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The Monkeys 1.18

Here you can announce your own Freelancer MOD and find information about the different available packages!

Post Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:41 am

gestoord, for your offered assistance, thx

only I have lately relatively much stress in the private and working life! As soon as that put, I'll contact you!


Post Thu Jun 23, 2005 4:34 pm

Howdy -

I'm having the same problem, too. I get to the mission to retrieve the nomad power cell, and the mission freezes at the initial waypoint after leaving the Osirus. The countdown continues, but because the nomad station never turns hostile, I can't damage it, no matter what I shoot at the satelites. I'm flying an Anubis.

Any suggestions? Otherwise, love the mod - looking forward to getting one of the new ships.

Thanks -


whassat beeping sound??

Post Fri Jun 24, 2005 4:48 am


1.) Start of osiris
2.) fly to the waypoint
trick you somewhat to left or to the right .. (have forgot 0_o) there you can see a jumpgate ... dock with the Jumpgate ... fly to the Unknown Nomad Construction ... get the Nomad Power Cell and fly the same Way back

none ensures you has enough time ... however nevertheless not to for a long time to depend there ^^

there on that way back, at the Nomads Liar, are the first Nomads .. consider it not and fly to the waypoint ... June and King waiting there

Edited by - Ulinbore on 6/24/2005 1:05:23 PM

Post Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:35 pm

I've been following The Monkeys from the first release, and am very impressed with this latest release. I've been playing Monkey Universe for several days, and have to say all the new material, ships, especially is top quality. I'm impressed with the level of detail you went into, adding wrecks, and infocards for just about everything. Gives me something to do on the long cruises. The capships are well done, though i'd like to see a battleship class for the monkeys/robots, and see the destroyers appear in encounters more. You've likely used some kind of AI mods in this, which work well, although you could probably afford to increase the difficulty even more (some mods incorporate a difficulty slider in the main options for this) in some systems. Bring the level of combat up to the far edge of survivability. Excellent work so far.

Post Tue Jul 05, 2005 3:15 am


I'm sorry that I were not very active for some time, but real life issues are taking away my time lately.

tex: I hope Ulinbornes description helped you, but, when I find some time, I will try to go through the mission code again and fix any bugs I find (I'm quite sure that there are some in this mission, as you two have this problem).

Thanks Ulinborne for hlping so fast and I hope the mod is going well for you so far (no other bugs?).

Thanks also to JDawg: It's always good to hear that someone likes my mod. Your suggestions are interesting. Some others complained about the mod, being to difficult, and you think it is too easy. But this is okay. The current beta of the next version already has a difficulty slider in the options menu.
More capships for the Monkeys and Robots will also come, but probably not yet in the next version.
Thanks again and have fun playing.

Now, this is quite important!
As I said above, I was very busy with real life lately and this will also be the same during the next few weeks or even months.
I will definitely go on with modding and hope to release a next version, which mostly has some fixes and smaller additions, soon. But I have to say that I'm not as fast as I want to be. So, please, even if it is hard, keep waiting for the next version of my mod. I'm sorry that I'm so slow, but real life is more important to me than FL. I hope you can understand this. During the time until the next version is released, you could also try some other mods. Maybe you find some good features that could be added to the Monkeys too.

And now a call for help:

As I'm so slow during the last weeks, I could need someone, who can help me with the mod. It would be good, if you already know a bit about modding, but I could also help you with the advanced stuff. So, if aynone wants to help me with the Monkeys, just write me a mail and I will answer you. Please tell me, what exactly you can do (ini editing, modelling, etc.).

During the next two weeks I'm on vacation in Italy. But after this I will be abck and hope to have some more time for modding again.

Thanks for all your help and your good ideas!

See you around!

Black Eagle

Post Sat Jul 16, 2005 11:02 am

Well then hello again. I have found the solution to the problem i mentioned 4 pages ago... My comp is messed up so i have a new one now, and my Freelancer Disc is scratched up so i can't use it. How is your new version of your mod coming along, Black Eagle? I wish that i can try out your mod, but i can't since i can never play Freelancer again. I hope that your new mods come out well, and you will be reknown for your modding skills for a long time on this site!

Post Sun Jul 24, 2005 1:02 pm

Hi again!

I'm back from my holidays (was a nice time) and will now start to work on the mod again. I hope to have some more time now, but as I said in my last post, if someone could help me a bit, this would be great and the next version would be out sooner.

KingLin: Nice to see you again, I wished it would be for a better reason. It's really a pity that your FL CD is broken, but maybe you can send it to MS and ask for a new one. Sometimes they send you a new one just for nothin, or a very low price. This way a friend of mine got a new CD of X2, when his CD was useless.
If it does not work, I hope you will find some other good games to play. Good luck and thanks for the good wishes!

Black Eagle

Post Mon Aug 01, 2005 6:00 pm

Hi again!

I had much time to mod during the last few days. All the story only systems are now in the mod, fully with bases, encounters, names and infos, etc..

To have this bugfree (all the sp only things are quite buggy when used after the story) I just cloned all the systems. This way they look the same as the old systems, but are totally bugfree and the story is still playable as normal.

Until the release of the next version I still want to to the following things:

- testing the story only systems (I finished the coding, but have to search for small bugs now)
- 3 new systems: 1 Nomad, 1 Monkey and finally the long announced surprise system (with a blackhole, a pulsar star and many other nice surprises)
- up to 10 new ships (I will see how long I need and decide how many of these I will add for the next version)
- making the Order a bit more special and rebalancing the factions (their weapons, ships, etc.) to have four different factions that are nearly equally strong (Monkeys, Robots, Nomads, Order)
- other small additions and bugfixes

I will also add some parts of a mod Rimshot developed. Unfortunately he could not finish it, but he gave me permission to use what he already had and you will hopefully see many of his great ideas in the Monkeys (e.g.: spinning planets).

During the time until the release I might post some teaser pics (e.g. from the surprise system) to keep you up to date.
So, keep playing FL and see you around!

PS: Vader where are you? Everything alright? Did not see you here for a long time.

Black Eagle

Edited by - Black Eagle on 8/2/2005 8:20:30 AM

Post Fri Aug 05, 2005 3:37 am

Great work! Looking forward to the release.
I was and will be quite busy in the real life these monthes.
So it's too luxury for me to play any games.
But whenever I see any spaceship flying on TV screen or photoes,
I would recall the exciting moments when I explored the in galaxy of freelancer.
I wish to have that kind of joy soon again.

Post Fri Aug 05, 2005 4:01 am

Hi Powerdoll!

Good to see you again! I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one, who had and still has much going on in real life

See you around!

Post Fri Aug 05, 2005 6:59 am

Small update for those of you who play on the Monkey Universe server:

We have registered a new domain name and have a new website.

The player rankings are on the site and Monkey Universe is showing up in the global player rankings as of today.

Link to the website :



Monkey Universe server admin

Info on MONKEY UNIVERSE server

Post Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:33 pm

Thanks for that hint, Black Eagle... I got another FL CD already . Vader, where are you????

Monkey Universe seems to own Monkeys Mod right now ...

I seem to be unable to find the Battleground . FL Explorer helps though .

NPCs are way too overpowered (Read my next post)

Edited by - King Lin on 8/15/2005 9:08:10 PM

Post Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:23 pm

Hi King Lin!

The two mods are not from the same series. My own mod, with my ideas and only the additions I playtested and found to be good is just 'The Monkeys'. The current version is 1.18.

The Monkey Universe Mod was made for the SFG and their leader gestoord gave me a list of additions, which should go into the mod. The current version of this mod is 1.84 (Patched) (I think you misread it to be 1.18, but you can download the 1.84 version on their site).

However, some of the additions of the MonkeyUniverse Mod will also go into the next version of the Monkeys (they actually are already finished and a bit changed in the current build of the next version of the Monkeys). But some additions will not go into the Monkeys (e.g.: the Starwars ships).

So, you can try both, or just the Monkey Universe Mod, because it has the whole Monkeys 1.18 in it plus the additions. However, if you post your comments about the Monkey Universe Mod, it would be good to see them here, but I might answer you that certain features will probably not go into the Monkeys, even if you like them. But please just post it, I might even reconsider.

The Monkey Universe Mod will from now on be developed further by gestoord, so that I cannot influence what will be in there (or at least not so much).

I'm currently working on the next version of the original The Monkeys. Version 1.2 will have all the story only systems reopened and fully working, with bases, names, infos, nebulas, encounters, missions and everything else, which has to be in a real system. Besides there will be some new systems (about 2 or 3), some new ships (up to 10), the reworked commodity market (no more cheat-traderoutes, but a totally reworked system, where you can make lots of profit with trading, but have to do some work for this, as you have to do as fighter with fighting), a bit of rebalancing (the ships, the factions, the equipment, etc.), some minor improvements and bugfixes.

I hope you'll like it, but it will still need some time until I can release it. Keep coming here, where I will post my advantage and probably also some teaser pics.

See you around! (And thanks for all your support King Lin. Glad to see you back with a working FL CD

Black Eagle

Post Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:49 pm

Lol you're right, I misread Monkey Universe Final to be 1.18 while it was 1.84. Well, I've made it to the Nomad City in Nomadia, things seem well there. I explored all the jumpgates and things inside them, they seem very weird. BTW, what's with Monkeys building Banana Gates into Nomad systems? . Seems funny to me why you choose the name "Banana Gate".

Also, where are the Monkey and Robot systems? I can't seem to find them, and I want to try and see if they're better than my Mystere in combat .

Omg... The NPCs are invurnable... I flew my Mystere against 4 Conqueres and it took me nearly 2 hours and 10 tries to kill them without getting killed .... On my next assination mission I had to run because I was sick and tired of getting killed ...The NPCs use Nanobots and Shield Batteries too often, and the Shields and Hull regenerate way too fast ...

Also, Mission Commission says that there will be "Backup"? There were no other ships in sight ...

I have no idea where the the Monkey Base(Nomad 1) is... Can I at least have the Grid Coordinates? Please...

The "Open SP For Monkeys" doesn't seem to work with Monkey Universe 1.84, I can only get to level 38 and it says I can get to level 99?

Where are the vendors for the Star Wars ships in Monkey Universe? I can't find any of them.

Random Screenshot: Mysterie vs Sun

This forum acts weird and doesn't make codes right...

Next version Suggestions:
---More Nomad Turrets
---Nomad Energy Missiles
---More Nomad Shields
---Pilotable Nomad Battleships
---Pilotable Nomad Gunboats
---Pilotable Nomad Fighters
---Pilotable Nomad Freightor
---Nomad VHF Turret has Nomad Battleship Turret Sound Effect
---Dockable Dyson Sphere (Current Dyson Sphere is Undockable)
---More Monkey Shields
---Order Speciality (F.E.X(For Example), Robot=Manurviablity, Nomad=High-End weapons, Monkey=Flexability)
---More involvement of Home Factions in the New Systems
---New ships for the other Factions
---New weapons and equipiment for the other Factions
---Beam Weaponary

Edited by - King Lin on 8/12/2005 2:43:48 PM

Post Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:36 pm

Hi again!

King Lin: The name Banana Gate was a request from gestoord for the Monkey Universe Mod. Maybe you want to visit their website (look some posts back in this thread for the address). They are totally crazy worshippers of the Monkey God Therefore they do not anymore have the old, crap jumpgates, but new bananagates (actually the same as jumpgates

The Monkey and Robot Systems are just wherte they were. Go to Omicron Gamma, from there you can go to Unknown 2 (Monkeys and Robots) and from there to Nomad 1 or to Robot 1. An own system for the Monkeys is still in development and will be in the next version of the mod. Other new systems are Nomadia and Battleground, which you can reach fromk Edinburgh and Tau-37. And I can only say be careful, the Monkeys and the Robots are deadly pilots, really deadly!!!

I know that the NPCs still have too much nanobots and shieldbatteries. I already decreased this for the next version, so that fighting is still challenging, but will not take ages. I'm sorry for this, but I did not want my mod to be as easy as vanilla FL. However now it got a bit to hard maybe. If it is possible I will add a difficulty slider in the options menu in the next version.
The No Backup thingy is normal. Also in vanilla FL the mission consigners sometimes said that there will be backup, but in fact no ships arrived. Just keep cool, you will beat them

The Monkey Base in Nomad 1 is easy to find. Go to the Unknown 2 system (with the Monkey and the Robot Planet, Primus and Gammu) and then jump to Nomad 1. If you jump out from the jumphole, look for some navigation buoys and follow them. They will lead you to the Monkey Outpost.

The OpenSP works. In SP the maximum level is 40 (this is hardcoded and cannot be changed until now). In Monkey Universe however it is 38. But in fact there is no need to go over level 36, because then you can already buy everything (36 is the highest level restriction for the best ships and equipment). So, it does not really matter that SP supports only the levels up to 40.

The vendors for the Starwars ships are all over the colonies (e.g: look on Planet Malta). If however you want a complete Starmap and vendor laocations for goods and ships, try to use FLDatastorm (you can download it here on TLR). Then you might also be able to find all the wrexks in the new systems (some are really hard to find. Just that you know:

In Robot 1 there are 6 wrecks.
In Battleground there are 3 wrecks.
In Nomadia there are also 3 wrecks.

Try to find them

I hope you like the mod, and stay tuned for the next version. All your comments are welcome, as they really help me to improve the mod, thanks!

EDIT: just saw your edit

- More Nomad equipment is already in development.
- Pilotable Nomad ships might get into the mod, but for the next version this would take up too much time.
- The Dyson Sphere will be dockable and already is dockable in my personal current build of the next version of the Monkeys. There are also all Story only systems overworked and fully functional (look some posts above for more details).
- The Sound effect will be changed, good point!
- More Monkey Shields are already made in my current build.
- More specialties (not only for the Order) - I'm just working on this.
- More ships and equipment for other factions I'm also working on.
- More wrecks also
- More commofdities will not be in one of the future versions, as I just got 50 new commodities in version 1.18.
- Beam weapons are in my opinion quite unbalanced and the graphics are not perfect, so that I do not really like to get them in my mod.
The more involvement of other fations is a thing I have to think about.

See you soon (I have to end now, sorry)!

Black Eagle

Edited by - Black Eagle on 8/12/2005 2:43:47 PM

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