Lord Brian the First has announced to the people that they are under attack. Men and women alike volonteer to join the armed forces. Thousands of FATs are being made every hour as each citizen works tirelessly to protect the homeland.
In space, where the invasion is to come from, the RSS has deployed several platforms on which sevral thousand mechs and FATs will stand to destroy the incomming ships. They will be aided of course by the RSWP. The mighest laser defence program ever invented.
The Avro Arrow has also got a face lift. Or shoud I say, a space lift. Several hundred have been specialy refitted for this mission. The officals won't say what's on board them. But we know that the enemy won't like it.
To the men and women of RILMSLund, we salute you!
This has been a RBC Presentation.
Life: No one gets out alive.