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Best starship bridge?

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Post Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:49 pm

@Taw- Recycles or not, I still like it. Perhaps I'm swayed a bit by the overall sleeker design of the Pegasus . I'd like to recind my previous judgement and put the better bridge back to Galactica .The Pegasus design has a lot of glass (or transparent whatever they use), which can make a deadly mess in a combat situation.

Post Thu Sep 14, 2006 6:40 am

this thread smells of geekdom

Post Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:25 am

Face it ur Jealous

Post Thu Sep 14, 2006 2:12 pm

geekdom? abso-frackin-lutley!

a point well demonstrated in the Season 2 episode, "The Captain's Hand," J Dawg, when the Pegasus was ambushed by 3 Basestars during Commander Garner's ill-conceived rescue mission - those glass screens were pretty well all shattered as soon as the first Cylon nukes hit. I thought that the Pegasus would be lost that episode, like the Pegasus in the original series was lost at the end of "Living Legend Part 2."

all a bit geeky that wasn't it? never be ashamed of being called a geek! I get it all day every day and I raised a family of geeks! I'd rather be a geek than a numpty, anyday...

Edited by - Tawakalna on 9/14/2006 3:32:29 PM

Post Thu Sep 14, 2006 3:00 pm

We are the Borg!

Bridges are irrelevant! Individuality is irrelevant!

Borg design is perfection. We function as one, there for no bridge is required.

Post Thu Sep 14, 2006 3:56 pm

Now, now, Taw. The Pegasus couldn't have been lost with Apollo aboard... I knew that going it. The scenes shortly thereafter showing the Pegasus opening up a can of whoop-ass on the Cylons were some of the best sci-fi effects ever in my book. I'm surprised, however, that the Pegasus has lasted this long. That conflicts with the spirit of the original series. Being alone.

Post Thu Sep 14, 2006 4:31 pm

A Klingon Bird of Prey. Dark and gloomy, like a warship should be!

Post Thu Sep 14, 2006 11:05 pm

yeah well, Apollo is the Admiral's son and he'd signed up for another series so obv he wasn't going to die. I did kind of wonder quite how they were going to get out of it once Garner fell into the Cylon trap while Apollo was under arrest, maybe the Galactica would come and rescue the crew and Vipers but the Pegasus would be abandoned; however as soon as Garner handed over command to Apollo you knew they were going to be ok, didn't you? And very fair he was to Garner too in his after-action report to Adama.

Quite how Apollo porked out so much at the end of Lay Down Your Burdens Part 2 is one of the mysteries of space, maybe Dualla's a good cook? I take it everyone clocked that they were both wearing wedding rings? (ok maybe they're married to other people but somehow I doubt it..)

I think that the fleet might well return to New Caprica with some more surviving Colonial units; my guess is that Adama will take them back to the Colonies (conveniently abandoned by the Cylons) and they'll cobble together some reinforcements from survivors on other Colonial worlds and maybe some ships that weren't destroyed or could be salvaged? I'm sure I'll be totally wrong, btw!

Post Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:59 am

I don't know about anyone else, but that whole religious sub-plot in BSG is really getting on my nerves. Mixing science-fiction with religion... it's heresy! I don't remember religion even being mentioned in the original series, but I haven't seen an episode for more than 15 years.

Starship bridges Oh right. Um, the bridge on that ship on that show about the aliens... *Runs*

Post Fri Sep 15, 2006 4:12 am

BSG has enough plot twists and surprises (omgz, he cylon!) to make a rollercoaster addict sick.sorry but i hate it - it was better when their leaders wore robes, the pilots looked like Ace Rimmer, and robots said bitty-biddy-biddy

has anyone ever seen space mutiny? it's just an interesting piece of campe- filmed in canada, written by a bodybuilder for said body builder to star in, it's a direct rip-off of classic BSG even down to the spaceship models and dog fights(seriously, it looks like they recorded 15 minutes of BSG space battles and clipped it into their crappy movie)

anyways, the best starship bridges are SW imperial' destroyer's

Post Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:49 pm

Well Taw, we'll see what happens. I venture that the New Caprica base will be destroyed, and that Galactica will once again break with the fleet.

On my wishlist is the death of Adama's mustache that he's been sporting in the commercials.

The new BSG is not quite like any other show. It seems to have a definite plot, rather than one that begins and ends with each episode. The entire story may be brought to a resolution in a few more seasons, then wrapped up and kicked off the air.

Post Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:49 am

I don't really buy into this whole "the old one's better than the new one" or "the new one's better than the old one" dichotomy - I like em both; they're completely different, totally different approaches, and I'll happily sit and watch either. I don't normally like remakes but BSG:RDM is refrshingly different and gripping - I actually thought I'd hate it before I first saw it and in fact i was hooked in the first 5 minutes. I really enjoy the drama and tension, although I'm starting to get annoyed with the cliffhangers, its as irritating as Lost for that!

no religion in the old one? where you been at, Wabbit? War of the Gods, Count Iblis, Ship of Lights, Apollo and Starbuck all in white and brought back from the dead and stuff? Count Iblis was the Devil who corrupted and betrayed the original reptilian Cylons (as Adama indicates and Iblis confirms) You do remember Apollo saying to Iblis that "yes I know who you really are!" and Iblis getting all weird and dark and satanic-like? Iblis didn't sound exactly like the Cylon Imperious Leader for nothing.

anyway, back to the point! does anyone remember the Liberator bridge from Blake's 7? it was of course very reminiscent of early Trek, with two wonderful exceptions; Zen, and ORAC. I thought the concept of Zen the ships computer was just great, and it really made the bridge quite different. The addition of ORAC to the crew was an inspiration. 'Course, not much could upstage sneery Paul Darrow, but a perspex box with some left over Christmas lights and a bad attitude certainly had a good go!

btw do the TARDIS control consoles (for there are many) class as a bridge?

(this thread's heading into advanced realms of geekdom now)

Edited by - Tawakalna on 9/16/2006 2:22:16 PM

Post Sun Sep 17, 2006 5:15 am

yes the TAURUS command consoles count, I did like the one in the DR.Who made-for-TV movie, even thou the movie was bad lol.

As for starship bridges I have to say the bridge on the Nostrodomus in the orginal Alien movie is my favorite, followed up closely by the bridge in the orginal BSG, mainly because the set designers had the consoles really funcitional, those buttons activated programs that showed up on the screens and linked the console to other set cameras, not too many sci-fi shows do that anymore.

Post Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:51 pm

Id say the Argonian Titan, hands down, its got a class bridge, lots of room, and good overview of the situation. (X2 The Threat)

After that, the NX-01 Enterprise Warp 5 Class Starship, its spacious but cosy, and chaotic but very orderly, it allows the captain a good view of he situation, and he can simply step up to the necessary consoles, without having to traverse an entire bridge first (ST: ENT)

just my 2 cents


Rule of Accuracy: When working toward the solution of a problem, it always helps if you know the answer.
Corollary: Provided, of course, that you know there is a problem.

Post Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:14 pm

Okay, im die hard trekkie, so i dont know all this X2, Battlestar Galactica and all! Coudlnt we just have a nice, best Star Trek Starship bridge pweese?...

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