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Best starship bridge?

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Post Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:51 pm

its not really a bridge, but the control cabin on the delta flyer, all stations have seats that DONT roll, so hopefully one should stay put when fighting, stations are close enough one or two people could theoretically run everything, and three, its just a neat design...


Post Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:04 pm

I like the Honnorverse bridge, and series for that matter, though after Echoes of Honnor its kind of gone downhill. But I digress.
I also like the bridge of the Basroil from "Banner of the Stars" a simple, spartan layout with everything needed right at hand.

Post Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:08 pm

isn't it rather ironic that the only practical Trek bridge was in an overgrown shuttlecraft? Even the runabouts in DS9 were gwaggy lets-all-fall-off-our-seats affirs, but the DF was quite sensibly laid out.

And I still think the Enterprise-D looked like a badly-tiled bathroom; I'm glad it crashed, what a vile thing it was. The only thing on Trek that looked more ludicrous were those jellyfish aliens in Encounter at Farpoint *ooh i feel peace and love..." - rubbish. I could write a better script than that sat on the toilet!

Post Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:50 pm

Taw, your just not a dedicated treky.

I am however, and found Next Gens D Bridge quite nice. And yes, i loved Nemisis and even liked Star Trek V The Final Frontier, Shatner just wasn't up to it, but the humor, was.

Post Thu Sep 28, 2006 5:02 pm

As a dedicated trekkie myself, I must like the various enterprise bridges (and voyager's) simply because its my duty, no matter how non-functional they actually are.

Nemesis wasn't my fav, but it had some of the best images of the Ent-E that have ever been seen. Apparently the producers had the ship slightly redesigned to be more physically correct. (despite the ship being physically impossible anyway)



Post Fri Sep 29, 2006 5:40 am

I could write a better script than that sat on the toilet!
Yes, but youd prolly flush it away anyway when youre done,such a shame


Rule of Accuracy: When working toward the solution of a problem, it always helps if you know the answer.
Corollary: Provided, of course, that you know there is a problem.

Post Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:59 am

now now, I've been trekkin' since the 60s - I watched TOS first time round! I've manfully sat and watched Trek in all it's incarnations and suffered the appallingness of all the early seasons esp the godawful Wessley Crusher and the interstekllar social workers, and the superbness of the Borg and the Cardassians and the Dominion War, and even when Voyager was in it's worst nadir of touchy-feelyness, i put up with it for the sake of the occassional good episode. But Enterprise was the last straw, first series was just too bad for me to suffer anymore, so that was the end of Trek for me - Sam didn't leap, Al was only in one episode, and Ziggy got one short appearance in Al's hand!

Trek lost it's way, and it's good that it's ended. Sci-fi's moved on and all the new stuff is harder-edged and darker - Trek's too firmly rooted in the optimism of the 60s.

Post Fri Sep 29, 2006 1:01 pm

I too love the bridge of Serenity

--- A TopGun through and through ---

Post Fri Sep 29, 2006 3:23 pm

At least Star Trek : Enterprise did openthe possiblity of a new series, not that they would do it, having Enterprise J available, they could do another Next gen thing with an entirely new crew.

Post Fri Sep 29, 2006 4:13 pm

heavens, I hope not! yet another argument for why television is a bad thing. too much Trek rots your brain, FD! it's a proven scientific fact, don'tcha know.

(less than 2weeks to go till BG S3! can't wait!)

oh btw, you might like to know that I'll be seeing your mate Picard aka Cap'n Slaphead playing Prospero in the Tempest at the RSC in Stratford tomorrow night. That's Stratford-upon-Avonshire, London, England for you Amurricans right next door to Big Ben and Buckinghampton Palace where Margaret Thatcher, Queen of England lives.

(the daughter nagged me into going some weeks ago and she's doing the Tempest for A-level so I caved in and said yes. I hope he says "Qu'plop!" or whatever the hell it is. Oh well, Patrick Stewart was a real actor in RSC and BBC rep long before he started wearing Spandex and making-it-so, I even remember him with hair in I Clavdivs! so it should be worth going to see, as long as I don't fall asleep again)

Edited by - Tawakalna on 9/29/2006 5:16:21 PM

Post Fri Sep 29, 2006 4:59 pm

I would take ANY trek show over BG the new series. The NERVE of making Starbuck a female, *Shakes head*

I love trek and always will, for me it is an alternate reality, one I could love to live in. Oh and Taw, I would make sure your kingdom had at least one Klingon garbage scow.

Post Sat Sep 30, 2006 9:22 am

Enterprise *BIG SHUDDER* what a ****ing disaster that was, if Gene's ashes weren't already in orbit he'd be turning in his grave at the mess they made of that.

FD theres no new series in the pipeline atm but a new movie is in pre production as I write this.

*Back on topic* As a true Trekkie it has to be the bridge of a Klingon bird of prey, dark and moody just like a fighter's bridge should be.

**shuffles of with a new headache**

Post Sat Sep 30, 2006 1:37 pm

I'd rather have a Klingon garbage scow than a Federation flying bathroom/hotel lobby anyday. They had beige and orange carpet on the walls, for heavens sake!

(saw Picard today playing Prospero - brilliant! great RSC production, wonderful sets, and Sewart's physical presence as an actor on stage is electrifying. The only time I've ever seen a Prospero more convincing was when I was fortunate enough to see John Gielgud in the part at the Old Vic. Picard's also playing in Antony & Cleopatra until Oct 14th, think I'll be going to see that too.)

Post Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:05 pm

Best bridge ever..easy one this,Klingon Bird of Prey-ST III era.They kinda ruined it in ST IV and TNG.

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Post Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:25 am

I'm a Trek and I love the new BSG, can't wait to see Season 3

I like the Tempest, I did it for my GCSEs

--- A TopGun through and through ---

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