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Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 1:53 am

so the Monkey is man in his *natural* state... hmmmm. never got that at the time, I was more interested in cloud-flying and magic swords.

Factoid - Lost, a enormous contemporary hit, was actually originally written in the mid-70s but couldn't get a backer. When I first saw it I thought it was vaguely familiar, then I remembered a few mid-70s shows on similar themes, one of which had Roddy McDowell in (not being Cornelius or Galen though) - Fantastic Journey? whatever it was, it was proto-Lost.

oh yeh and I lurved Planet of the Apes too. Films and Tv series, and the comic too, but not the cartoon.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 12/8/2005 3:07:37 AM

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 3:18 am

Roddy McDowell - now there's a serial tv star if I've ever seen one. I think I remember him being in Columbo too - like I said earlier, wasn't everyone?!

There are three things I remember Roddy for - two being classics, one being as bad as they come....The Black Hole, The Poseidon Adventure and The Cat from Outer Space. He was also one of those faces that kept turning up in 70s disaster movies - or at least I think he did anyway, he's got one of those faces.

Now, on the subject of bizarre tv - anyone remember The Prisoner?...

Who are you?
The new Number 2.
Who is Number 1?
You are Number 6.
I am not a number, I am a free man.

...aha..yep...*that* wasn't drug influenced - honest!

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:09 am

On the slightly quirky programme region I was more of an Avengers man. Liked the cars, loved the ladies.

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:16 am

@Mr. Id

Or at least a representation of the core of being uncorrupted by complex rationales associated with civilizations

Taw simplified it to "natural" ... the idea is that the Monkey King has a mind unsullied by the artifices and falsehoods of large societies so that he can see through to the "truth" but not always aware that he is seeing something that others don't.

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:05 am

I don't think they're gonna wait for you to have that drink-
best do a couple of shots of Maker's Mark and dive back in...

btw- Emma Peel, YUM!

Edited by - fred the dead on 12/8/2005 7:19:30 AM

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:44 am

@Fred: If I had a Makers Mark right now I'd put on me Stetson, load up FL and start I loved Battle Beyond the Stars.

@Indy: You should not think so hard you'll get a nose bleed. you really think that spouting a bucket load of crap would perplex a carsalesman?

The aincient mystic element of Monkey was akshly glaring obvious, what I loved was The Tao and The Pooh, which young Grom found on Amazon for me. Each page has a story from Confuscious on one the left and one from Winnie the Pooh on the other. The moral of the story, the plot and many of the characters are almost identical.

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:25 am

Well some people don't think it is cr*p. Whether it is or isn't.

I'm just repeating what I've been told. Who's to say what's right or wrong about it anyway? It's all entertainment, legend and myth.

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:51 am

OOohhhh are'nt we touchy today. Face it lad, s'crap n'dats a fak!

Next thing you know Freud the Droid here will be telling me that Monkey was in fact pseudo-psychoanalytical with each character representing a different aspect of the psyche and the the constant friction between characters is indicitave of the fractured human mind suffering from Adamsian Split-Dichotomies. The various personalities including the dominant but evil male enemy, the girlieboy, and the ugly and uncomfortable "Pigsey" are evidence of a confused and abrasive childhood, a lack of inner confidence due to outer influences and a confusion as to personal identity. The "journey" dimension of the narrative strongly hints toward a need for escape and an unsettled mind begging questions regarding emotional security or lack there of experienced in the family home. Naturally Monkey's bamboo stick which was used as a tool for both defense and attack was not just a stick in the same way that sometimes a cigar is not just a cigar.

Que AELK---

Regards, Dr.U.Id.

Edited by - druid on 12/8/2005 10:55:47 AM

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:39 pm

Hmm, I do beliff you haff it pegged eggsactly- now, as to dese unterlying angst issues you zeem to be haffing ....

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:57 pm

*Hops up* "Monkey"? That show is a classic. I even have a copy of the text by Wu Ch'eng En (insert accents were appropriate) upon which the show was based. Yes, the show was "corny", but in the old days it was diverting until the departure of the original actor who played "Pigsy". Things were never quite the same after that *sigh*. And I'm with Taw; there were some classic lines. Eg...

Tripitaka: 'You should live without fear. There's as much chance of good things as bad things.'
Sandy: 'It's a cheerful philosophy and I've heard it from people before. They're all dead now though.'

Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 3:36 pm

??? Mr. Id ???

*scratches head*

What's the beef? Me no unnerstan'

Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 2:28 pm

@Indy: hYou no unnerstan whaugh? hYou no tage me sureeehouslee dijhoo? Jus 'cause I ham leeving hout da smyleeze lyke deese un deese ?

Now either you thought I was actually having a go you, which just could not be, or, you let a smidge of psychymumble get to you. Both scenarios I have trouble coming to terms wif.

Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 4:38 pm

yer man Id's bin havin' too much toime sat alone on dat dere Craggy Oiland readin' all dem dere books by yer man Samuel Becket now, fer sure. 'tis a crying shame he can't be sellin' any of those Ladas instead of stuffin' hissel' full o' dat dare exishtentshummycallit, now and dere's a smoiley for yer...

... and Mrs Taw is talkin' about another wee trip across the water for to be enjoying the pleasures of her homeland now.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 12/9/2005 4:40:28 PM

Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 4:50 pm

Watch you talkin' bout Willis? You comin' over to collect that "item"? Hmmm...dunno whether to take that as a promise or a threat ya daft sod?

BTW Taw, the budget was announced this week and it was a generous if not somewhat inflationary set of figures. The Druids have looked into the forth coming Solstice Skies and predict that a little red van shall be paying Taw towers a visit in the not too distant future.

As fre Beckett, spot on you clever geezer. It was End Game I had in mind.

Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 6:13 pm

*scratches head. now understands he didn't understand and wasn't supposed to understand what he didn't understand*

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