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Best starship bridge?

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Post Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:43 pm

Best bridge ever..easy one this,Klingon Bird of Prey-ST III era.They kinda ruined it in ST IV and TNG.

Umm... the Bird of Prey in Star Trek IV was the same ship that appeared in ST III. It had the same bridge design- just a different bridge crew and different lighting .

Post Wed Oct 04, 2006 8:04 am

Covenant Cruiser Truth and Reconciliation.

Bridge seen in Halo CE

Post Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:16 am

Nukelt,if u watch em again.u will see in STIII the command chair is raised to a level much higher than the Helm/Navigator ST IV they are virtually level and also the communications console doesn't seem to exsist..but ur right on 1 thing,the lighting is totally different.

Oh just remember another thing..the door to the bridge is different too lol.

Post Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:55 am

Blame the continuity police then, or blame Kirk & Co. for making modifications while on Vulcan. Either one is possible (It's been a while since I watched either movie)- but if I'm not too much mistaken, the comm station doesn't get a whole lot of attention in III (the Klingon commander does all the talking), and the weapons station doesn't get much attention in IV (nobody does any shooting). I know that the command chair is raised higher- do you know if that whole section of the floor is raised, or just the part with the command chair? I ask that because it isn't unknown for folks with big egos to rig their chairs with hydraulics- Lyndon Johnson did that on Air Force 1 during his term in office, and a good number of Klingon captains do like to feel superior. The lighting also makes a huge difference; the bridge is darkened to Klingon standards in III, but Kirk & Co. turn the dimmer up a bit so it's closer to the ultra-bright Starfleet settings. The way shadows are cast on a set does make a huge difference in how things look- of course, it probably is a completely different set, as ST III was sort of a hastily drawn-up movie (III was the result of popular backlash after Spock got killed off, and as such was sort of an "oops, we screwed up, let's fix it" by the writers and producers) while IV enjoyed a longer development time (you can hear a lot of that in dialogue, as well- many of the lines in III seem more wooden, as if the cast didn't get enough practice before the final cut).

Post Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:57 am

Hold on there Trekkies!

Put your phasers away and cool your pulse engines.

Can't we all just get along?

Post Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:46 am

*Marathon class cruiser comes out of slip space followed by several destroyers and frigates*

All hand's on deck! Charge the mac capacitors! Arm Archer Missle pods A thru F!


All grumpy rants subject to copyright.
The Shroud©/RvB TMC©

Post Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:25 pm

iirc in the novelisations of ST:IV, it was mentioned that during their "exile" on Vulcan, the crew did adapt the BoP to suit human needs and to make the bridge more in line with the Federation ships they were used to. However all that's mentioned in the film are some modifications Scotty makes to the power systems (Klingon dilithium crystals are rubbish, apparently) and changing the food packs.

<sheesh> I'm a bigger Trekkie than the birdman with the beard, it seems

Post Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:16 pm

Nukelt, valid points..however u do get a view of the rear of the bridge and the fore bridge quite clearly in ST III and tbh,i can't see any sign of the communications station..however the science station is there.

Taw,impressive knowledge..but i have not read the novels i bow to ur wisdom!

*shamed trekkie in hiding*

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