I have actually been playing a lot of poker recently (and winning 90% of the time), but in this context, I find your pun to be "meh". Still, I appreciate the effort. As for "The Burrow", what's wrong with its current moniker? And it is nowhere near as damp and cold as is commonly believed, except the fireplace in my room which *does* let a lot of cold air in, and the roof *does* leak in a few places (but only, apparently, when the rain is heavy and hits the roof at a certain angle... I know, crazy, eh?). Aside from that, it is quite comfortable. Carpets, floorboards, another fireplace, nice new leather couches and many overflowing bookshelves. Yes, 'tis not too bad.
Anyway, why listen to the evil Mullah or the Capitalist Vampire? They don't even have flags! Let the Royal Ensign of Esquilaxitavia be shown (or, at least, one variation of it):

Not bad, not bad at all.(1)
(1)(I've been waiting for 19 months to display that, but the opportunity never arose. In addition, I have been awaiting feedback from my collaborator (who designed the flag before I modified it), but alas... Anyway, was the flag worth the wait? "Probably not" you will no doubt say, *sigh*

(2)Now I will wait until tomorrow for Indy and Taw to spend a sleepless night making flags in this ongoing game of "oneupmanship" (as they say in Ostrahhhlya)

Edited by - esquilax on 7/10/2007 4:25:44 AM