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Rule your own country!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:18 pm

Rule your own country!

Finally it's here! The place where YOU are the leader of your own, made up country. Will you be a dictator or will you rule like a real democrat or maybe something in between? Decide which laws you'll approve or decline. Will it be in benefit of your people?

And how to react on the international happenings? Will you provide aid to a country that needs it or do you laugh and point?

There are a few rules:
- no spam
- you can only decide the actions for your own country
- don't let today's politics influence this thread to much

Have fun, but try to be serious!

-- The Lancersreactor: where the screenshots are never blurry, and the spammers get publically kicked around.

The Lancersreactor FAQ
The use of signatures

Edited by - Wizard on 1/5/2004 1:12:40 PM

Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:29 pm

erm, isnt this just an expansion of the Utopias discussion?
if it is then i'm going to boycott this one like i did that one

Yeah, but a bit more serious

Edited by - Wizard on 1/5/2004 12:34:04 PM

dont edit my posts goddamn it

Edited by - Arcon on 1/5/2004 12:47:25 PM

I do this so I don't have to spam

Edited by - Wizard on 1/5/2004 12:49:26 PM

Well i thought considering it said "have fun!" that it wasnt as serious as maybe you make out

Edited by - Arcon on 1/5/2004 1:10:19 PM

I edited it, better this way?

Edited by - Wizard on 1/5/2004 1:13:06 PM

PHEW!, my GOD that was a close one. Thanks for that, i thought i was gonna have a heart attack

Edited by - Arcon on 1/5/2004 5:25:52 PM

Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:32 pm

I his celestial highness, Grand emperor Freightov VII announce the forming of Freightovia.

We are Neutral in all conflicts, and are focused on developing our science and technlogy to the highest levels. we shall share all such knowledge with intrested nations.

We will welcome all who seek to enter freightovia, and if there are problems, they shall be dealt with in the proper way.

Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:34 pm

****Wizardovian post****

5th of January
Rhagkall, Wizardovia
Our politic reporter

Yesterday, the people of our proud nation choose Wizard as our new President. With a overwhelming 75% the outcome of the election came out kind of "Sovjet". Let's hope that our new President can bring us wealth and joy, and that he doesn't turn out as corrupt as the others...

***End of newsflash***

"People of Wizardovia! (Standing on his balcony, he can see thousands of people waving at him. The noise almost makes you deaf) As I stand here before you, as your new President (People cheer and wave even more) I will make our proud country rich again! (People faint) I will make sure that there will be social security! I will provide jobs and strengthen the bonds with our allies! Your choice was a good one, people of Wizardovia! I won't let you down!"

As he walks inside he whisper to one of his high ranking staff members: "Ignorant fools". A evil grin followed after that...

Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:35 pm

I wont ever be able to think of a name...

Dictatorship until I die! bwuhahahahaha... *turns head* Why is everybody staring at ME?!?
Then it will be a Democracy...
All citizens will be treated well... if they behave...
Political Correctness thugs will be personally pushed through a woodchipper daily if they do not stop spouting such crap. So will murderers. Rapists... will be punished as the victim (or relatives of the victim) wishes... and then be pickled and sent to a third world country.
There will be a stretch limo for my business affairs... and a tank equipped with hover engines for my leisure. The sword collection will be greater than that of George Patton (WWII general). Traitors and Treason-commiters will get shallow scratches all over their body and tossed into the Dead Sea.
More updates later.

Mmmmmm... SPAM... yummy

Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:38 pm

Freightovian space ministry bullitin:

The keel has been laid today for the FSS: Freightovia, she will be used for the exploration of the local solar system with regards for founding colonies on the inner planets, with views to permenant settlement and mineral exploitation.

should other countries be interested, apply to the foreign department and we shall be happy to have them on board.

construction is estimated at 20 years, and will guarantee jobs for many freightovian citizens.

Freightovian National News Bulitin:

His celestial highness grand emperor freightov VII has been swarn in today at the hall of emperors. In a short speech, he announced he will do his utmost to lead freightovia as best he can during his reign.

Edited by - freighter fighter on 1/5/2004 12:43:44 PM

Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:46 pm

Hey! "Celestial" is my title!you stole it!

Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:50 pm

grand celestial emperor, i didnt see you use it.

Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:57 pm

I, Indinsky the First, First Protector of the Indinsky Federation of Patricians and Plebeians (IFPP) hereby proclaim the sovreignty and suzerainty of the IFPP over all of its intrinsic lands, seas, lakes and rivers as may have territorial propinquity with the homes and hearths of all IFPPers.

I later will pronounce the Constitution which shall serve as our foundation for the rule of law and reason in the Federation.

Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 1:38 pm

I think I will join my former Leader in that retirement home

these democracies are like those of Today (...Sorry Wiz, Couldn't resist)
Utterly Worthless, But hey as Wiz Said, Have Fun all

Oh, dear, How sad, Never mind!!-Battery Sergeant Major Williams
Plus the newest addition!!-

Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 1:42 pm

I suppose there was no getting away from this one......

I hereby declare myself "The Absolute Decider" all decisions from mundane to epic will be routed through my indomitably intelligent mind. no longer will you ponder whether to cook spaghetti or order out for chinese food.....for you are not capable of choosing correctly!

the world is in the pooper! and it's your fault for not asking for my wisdom! now the days of choice are over! the iron fist and baleful stare of supereme thinking rule hear now! should we bomb Iraq? who told you to speak! shoot yourself in the head for thinking! you and you! fight to the death!

Good?....Bad?......I'm the guy with the gun.

Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:39 pm

Read the utopia thread. I crowned myself Celestial Glory.

Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 3:02 pm

yeah but thats different to mine...

Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 3:08 pm

Ahh sod it, keep the celestial title, put it in a box beside my FF initials

Yeah, but a bit more serious

Edited by - Wizard on 1/5/2004 12:34:04 PM

dont edit my posts goddamn it

Edited by - Arcon on 1/5/2004 12:47:25 PM

I do this so I don't have to spam

Edited by - Wizard on 1/5/2004 12:49:26 PM

Well i thought considering it said "have fun!" that it wasnt as serious as maybe you make out

Edited by - Arcon on 1/5/2004 1:10:19 PM

I edited it, better this way?

Edited by - Wizard on 1/5/2004 1:13:06 PM

Wiz, quit doing that Mr Smith-taking-over-bodies again...

Post Mon Jan 05, 2004 3:26 pm

Behold: The New Scythian Kindom.

History: According to ancient Scythians they sprang from the three sons of certain Targitaus, a person of supernatural birth who dwelled in the Black Sea domain. Together the three brothers ruled the land until four golden implements - a plow, a yoke, a battle-ax and a drinking cup - fell from the sky and suddenly began to blaze. Colaxais, the youngest, proved to be the only one of the brothers who could pick up the burning objects, and thus became sole ruler of the Scythian kingdom.

All hail Colaxais the Second, and the counsil of Arimaspians (one eyed people, servents of the Griffon)
All bow down and worship Griffon, (God of Scythia) the supreme Guardian of the Gold.
Behold a new era of mythology

here is a story illustrating the style of life in Scythia
In 514 BC. a very important event took place in the steppe. Herodotus described this account in full details. Darius, the third of the Persian great Kings, decided to invade Scythia. With Darius himself in command, the Persian army of 700,000 soldiers marched across the Danube to the Russian steppes. The Scythians steadily retreated while the Persians pursuit. Darius failed the attempt to force the Scythians to confront the Persians with head-on battle. The Scythians did not abandon their tactic of withdrawal and replied to Darius when he demanded an battle action:
"There is nothing new or strange in what we do. We follow our mode of life in peaceful times. We have neither towns nor cultivated lands in these parts which might induce us, through fear of their being ravaged, to be in any hurry to fight you. But if you must needs come to blows with us speedily, look about you, and behold our fathers' tombs. Attempt to meddle with them and you shall see whether or not we will fight with you."

It was indeed very strange war to Darius. There was nothing to be captured and held - no cities, no buildings, no plunder, nothing but the rimless steppe. He was fighting air. Darius had no alternative but to turn back. All the way to the Danube the Scythians harassed his retreat. He never campaigned northward through Europe again and the Scythians prevailed on the south Russian steppe and kept expanding westward for the next century.

The New Scythian Kindom is a land of mythology, its capital Home of the Griffon is built of gold.

The Scythians were famous for their bloody tribal custom. Warriors not only cut off the heads of slain enemies but also made leather-bound drinking cups from their enemies' skulls. They lined these grisly trophies with gold and proudly displayed them to impress their guests. The Scythians were traditionally polygamous and male-dominated society. Even though the ancient Greeks' impression that Scythia was a matriarchy ,it is not supported by the archaeological evidence. A wealthy Scythian could take several wives, and upon his death a son or a brother would assume them as his own. Scythian women had little power beyond the confines of their households.

"The Scythian soldier scrapes the scalp clean of flesh and softening it by rubbing between the hands, uses it thenceforth as a napkin. The Scyth is proud of these scalps and hangs them from his bridle rein; the greater the number of such napkins that a man can show, the more highly is he esteemed among them. Many make themselves cloaks by sewing a quantity of these scalps together.....Such as the Scythian customs with respect to scalps."
---- Herodotus, History

Edited by - Griffon_26 on 1/5/2004 3:26:02 PM

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