of there (deadend system...) If someone (Outcasts, House

Also if the jumpgate to Alaska is distroyed, nobody will get in or out...
Edited by - Nickless on 08-10-2003 14:54:07