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Do we really need a language censor here?

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:56 pm

Do we really need a language censor here?

Okay, who here really thinks we need a chat censor for the forums? (This may sound sarcastic and angry, but I'm not trying to be that way in this post.)

I can't be verbally offended anymore, I'm sure most kids/children hear worse language in school, (my science teacher says hell and damn) and I hope most people can't be offended. Now, most of us here at TLR have known each other for a while, and we have respect for one another. I've been here almost two years, even though with the occasional fanfic here and there, I've moved past Freelancer. But it's the community that keeps me comming back, and now I really don't care what people say. (Except for Jack Tompson, he thinks me playing Doom will make me go out and kill people.) Yes, I do respect most people's opinions, but Jack Thompson is a complete idiot and therefor I do not respect his opinion. All of the crap he does just makes him money, and that's why he does it.

Anyway, back to what I was saying.....

Now, as far as I know the censor we have here only blocks out the F word, the S word, co** (you can figure that one out), and the B word. Now, I say words like that all the time at school, and I haven't gotten in trouble once and the closest I've ever come to offending someone is my preacher (who got offended when I said crap and made me leave the church for three weeks).

Now, as many of you know, I'm writing another fanfic, entitled The Holocaust. The main character is Frank Johnson who (as you may have guessed from the teaser) is a real smart-ass. He was born and raised on Houston, so you could consider him kind of a country boy/cowboy, and he has some real language problems. Now, with the direction I'm taking The Holocaust in, it will show the worst in people. You know how people get when they're scared, angry, and then they let their anger control them. I've done it a few times. Now, I feel it would take away from the fanfic if I couldn't put what's on people's minds into dialogue. I mean, it would get cheesy the fifteenth time I have someone shot or knocked out right before he was about to say the F, S or the B word.

Now, I wasn't planning on using all that much swearing in this story, but when their's nothing but dispare, you begin to see the worst in people. Violance, theft, questioning of faith, etc.

The B word is blocked on TLR, but in Freelancer when you rescue Jacobi doesn't she say "Burn in hell you son of a b**ch!" after she shoots a Nomad? Besides, almost everyone here loves GTA, and in Grand Theft Auto there is racial discrimination, a huge overuse of the F word and GD, and reciently, brief nudity/full-blown sex scene, whichever you want to call it but we know it's the second one.

Now, I personally don't see the need for a censor here. We all have enough respect for one another that we won't purposely offend someone. Besides, anyone who has ever read a Stephen King book has already read worse words.

Now, I'm to the point in my life where I can't be verbally offended by anything, and I'm sure some of you are at that point or just can't be offended anyway.

Now, I'm asking you. We all have respect for one another, would never purposly offend someone here (and besides, that's what we have MODs for) and most of us aren't easily offended.

Besides, do you know what SOB stands for? That's right, son of a bi**h. Do you know what WTF stands for? Yup, what the f**k. And do you know what STFU means? Uh-huh, shut the f**k up. We're allowed to say all of those, and they're just acronyms for blocked words.

Now, do we really need a censor here?

Okay, since someone who will remain nameless was offended by my last sentence, I've changed it.

For those of you who just can't wait, I've finally started a new fanfic, The Holocaust!
4 8 15 16 23 42

Twenty bucks to whoever can tell me what the deal is with those numbers. I'll give you a hint: They have somthing to do with a guy named Hurley.

(Congrats to Taw, he was the first to get it right.)

Post Sat Oct 15, 2005 4:15 pm

welcome to the wrold of "politicaly correct" the staff that hosts TLR need the censors in place so they dont get in trouble from those type of peole who look for any reason to ruin the fun and enjoyment of others. So look at the language censor as a safety blanket from those @$$($%& who have their fun at the expence of others.

Blessed Be to all those that still dream of the flight to the stars.

quote " going to my Happy Place would do me no good it is full of blood, carnage, and destruction" :ME

Post Sat Oct 15, 2005 4:18 pm

A censer is needed. It prevent the slip word from getting out. Adults, those my age and all, have heard just about every word under the sun and then some. But, that does not mean they are proper for public conversation. The abriveated are indeed as bad as the full spell out ones. You should ask why they are needed. Someone once asked me one day, why i use that language. I thought for a moment, and it occured it was more from habit than anything else. I do not need those words or phrases to get said what I want said. Wether angry, happy sad or just plain tired, there are plenty of words that can be used to spell it out without the need for cursing.

This is after all, a family site, and if I had kids, I would not want then exposed to that kind of language, as I have seen on other forums. To take down a censer just becase it seems to do no good, but it does, will only incurage that type of talk, not diswade it. The "Shortcuts" only show people need to think what they write before they write it. You can express yourself with out the need for cursing a blue streak. If you can't, then you need to go back to school and learn some new words.

Till then, a censer is needed to help curtail it a bit. My 2 cents worth.

Post Sat Oct 15, 2005 4:22 pm

The god #$#@$ mutha $#%@^##$@ censor #$@&$! stays!

Post Sat Oct 15, 2005 5:18 pm

What Stinger says

Post Sat Oct 15, 2005 6:23 pm

I'm all for the @#$%ing censor. It doesnt impair what you want to say.

Post Sat Oct 15, 2005 6:59 pm

while we're on the subject - are you aware that the TLR auto-censor doesn't spot the word that is considered by many to be the "most offensive" swear word in the british language??

(and no taw, I don't mean "work"....well, not unless "work" suddenly rhymes with "punt", "stunt" and "hunt" anyway...enough hints?! )

I'm not trying to encourage the use of it here, I'm merely pointing out that it needs fixing.

Post Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:15 pm

Ah! a game of Charades
Give us a it good to eat?

Post Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:38 pm

Would anyone really pull such a stunt?

I'm in favor of a revised or fixed auto-censor.

Because it makes people who post try to use the English language more
completely. People who use swear words in their day-to-day conversation tend to get very lazy and sloppy in their language. It makes it more annoying for everyone else to follow what they are trying to say and to figure out whether what they are saying is of any worth.

Contrary to the "emphatic" value that most people think swear words can add to what one has to say, it tends to take away from what the poster is trying to say.

Of course, if we are talking about flaming ... which is verboten here, it is a different story.

Post Sat Oct 15, 2005 9:49 pm

to be the "most offensive" swear word in the british language??

British language? That's a new one! I'll have to try to learn it someday.

I think that the censors should stay, but a few mild words that are currently blocked that can have other meanings should be allowed back in. Like the word that starts with a "j" and ends with a "erk". That one is a commonly used one in common language as the description of tug or pull, and even in it's "offensive" form it really isn't that bad.

Post Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:06 pm

I dunno about y'all, but I think that you can write plenty of fiction where a guy swears without swearing. And quite frankly, I hate reading lame posts from kiddies who think they're not being properly 1337 if they don't sound like a punk getting drunk while sampling crunk.

Yes, that was lame.

At any rate, I swear incessantly IRL, but I try to avoid it in most of my correspondence with people online, just as I avoid it when speaking to people in a professional conversation. Why? Because:

1. I don't really know who's reading this.
2. No, I mean it- I really don't know who reads this.
3. Even the people I "know" here may or may not be offended even if I'm not cursing, so why add that?
4. I can insult people plenty well without using swear words. That's right- I'm talking to YOU, puffy. Doritos are not, repeat, NOT a food group. And no, I do not think your girlfriend is cute, nor am I impressed with your weird Japanese car with extra plastic bits. Please, do not show me photos of your psychotic pets, lame apartments with trite appointments, or other standard fare of the bored and lonely, k? I have a LIFE.

Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 12:04 am

Yay! I love having to wade through the childish overuse of swear words on forums... just because people can. Give people the opportunity, and that is exactly what you get - excessive use of swear words, especially when people want to insult others. I can imagine the posts now, all those clans, server operators, banned players etc etc...

You may not get insulted - but the forum isn't just for you...

Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 12:09 am

Chips you're just afraid everyone will swear at you

But yea, its true what someone(sorry I forget who now) said, some people will use any excuse to spoil the fun. and for some swearing, no matter how mild, will be a way to do that.

Some people *shakes head*


Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 1:43 am

i dont mind the censor now that it doesent censor my website link (because of the 1st 3 letters before the rull). it used to whey back when, i had to put a space in it with "but ignore the space" at the end. much better now. home of ** uk server **

Edited by - git on 10/16/2005 2:44:53 AM

Post Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:37 am

No no no, I didn't mean unblock them just so I could curse at people and offend them. That wasn't my point.

But **** is blocked? Jerc?

Edited by - Killa on 10/16/2005 7:37:04 AM

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