My name is actually my nickname in real life too. My friends gave it me sometime around 95/96. It is of course (for those who don't know) one half of "Wallace and Gromit", Nick Park's amazing plasticine creations. He's a dog, that says nothing but knows astrophysics and reads modern philosophy. He's cool so I was happy to adopt the name.
A gromit by the way is something that doctors can shove in your ear when you have earwax, but also a small piece of metal used in engineering.
for those who haven't got a clue who we're talking about, this is Elisha Cuthbert the girl who plays Kim... {attached picture of woman>
but to be honest, I prefer her in 24, she looks a bit more "ruffed up"... lol.
aaah the girl getting married....the luuurrvely Marie Warner, played by Laura Harris...but then of course, you forget her sister Kate, played by Sarah Wynter....... <attached another picture of another woman>
aaaah I love this show
I was having a conversation with my mates the other day in the pub about the recent power cuts that have happened in the US, London and Rome. Maybe, being the generation of conspiracy theories, we find it all to easy to jump to conclusions....but!...does anyone else find these recent events weird?
my point exactly Taw...what government would admit that weakness? especially 2 governments that are in the public eye for attacking a country and a third which has strong religious ties....not a chance. but do they think we're that stupid not to start putting 2 and 2 together? one more major city and its a definite I would say...2 more, full house.
its nothing to do with the amount of power we use....unless someone organised for everybody on the eastern seaboard of the US to make coffee at exactly the same time....and then tea in london.....and then pizza in rome....hmmm...maybe it was an international catering conspiracy
but ANYWAY! back to topic (don't want this thread shut down too quickly) - I am quite honestly leaning towards the "government cover-up" angle....but I am intregued to know exactly what happened....I find it extremely hard to believe that the US, London and Rome (of which its now becoming apparent that it was actually a good portion of Italy rather than just the capital) could possibly have complete power failures in the space of 2 months leaving transport and media useless. The way I see it there could be a few reasons:
1. A terrorist "warm up" - lets test the water before we do something big sort of thing.
2. A terrorist "attack" - but the governments don't want panic
3. A mass scale robbery - "warm up" or otherwise
4. A weapon test of some kind
5. The governments individually testing themselves to see how the countries would cope (which is an interesting one)
or of course, all our favourites...
6. an "extra-terrestrial influenced series of events" lol. that would be coolest
do women understand the need for computer games?
good example from last night....
a repeat of "sex and the city" comes on tv, so I promptly get up and head upstairs to play FL (to little yelps of "you could always watch it with me"...yeah whatever). I play for half an hour and come back downstairs as its finishing (samantha getting nailed yet again and sjp ditching boyfriend x...is it the same every time??).
GF promptly takes the P*SS...."what's the game you play called again?"... "*grumble* Freelancer *grumble*"..."hehehehehehe, do you have special names for yourselves, the people who play the game I mean?"....*ignore* grrrrr!...."space gurus?".....*ignore*...."intergalactic warriors?"....*AAARGGGH!*....."do the people who watch sex and the city have special names??"...."yeeeahhh, women!"...."well there's your answer then"...."what?"...."people who play freelancer"....."eh?"....."MEN!"
lol. I'm with you on that one Taw, did you see the footage of her at the V festival? short, tight, white dress? god damn!
NOTES: Personable. Has trouble juggling games and women, because of his appreciation for both. Conspiracy theorist.