I wasn't complaining...I am enjoying this...
The "Historic Babes" theory....
Think about it....Beauty is defined by the culture. Back in the old west, women that would be concidered "Super Models" today...were concidered ugly and they didn't want them, because they would last in the desert. "Plump" women, with some meat on thier bones were thought of as more attractive.
Go back even further...In most of the paintings you see of women, they are depicted as being large.
For us Americans, there is another thing that most of us might find unappealing....There was no real concept of hygene among the normal populace...Unless you count Egyptians...They pretty much invented deoderant.
Basically what I am saying, is that Helen of Troy may have been the face that launched 1000 ships or what ever, and was the most beautiful mortal, (Not counting Aphrodite/Venus), but that was in her time...She might not be concidered that attractive in todays world.
In some tribes in Africa, you are concidered ugly and unmarriable if you don't have a large enough hole in your lip to put a 12 in. diametre plate in there. Most "civilized" countries would find that repulsive...
How do we know if thier perception of beauty is the same as ours?
Also what about shaving legs and pits? Shaving was really reserved for the men, so following that...Women never shaved...Some people in the world find that either attractive, or of no real consequence....However in a lot of cultures, that is concidered repulsive.
Picture a movie star/model/pop star...which ever one you think is the most beautiful...Imagine her with armpit hair and legs as hairy as Gene Shalit's chest, that doesn't bathe....ever.
I know that's not a pleasant mental image for some people, and I apologize...but I am trying to prove a point with this...
Something Awful