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Auditions for my next play, "Zlothello" -- Update

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 6:39 am

I'm not going to get in this play. I'm not distinct enough.

Edited by - Jim Groovester on 06-10-2003 07:39:22

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 2:56 pm

The full cast has been posted. At least at this time it is the full cast. And yes Jim Groovester you did make it in.

I will now start work on writing it. I do not know when specifically it will be done. But should be soon.


Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:09 pm

aw dammit, to late again!!!

"Make it so Number One"
Captain Picard 'Star Trek the Next Generation'

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:49 pm

As I said I would, here are my notes on everybody and how I came to the decision of the characters. This is by no means scientific research and should be taken with humour. First is listed the person and their info, if it was possible for me to find. Second are some good examples of posts from the person, followed by my notes to what I think their personality be.


RILMs: 20 yrs Canada

Chief Scout, I've been in it for 15 years
So, I might as well ask. Are any of you guys aside from Locutus and I members of the Brotherhood of Scouting?
On some of the RPG boards I go to, they have a listing of members that are regrestered.

Why don't we have that here?

It would have the username, rank and/or post count, e-mail, IMs, homepage, whatever.

It would be a good way to get in contact with others on the board instead of hunting the fourms for a post of the person you're looking for.
I was thinking about how to orgnize it. We're all from diffrent parts of the world. If people think it's a good idea, I'd get the countrys/provences/citys of people interested. I'd collect them all and put a pin on a big world map. Where ever the most pins are is where the meet will be.

If it's somewhere near me (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) I can find a center to hold this thing. But if it's somewhere else in the world, I'd ask people in that area to look into convention halls, hotel ball rooms and the like.

Of course it would cost us some cash to rent the place. And it would cost to fly to get where ever it it.

But ya, anyway, I was thinking that we could get engraved name tags with our username on TLR and our rank of the lan.
I finished Freelancer for the second time. This time, I didn't do a single mission. All I did was hunt the wreaks untill Juni told me to meet up with her. I got alot of cash that way. Didn't spend money on bats/bots or ammo.

NOTES: Reputation. Orderly, wants things to be convenient. Also, good mannered and interested in others. Has self-initiative. Spend long discussions on Ale, look to locked Ale thread. Ale

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:50 pm

Jim Groovester 15yrs USA

My nickname comes from the days when I thought The Sims was mildly exciting. I wanted to create a photo album of some superhero guy. So completely on the spur of the moment, I came up with Jim Groovester. Then I was robbed, and the robbers took the computer, Nintendo 64, a big CD case with lots of old games, and the Sims CD case. So for a few years I couldn't play the sims. Last christmas, I got the Sims Deluxe for some God knows reason, and I remembered Jim Groovester. I thought the name was kewl, so I put into NOLF 2 as my screename (as opposed to my first screenname, KX). Thus the legend of Jim Groovester was born.
Ummm.... Thanks. Seems I have alot to look forward to in life.

As I always say to people on their birthdays, 'You're one year closer to dying.'
Also, I'm surprised to learn that people think that I'm 4 or 5 years older than I actually am. That is really cool, and makes me feel all tingly inside
Too bad I don't live in Vermont. Because It would be really funny if I screwed up their orders (at least for me). But down here in Arizona, I don't know what the minimum working age is... and I don't know if I want a job yet.
I'm a scout. A Life scout to be exact. I got it at like, 13, but I'm lazy and don't have my eagle yet.

NOTES: Young, wanting to feel important, needing acceptance and some attention. A good and positive person all around.

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:52 pm

Tawakalna: England

(nickname from Iraqi Republican Guard?) yes my nick is from that source, not for the reasons most might think, i thought it was a cool name in itself and also they stood and fought despite being hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned and i rather liked the sound of that, even though they got totally wiped out. i know thats happened in lots of other battles in history but 91 that was about when i first started dealing with the internet (14.4 modems and BBS zzzzzzzzzzz) so it rather appealed to me at the time and has stuck ever since. still like it and cant be bothered to change it after 12 years

(incidentally no-one please accuse me of being a traitor as I did my bit in '82 plus I got reserved during the 1st Gulf war)
incidentally, who saw the WC movie? I saw it on Sky Box Office (pay-per-view) and I thought it was pants, although it had its moments. It was never released in cinemas here, which is probably a good thing. I read that Chris Roberts intended it to be nearer his original vision for Wing Commander than any of his games ever were. Must have been very disappointing for him. Wonder what he's going to do now? Mind you he can probably sit back and relax on his royalties from the WC franchise, unless he's spent it all!
well grom if u will use internet explorer! i use Opera 7 as me browser and Webferret as me search engine. maybe the penguin's been sabotaging ur Pc again.
grom will end playing a faithful sidekick dog who gets kicked out of bedroom to accomodate a penguin, but saves the day in the end.
do you honestly think any govt. is going to admit that the national infrastructure is so fragile and so easily attacked? of course not. they won't even admit that there's a health problem when people are dying in their thousands because of a heatwave (like in France)
so where are the monkey planet and the robot planet then? I was really disappointed that there's nowt in the unknown systems.
haw haw haw I'm having a great time! yes wife and kids are here (and theyre behaving) we went to San Marino today and spent not a huge amount but got stacks of stuff. Me and the boy found some gunshops and got superb replicas of H&KMP5SD and Uzis for a quarter of what they cost at home, as well as booze, fags, jewellery and loads of other groovy stuff. Tomorrow we're going to Venice and no doubt my mrs. will destroy my credit rating there! Arezzo and Perugia on Wednesday and Florence on Thursday. Lordy this is the life! I dont want to EVER come home.
Cinema Paradiso (director's cut) every time this one, if I manage to get through Elena and Salvatore's reunion without blarting, and Alfredo's funeral, then the reel of stolen kisses gets me every time. Kids think its hilarious. I think it's the most perfect film ever made.

Brigadoon. ok its dire but i love it, i splurb like a girl every time at this one, usually at the end when Tommy is waiting to get back into Brigadoon at the bridge, the fog lifts and he runs into the town and Fiona comes out of the door. oh lawks I'm off already. Wife thinks its hilarious but hates Cyd Charisse.

Watership Down, blartfest throughout this film. Those leetle rabbeets... so brave... like real peoples.. cmon who doesnt blart when Hazel sees the Black Rabbit?

NOTES: When things bother him, he lets people know. Likes to discuss, joins and hosts many conversations. Mildly obsessed with penguins. And for all his masculine interests, he's a softy.

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:53 pm

Nickless: Holland

btw, I've allways wanted to know, what do all your nicknames stand for?
Mine means nothing special, just that I couldn't think of a nickname so I concidered myselff Nickless
oh, and my previous nick was Cracker, but that was more of a private nick.
And I actually first regestered myself as Anubis_Fighter, but I suffered from the disability to log in to TLR. Apearantly the _ was the prob, but why, I don't know till this day, for I've seen more nicks with a _, but it doesn't matter anyway.
If you're depending on the opponent to slip up, you basicaly lost already. Unless ofcoarse they actually slip up.
It's better to rely on your own capabilities, than on the un-capabitities of the opponent.

NOTES: Quick and to the point. Knows something about almost everything on TLR, with rank of Port Commodore. Clear & concise, easy to understand. Can delve into great detail about subjects of interest to him. And joins many other conversations. More serious.

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:53 pm


My name is actually my nickname in real life too. My friends gave it me sometime around 95/96. It is of course (for those who don't know) one half of "Wallace and Gromit", Nick Park's amazing plasticine creations. He's a dog, that says nothing but knows astrophysics and reads modern philosophy. He's cool so I was happy to adopt the name.

A gromit by the way is something that doctors can shove in your ear when you have earwax, but also a small piece of metal used in engineering.
for those who haven't got a clue who we're talking about, this is Elisha Cuthbert the girl who plays Kim... {attached picture of woman>

but to be honest, I prefer her in 24, she looks a bit more "ruffed up"... lol.
aaah the girl getting married....the luuurrvely Marie Warner, played by Laura Harris...but then of course, you forget her sister Kate, played by Sarah Wynter....... <attached another picture of another woman>

aaaah I love this show
I was having a conversation with my mates the other day in the pub about the recent power cuts that have happened in the US, London and Rome. Maybe, being the generation of conspiracy theories, we find it all to easy to jump to conclusions....but!...does anyone else find these recent events weird?
my point exactly Taw...what government would admit that weakness? especially 2 governments that are in the public eye for attacking a country and a third which has strong religious ties....not a chance. but do they think we're that stupid not to start putting 2 and 2 together? one more major city and its a definite I would say...2 more, full house.

its nothing to do with the amount of power we use....unless someone organised for everybody on the eastern seaboard of the US to make coffee at exactly the same time....and then tea in london.....and then pizza in rome....hmmm...maybe it was an international catering conspiracy
but ANYWAY! back to topic (don't want this thread shut down too quickly) - I am quite honestly leaning towards the "government cover-up" angle....but I am intregued to know exactly what happened....I find it extremely hard to believe that the US, London and Rome (of which its now becoming apparent that it was actually a good portion of Italy rather than just the capital) could possibly have complete power failures in the space of 2 months leaving transport and media useless. The way I see it there could be a few reasons:

1. A terrorist "warm up" - lets test the water before we do something big sort of thing.
2. A terrorist "attack" - but the governments don't want panic
3. A mass scale robbery - "warm up" or otherwise
4. A weapon test of some kind
5. The governments individually testing themselves to see how the countries would cope (which is an interesting one)

or of course, all our favourites...

6. an "extra-terrestrial influenced series of events" lol. that would be coolest
do women understand the need for computer games?
good example from last night....

a repeat of "sex and the city" comes on tv, so I promptly get up and head upstairs to play FL (to little yelps of "you could always watch it with me"...yeah whatever). I play for half an hour and come back downstairs as its finishing (samantha getting nailed yet again and sjp ditching boyfriend it the same every time??).

GF promptly takes the P*SS...."what's the game you play called again?"... "*grumble* Freelancer *grumble*"..."hehehehehehe, do you have special names for yourselves, the people who play the game I mean?"....*ignore* grrrrr!...."space gurus?".....*ignore*...."intergalactic warriors?"....*AAARGGGH!*....."do the people who watch sex and the city have special names??"...."yeeeahhh, women!"...."well there's your answer then"...."what?"...."people who play freelancer"....."eh?"....."MEN!"
lol. I'm with you on that one Taw, did you see the footage of her at the V festival? short, tight, white dress? god damn!

NOTES: Personable. Has trouble juggling games and women, because of his appreciation for both. Conspiracy theorist.

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:55 pm

jedierrant: USA

Mine comes from my love of Star Wars and the fact I'm a romantic. I've always like Jedi Knights. I've always admired King Arthur's knights and Don Quixote. Those are Knights Errant. But the two together and cancel out the redundant knight, you get jedierrant.
(About a Star Wars Book)Kyp was a pansy. I'd rather be Corran Horn any day. Now he's a pilot.
Chewbacca is a Wookie from Kashyyyk not Kyushu. He doesn't live on Endor. Get it right before I am forced to Smote you.
You told him about the Cardamine? Dang it, that's not for personal use. That's for bribing the moderators.
I second, Freighter Fighter. Taw, got to have better manners than to taunt us from a plush luxury hotel into lovel Italy. As I look out the window onto a gloomy and hazy Rocky Top, I kinda wish he gets a sunburn. The ingrate.
Let's see movies that made me cry.

Top Gun (Goose dying. Hey, I was six.)

Saving Private Ryan (Who didn't? It was powerfully depressing)

Titanic (At the whole disaster, not the "star-crossed lovers"

Black Hawk Down (Powerful)


New Jedi Order (Yep cryed when I found out Chewie died.)
Either that or you get your maintence droid to take care of it. What you don't have one? Too bad for you.

NOTES: Witty, but a bit too involved with Star Wars. Probably still fantasizes about Princess Leia.

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:55 pm


Many people think I got my name from the ´Anuld´ movie, but I have to say......hell no ! That movie was lame beyond belief.

Anyway, I used this nick since I first played Wing Commander on the SNES (1993), so that´s 3 years before the movie Eraser came out. I thought it sounded way more cool that my WC character doesn´t just kill Kilrathi, but ´erases´ them from existence Therefore my character became The (Kilrathi) Eraser or just Eraser in short.
I can mail it to you if you think it's any good

EDIT: Dang, the resolution of the pic is really bad and I just found out that I haven't got it on my HD anymore Sorry ! (you probably hate it anyway)
I googled for some info on PJ Harvey, but she's not really my type though. I don't find her attractive at all. Have you guys seen her nose ? Saruman has a sweet little nose compared to her Anyway, it's just a matter of taste I guess.
I used to cry when I was young at movies like:

Watership Down
Old Yeller (the part where he gets shot)

Later it were movies like:

Armageddon (the part where Harry says goodbye to Gracie, because he knows he´s going to die)

Schindler´s list (the part at the end, where he starts crying and saying he didn´t do enough, he didn´t save as many as he could)

NOTES: Considerate and respected. A nice guy. Has a new daughter.

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:56 pm

freighter fighter: England

mine is from the demo, i used freighters as fighters, so thats where my name came from
i want one of a freighter kicking some ass
im coming back from brixton on the tube going to victoria station, and the announcer says the line to charring cross is closed for essentail engineering works.( a train is on fire in charring cross station )

im in charing cross station last year, going up to oxford street to go to my work placement, and we are told that the bakerloo line is experiencing technical difficulties. ( a bomb alert has closed waterloo stations and the bakerloo line running through them )
my sister demands to install all the sims packs on my computer, you know why? because i have a 70gb hard afraid...very afraid
sorry to keep asking this, i cannot connect to the global server, ive tried restarting my computer, switching off then on again, even deactivating any mods i have running,

but i still cant get it to connect, it says 'connecting to global server' this continues for ages,

i even when out for 2 hours, came back and it still was trying to connect, does anyone have any good ideas.
i got my copy today, first thing i did was try multiplayer on a 24/7, next thing i know, i get disconected, and i cant reach the global server, any ideas?
i think the global server is messed up atm, is there anyway to manually connect to a sever, and can you tell me of any 24/7 servers?
im on a lan, which has no problems with other multiplayer games, but when it comes to multiplayer for freelancer, it wont get past connecting to the global server.

any ideas? it was working fine when i installed it yesterday, i went on a 24/7 server, then it disconnected me, and wont connect to the global server anymore
ok, how do you get 10 horses into 9 stables? try it out, and i bet you will kick yourselves when i give you the answer
yeah thats right, im going on my first date saturday, im planning to be my ( very charming ) self, have any of you wild things out there got any other tips for me?

should i put on zee french accent to make her laugh?

NOTES: Has problems connecting. His first instincts sometimes do him disservice. Eager, likes ze women, oh la la.

Edited by - Sir Spectre on 06-10-2003 17:03:50

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:58 pm

Warlord Bob:

My family is starting a civil engeniering firm but we cant think of a good name. This site has to have some people who are good at this sort of thing. Unfortuantely all the good names are taken so we need to make up a word... any ideas?
Navy life at sea seems ike such an enjoyable career. I've been around sailing (14-40 foot boats on Canyon lake, Texas) and consequently water since I was in diapers.
I generaly post 10 - 20 things a day (thats just a guess) but most of it is on topic. It's suprisingly easy to do as this is a very active forum
I just found a flaw with my idea of mod-ranks. It would be aparent to everyone else who the "more experianced" mods were and the others would get less respect. I can just imagine "why did you lock my post" threads. I say this site is pretty well thought out

NOTES: Technical and succinct. Formulates thoughts well. But not a good proof reader.


That is all my research. Again, take it with amusement. The parts were thoughtfully chosen. I'll post a new thread when I have the play finished.

Sir Spectre

.... Time passes too quickly to be enjoyed and too slowly to be endured.

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 4:01 pm

Thanks Sir Spectre for this opportunity to be immortalised.... I feel all emotional (Although I get the feeling that I'm the antagonist, but I haven't read or seen Othello, so please be kind sire)

I love my summary by the way....scarily accurate...I never realised I was so shallow!

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 4:09 pm

Again, brilliant !

BTW, thanks Sir Spectre for including me into the story. I did feel a little left out in The Taming of Hey

Post Mon Oct 06, 2003 4:15 pm

@Gromit, have no worries. You are the Protagonist, albeit the meaning of that be a "Tragic Hero."

@Eraser, what's brilliant? My research? I'm just good at reading and studying personality querks.

Sir Spectre

.... Time passes too quickly to be enjoyed and too slowly to be endured.

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