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Do we really need a language censor here?

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:56 am

A censor helps to try to keep things civilized. Also, as a few others have said, it makes the individual think and use other appropriate words instead of using a 'shortcut'. Yes I realize people here it all the time in RL, but I guess you have to say change starts

The way I see it, poor grammer is the sign of a mind that does not think. I like people that think thier way through things, not just blurt out whatever comes to mind.

Shoot first, shoot straight, win always.

Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 12:24 pm

I have seen this thread jotter up and down, but up till now, I haven't seen the actual "legal" reason the swearfilter is in place..

the swearfilter, is for the seal of approval for the site from the ICRA counsil, next to the moral reasons for having it on a mainstream forum, it just looks bad seeing tons of little blighters scream and swear away, however limited the vocabulary may be, it is very hinderfull, and cetainly doesn't make a site's community look any better, a swearfilter isn't needed if youve got a private forum of your own, where everyone knows everyone.

Killa, if you want your story unhindered by a swearfilter, write it up, and offer it to people on demand, that way they can have the unfiltered version of the story, and you won't have to work your way around a swearfilter.

I hope this clears the matter up??

Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 3:14 pm

absolutely my friend....unfortunately though, it doesn't explain why the word c*nt still gets through the filter think it would be a good idea to add it, don't you?

Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 3:23 pm

4 words why

parents looking over shoulder

if they see people swearing obsessively i whouldnt be able to come here anymore

My forum

Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 5:01 pm

i can see the point in both sides, personally i don't care what people say but that's me some people are offended when you look at them (i've been there) because they think there better i guess, some you can do or show almost anything to them and they won't say a word, some are too easily offended in my opinion, like that deal with a comic in the work place i don't remember the name but it caused a huge uproar and it was banned from public places, i'm down to earth when it comes to that, those words and most other things don't phase me i'm 19 i've seen and heared just about all the "foul words" they are meaningless to me. most of the time a person is more likly to make me mad then to offend me. i just tell people to chill out when they make a case most do some keep squawking and i walk off because i don't want to hear them it's no big deal

Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 5:48 pm

Do we really need a language censor here?

I personally feel that there are no bad words, only bad thoughts, intentions, and deeds.
But in the interest of having a reasonable, vocabulary-rich, healthy conversation; and due to the sad fact that most people can't wait to become chaotic destructive bunch of animals, the censor is needed... Takes quite a load off moderators' shoulders.

Careful what you wish for... You just might get it.

Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 5:55 pm

Hey Chetnik, long time no see.

Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:00 pm

I don't think mods should be allowed to go off topic like this...
Eh. Now look what you did... You made me go off topic too!

Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:20 pm

i totally understand where everyone is comming from, but I believe Killa's primary argument is for his fanfic. we've all acknowledged that this can be avioded, but in general banter, it is heard all the time, especially between characters like those in killa's fic. I agree whole heartedly that the forums should be censored to this kind of language, but it does take away something from character development in the stories. yes, I know, us fanfic writters could write about someting else and avoid it entirely, but look at the universe the game is set in, it isnt exactly eden now is it? perhaps when/ if the forums are revamped there can be a fanfic forum like the veteran forum, because some stories developing on this site are simply amazing, and so are the authors. anyway, i dont know if my post is helping the cause anymore, so I'll be quiet, but its just some food for thought

Edited by - [GR_Fallen_Angel on 10/16/2005 7:20:33 PM

Post Mon Oct 17, 2005 3:37 am

LOL, so you got in trouble with your preacher huh!?
Look up Thomas Crapper and give him a history lesson, thats where the word crap comes from.
Vulgarity is a cultures teachings wether right or wrong.

Post Mon Oct 17, 2005 7:54 am


Ah! a game of Charades
Give us a it good to eat?

Haha, very good!

Post Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:23 am

absolutely my friend....unfortunately though, it doesn't explain why the word c*nt still gets through the filter think it would be a good idea to add it, don't you?
For one simple reason I think, either Bargib forgot to add it, or it wasn't on the list he got from ICRA, concerning the swearwords that needed to be blocked, in either case, i'd hae to agree with Grom here, and say that it should be added, as it is a very rude and offensive term, no matter in what context you use it.

On Today's other news:
Blimey Tix, you sure know how to make an entrance, everything's well i hope?? with You AND Marija ofcourse, school still busy??

Post Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:55 am

I agree there should be a language censor. Simply because it forces people to use different words that aren't rude. I delight in using as many long, complex and obscure words as possible. So should you lot Oh, and I love being a bore. Seriously, being able to express oneself articulately without the need for expletives is a useful skill to have. Once you leave school the shock to the system is that it is NOT COOL to punctuate every sentence with a choice four letter word.

EDIT: Though perhaps we could exempt stories fanfics etc etc as they could be considered 'art'.

Edited by - The Evil Thing on 10/17/2005 9:56:13 AM

Post Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:57 am

I agree whole heartedly that the forums should be censored to this kind of language, but it does take away something from character development in the stories

How does it take away from character development? You mean if the character is supposed to be a crusted up swear ridden salty dog that not being able to put *&^%! in the guys lines takes away from the character depiction?

Why not just put the symbols in place of the words? Firstly, it serves the purpose, secondly, it puts it to the imagination of the reader what may have been said which, thirdly, gives the reader a more enriching experience in applying his/her imagination to what you wrote.

Post Mon Oct 17, 2005 12:36 pm

And fourthly, it makes it look incredably stupid and like I'm five years old.

And Fallen Angel was right, my arguement about this is mainly for my story. If I can't express what's on their mind clearly, then it really takes away from character devolipment. And as Fallen Angel said, this isn't set in Eden, it's set in a grimy 32nd century in a place almost on the other side of the galaxy. Not to mention, with all the stuff that's supposed to happen in this story, people will think that THIS is a judgment of God, the Tribulation, all that stuff and begin questioning their faith. I've seen it happen, people lose their faith because they're wondering why a God that loved them so much would send them through Hell on Earth.

This is mainly about my fanfic, as I want to be able to post it uncensored, and I would like to post it here to reach more people. I could creat another site but I suppose some people just don't have the time to go there.

I will make a site and try to post the chapters there, but I would like to be able to post them here too.

And thank you Fallen Angel for seeing the point I'm trying to make, or at least seeing where I'm coming from.

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