Wed Feb 11, 2004 11:31 am by Krazy Scout
Well, I got mine from battlezone 2. One day, while fooling around with some other people on this one game, got me this nice shiny scout (watcha think, a durned slow as $hit Rocket Tank?) so, whoosh, i'm off, ramming into one guy, i send him spinning towards the enemy towers, he dies with many curses, once again i'm off, again with the whooshing, into another battle I careen, ramming a few guys and I'm off, some goon in a assault tank gets wise and starts with the pot shots. So i go nose to the ground, and start going reverse, (thank smaal game bugs) I start drifting into the air, the enemy goes round and round, unable to target this elusive scout.
So this other guy says "hey, look at that KRAZY scout"
the name stuck, going across a few changes.
And that was how hoverkilling bases, and yours truly, was invented!