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This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 1:18 pm

*watches with grim satisfaction as the thermal charges are placed at the base of the laserfence that has kept him in the confines of the badlands for so long (2 weeks). The immense force of renegades assembled behind him can't help but sound like a freightrain for the amount of bodies alone.
Then their curses and angry mutterings are drowned out by the impressive explosions the thermal charges bring.........the fence is down.

Soon after the massive horde of mutants, renegades, criminals, and other degenerates swarms over the pristine landscape of indovia.......bound for the tall spires of the capital city looming on the horizon.

"Lets make em bleed boys!!!!!"

oO(Holy crap! I'm a captain! yay!)
Good?....Bad?......I'm the guy with the gun.

Edited by - Doom_Lancer on 1/9/2004 1:52:18 PM

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 1:42 pm

*GPN News update*

The United planets of the gowserpaulian empire are today engaging in building a small exploration fleet to help in the search for more planets to help the empires waining resources. It has also been announced that the Gowser Paulian Empire Defense Fleet or GPEDF for short are redeploying their forces to attempt to re-start the taw driven rebellion.Our Great leader Gowserpaul has issued this statement:

"The sacrifice of your men will not go un-noticed Taw, my forces are at your disposal"

If this statment is to be believed then this will be our empires first major conflict as a unified empire. We will update you as the story developes

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 1:53 pm

how ironic now that allies are streaming to aid the cause of the Revolution. it makes me proud that so many are willing to stand up and be counted and show the world that they are men.

Sadly, too late. Auntie Jean has shown me the error of conflict and tyranny and I must subject myself to the justice of the IFPP/Mustantopian Alliance

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 2:02 pm

*GPN News Update*

The Gowserpaulian empire has now declaired war upon the IFPP/Mustantopian alliance, all combat worthy fighters and pilots are herby ordered to attack any IFPP/Mutantopian forces they come into contact with. With this declaration Battle vessel construction will be increased by 50% and also another statement was released by our great leader.

"We will free your forces Taw from the iron grip of these tyrants"

Broadcast Ends...........

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 2:38 pm

<sniff> so brave.. you have no idea what awaits you.

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 2:44 pm

*GPN news update*

This Statment has just been issued by Gowserpaul:

"We are prepaired for anything that awaits us in our quest for our allies liberation and are fully prepaired to die trying"

broadcast ends..............

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 3:04 pm

*Soviet Anthem playing in Background*

Comrad GowserPaul, I welcome your Aid, and wish to welcome to the Union of Soviet Tawakalnian Republics; the USTR. For she is very Much alive again,
And from the reinstated and reconquered lands of the Former Daftopia, Renamed Borgia, I have once again Mustered the the Red USTR Army.
She has been restocked and rearmed and is now twice the size of the former army (that is 2,000,000,000 men and women). They are waiting at your Command Comrad Tawakalnin.

Your Former Chief of security the not-so Comrad Traitor Indynski is no longer a concern of us. And neither is that Imperialistic Dog from Mustantopia. This time I will Take the personal Command of this Red Army of the Tawakalnian Republics.

Be warned to all that try to stop us, it is a futile attempt to even try and stop us, For the spirit of Comrad Tawakalnin Will never die. And neither will the USTR!

Oh, dear, How sad, Never mind!!-Battery Sergeant Major Williams
Plus the newest addition!!-

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 3:10 pm

My empire stands ready to assist you comrade locutus, Long live command comrade tawakalnin

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 3:24 pm


In an astonishing turn of events today Tawakalna aka "The Greasy Trout" ordered the surrender of his forces to the glorious Mustantopian Army. Apparently a secret document was uncovered which had been signed by Comrade Tawakalna, promising to be a good boy. It appears that he had not been a very good boy at all and Auntie Jean had finally caught up with him. This statement was issued at a press conference today by Auntie Jean.

"Peter has been a very bad boy indeed! Tingha, Tucker and myself are very upset that one of our members could show such disregard for his fellow man. Not like Mustang, he's such a nice boy and handsome too. I think myself and Emperor Mustang are going to be seeing a lot more of each other. In fact we're going to be seeing each others brains out, if you get my drift."

Emperor Mustang public displayed his pleasure at the press conference by grabbing a handful of Auntie Jean's arse, pictured below.

When asked what he thought, his Imperial Highness smiled and replied "Lovely".

Edited by - Mustang on 1/9/2004 3:25:16 PM

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 3:49 pm

Useless Propaganda,

For one Only I can order the surrender by signing a one of a kind order that has been authenticated by three members of the commisariat, I have burned this paper, Had the Capitalist Traitors shot and made sure never such an order was to be even made. up to today, the order still remains.

By USTR Law it states the following:

USTR Defense Law 1 subsection 13: Only the Commander in Chief (being Comrade Marshall Commisar Locutov)
can order the surrender of the troops, by signing an order. However Signing and/or making such an order is considered High Treason and is punishable by Subsection15 Nota Alpha: Death

So it seems a certain Imperialist Dog has just confessed a Capital offense by our Law. Which rests us to say: You're screwed!
*sends out undetectable TBSSAF"A" death squads* (Tawakalnian Bureau of state Security And Foreign "Affairs"

Comrad, I have sent The death squads out to capture and "Remove" This traitorous Imperialist Dog. I am sure they will be succesfull

Comrad Marshall Commisar Locutov

Oh, dear, How sad, Never mind!!-Battery Sergeant Major Williams
Plus the newest addition!!-

Edited by - Locutus on 1/9/2004 3:51:30 PM

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 4:36 pm

no. not Mustang and Auntie Jean. that couldn't happen. Auntie Jean reads the Bible stories to us, and Willie Wombat (seen there in Jean's arms) would never stand for that. Willie and i used to have many conversations in the past, for he used to live in my parent's house (really) and i know that this is nothing more than triumphalist propaganda of the sordid kind that we ahve come to expect from "Emperor" 'Tang the Last.

However Jean insists that i must be good and kind and I am bound by a lifetime's promise to abide by the rulings of the Supreme Arbiter, Auntie Jean, president for Life of the Tingha & Tucker club, to abide by her wishes. And i will say my prayers tonight.

Having done all that I can to uphold the will of Jean, i cannot sanction further military action against the Mustantopians, who share nationality with Jean and all the precious little animals, Willie, Katie, Ossie, Ermintrude, and the rest, and i can only behove my loyal troops and allies to lay down their arms and accept the inevitable and bow to the yoke of Jean's instructions.

like a good boy I will await receipt of the surrender document and sign it on behalf of my former Army of Liberation. Such is their Revolutionary zeal, however, i do not know if they will accept such an order and they may well continue fighting.

i thoroughly expect to be returned captive to the IFPP (former USTR) to the mercy of former Comrade Indy. i cannot however speak for Marshal Loctuov who is bound by no prior undertaking to Auntie Jean.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 1/9/2004 4:40:22 PM

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 5:05 pm

*Inspects Document*
Wait a minute here, This is a false document.

Brave Revolutionary Leader, This is a false document supplied to us by that traitorous dog from Mustantopia. You will have to surrender no more
For surrender is considered High treason, And I don't think You will like the punishment for that.
I will however Continue fighting the Imperialist Dogs, As was my Pledge to you my Comrad.

Comrad Marshall Commisar Locutov

Oh, dear, How sad, Never mind!!-Battery Sergeant Major Williams
Plus the newest addition!!-

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 5:23 pm

under the terms of my long standing treaty with Auntie Jean Morton, i am beholden to deleiver the following message..

Auntie Jean says "You're all very bad and none of you will get to sing the Woomerang-Boomerang song if you carry on trying to kill each other and exterminate each others populations. If you all sit quietly and be good, you'll get a nice story about the little Donkey.."

Furthermore, in my last act as General Secretary of the Tawakalnian Socialist Party, I order that all veterans of the Utopian and Dystopian wars recieve commemorative medals in honour of their distinguished service. They may also utilise the "secret sign" and be allowed to recite the oath of allegiance "Bear in MInd to Be Good and Kind"

(I love you, Auntie Jean! more than Sooty, more than Bill & Ben, more than the Clangers, even more than Cher or Dannii Minogue or Julia Sawalha..)

Edited by - Tawakalna on 1/9/2004 5:38:58 PM

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 6:02 pm

My Comrades of the Revolution, we have been betrayed! I will hunt you down and bring you swift death, you decadent Capitalist pig.

Do Svidanya, Comrade Taw !

*rustles through weapons cache* I know I have a deathray here somewhere...

FF - I know my schematic was a picture of! Actually, it looks more like a Vulture to me...


And now for something completely different...

Post Fri Jan 09, 2004 6:27 pm

My Fellow Comrads,

It gives me great Pain that our Great Leader Has parted us for parts unknown.
It has given me a greater pain to sign the Death Warrant now on his head.
This Warrant is to be Executed forthwith if he ever Sets foot on The soil of our USTR motherlands.

In the meantime I will Rule over The USTR in the stead, As the Head of Party and General Commisar of the PRNS.

The Republic will retain its name in memory of our beloved leader, And as my first act I order the execution of the Traitor Indynski
He is to be brought to this palace where he will be executed in front of the public to show the price of treason

My Comrads, One Last Time

FurtherMore I have issued the order to the troops to stand down and Guard only.
Leave the USTR in peace and we will leave you in your country.

General Commisar Locutov.

Oh, dear, How sad, Never mind!!-Battery Sergeant Major Williams
Plus the newest addition!!-

Edited by - Locutus on 1/9/2004 6:50:13 PM

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