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Do we really need a language censor here?

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Oct 17, 2005 12:55 pm

I was reading some of Dan Browns (a little late I know...) books, and I don't remember seeing that many swear words at all!

I don't think having them in would benefit the story either...
Seeing as fanfic has had more steamy scenes than an episode of the "red shoe diaries" - I personally won't be convinced that it's honestly for "character development or authenticity purposes". Seeing a fan fic with swear words will not make me think "Oh, gritty..." at all.

Thats just my personal opinion - but as others have said, it doesn't matter anyways cause it aint being changed from the looks of things.

As a fix up - write word or Acrobat documents (or even plain text documents) and then post links to them.

Edited by - Mike G on 10/17/2005 1:55:44 PM

Post Mon Oct 17, 2005 2:00 pm

Yes we do need the filter!

I swear!

Post Mon Oct 17, 2005 4:27 pm

yes but dan brown's characters arnt exactly the same type of people we're writing about. and yes some got a little steamy, but so do some episodes of star trek. Nothing written in the fan fic forum is worse than you'd see on TV on any given night. granted I think TV these days is rediculous, but if this stuff is found on TV, in music and movies, in Fine Art, I think it should be acceptible in writing to if it is used to help define a character. If any of you have seen movies like "Do the Right Thing" they are filled with swear words, yes some of it is overboard, but it is used to help define a character. Now if you've ever seen this movie on TV they replace words like mother ****** with mickey flicky, which completely ruins the point the director is trying to convey. I realize this second point detracts from one of my earlier ones, but it is still worth mentioning.

Post Mon Oct 17, 2005 4:38 pm


If you insist on the artistic necessity I can't argue with that. ( Although I also would suggest that if it really is going to look all that stupid with @#$! then consider whether replacing them with the actual 4 letter word really makes the thing that less stupid. )

But as said by others, the censor is going to stay on the site.

Post Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:30 am

Killa, I think it rather makes you look more like an adult if you can find a way to stipulate your protagonist's character, without resorting to common swearwords.

I use swears at a day to day basis, but only to highlight certain points I have.

Post Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:07 am

To declaim against kapitalist vampyres, I assume.

Post Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:39 am

I find it interesting that someone said you can only truly express yourself if you *don't* use swear words...I do agree, but hasten to add that if you are unbelievably annoyed with someone, to the point where you detest them, surely a much more effective way to to express this would be...

"**** off you ****ing ****"

rather than

"please go away you detestable person".

By using the second phrase you demonstrate your vocabulary, yet you fail to truly express yourself to the extent of the english language. Whereas the first method is a quick and legitimate expression of disgust.

"Swear" words after all are only an extension of the english language - their definition in the oxford english is "To use abusive, violent, or blasphemous language against". Also, the word "swear" itself means "To say or affirm earnestly and with great conviction" which is exactly why it is directly linked to such "bad words" - if you want to be abusive with great conviction, then it surely is not only an acceptable method, but also the most effective, no?

(and yes I totally understand why this ICRA labelled site has to be swear filtered - I just thought it was about time someone was honest enough to stand up for swearing!)

Edited by - gromit on 10/18/2005 9:39:57 AM

Post Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:37 am

I have read many books that have no swearing at all, and I am not just talking about DR. Suess! They usually say something like, "He muttered and oath", or "she said things that would make a sailor blush." You know, implied. I think that swearing comes from habit but when you write it out, whether in a forum or a paper or a story, it is for the shock value. Use of those words really limit ones vocabulary. Look at "Die Hard" or othrs like it where the majority of the dialog is bleeped or voiced over when shown edited.

In short, I think that the censor should stay and be edited to include previously mentioned words.

Post Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:38 am

One works with the limitations required is my suggestion.

If it is absolutely impossible for the author to get the intended point across without using swears in a written work, it is absolutely impossible for that author. Point would be whether the site is obliged to change its rules for the benefit of the author.

My guess is that do so is more like a tail wagging the dog situation.

Post Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:30 pm

"**** off you ****ing ****"

rather than

"please go away you detestable person".

Another way to express your displeasure with a person, with out the need for cursing,

"Get away from me, you worthless piece of trash!"

There are always to say the samething, but with different words, and still express the meaning behind it.

Edited by - Finalday on 10/18/2005 4:32:55 PM

Post Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:45 pm

I totally agree, but lets face it, which would you take more seriously if they were shouting at you?

I know for sure which person I would be backing away from. lol

Post Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:49 pm

You should try some of *my* clean insults Grom. Ah, back in the old days I would confound my churlish school "chums" with elaborate insults that they did not understand, yet were offended by . Ah, good times... Well not really .

Post Wed Oct 19, 2005 2:29 am

lol. cool. okedokee matee...offend away...

Post Wed Oct 19, 2005 2:37 am

I don't know Grom, I'm out of practice. Let me ponder it for a few weeks, and then I may be able to remember some of them .

Post Wed Oct 19, 2005 7:49 am

You had to be there, Grom.

You know, down the burrow, in an unlit hovel, fetid carrot stench with GB breath steaming up the atmosphere, not knowing what all the sounds were (horse hoof clomping, long eared scrapings of ceiling and rodent toothed overbite diction) that accompanied the torrent of Readers Digest words of the month.

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