Sorry for this triple posting!!! I got some strange warnings, and then my internet connection was cut. Can't immagine what happened, sorry again!
Okay, deleted the two copies!
Hi again!
Azar: I'm affraid, but in Singleplayer, levels above level 40 are not possible. I already increased the requirements for each level. Besides I think that you can also keep playing the game, if you are on level 40. In my opinion you do not really need higher levels. Of course you cannot buy any new items, but it should dtill be funny to fight against multiple Nomads or Monkeys.
Vader: I would really like to see a Fan-fiction of you about my mod! Thanks for this.
The missing name for the Omicron Alpha Jumphole is a bug in the original game. I play with the Unofficial SP Patch 1.4, which fixes this bug, but I will add the fix in the next version of my mod.
Powerdoll: Many thanks for your post. It really helps to improve my mod.
But at first to your bug. I was not able to look into this until now. This evening I will try to find any mistakes, but it could also be the edited savegame.
The idea to make the missiles stronger is good. But the thing with the Nanobots I'm not sure about. There are some new weapons (the Robot Pulse weapons), which destroy shields with two or three shots. Then you only need to destroy the hull. Of course your enemies are using Shield batteries and Nanobots, but if they won't do this it would be to easy. So, I can maybe give them less Nanobots, or make the Nanobots repair less hull damage. I will think about how to include this in the next version.
To the Nomads: At first I made all factions loving you if you fight the Nomads, but this was like cheating, because you only needed to fight the Nomads and everyone else loves you. I think this is not really what you want.
And I can also explain, why the other factions do not love you for this. As it is said in some News on the new bases (You should read the news and the rumors in my mod. It may be interesting or even funny) all information about the Nomads was confiscated, and everyone forgot them, except the Order, the Monkeys and the Robots. And of course the Corsairs and the Outcasts, because they got Nomads in their home systems. So, as all other factions forgot about them (or at least are not knowing really much about them), they do not care if you fight the Nomads. The Outcasts and the Corsairs do also not really hate the Nomads. For this read the description of thr Nebula in Omicron Alpha where the Nomads fly around. The Outcasts believe that the Nomads are something like gods (I'm not really sure what is standing there now. Please read it yourself). So the only ones that love you for fighting the Nomads are the Order, the Monkeys and the Robots.
I will look into the shield thing. It's not so hard to make all the new shields like the Adv. Champion HF shield.
Until now I didn't found any robot voices for people in bars, but I think I also remember some robots (at least bartenders) in bars. I will try to give the Robots these voices. If this is not possible, I got this explanation. The Robots on Planet Gammu, are such highly developed and intelligent beings, that they got human voices. I personally like this idea (There are also films with robots, which got human voices, because they are so highly developed. For example: I, Robot). What do you think about it?
I'm affraid, but there are definitely no robot mission consigners. I will see, if it is possible to make new pictures for the Robots and the Monkeys, but i think that this is impossible, sorry!
I already got an idea of implementing some of the locked systems like Alaska. You will hopefully see these systems in the next version.
As I mentioned above: The missing name for the Omicron Alpha Jumphole is a bug in the original game. I play with the Unofficial SP Patch 1.4, which fixes this bug, but I will add the fix in the next version of my mod.
There are no bribes for the Nomads, because this would be unrealistic (hacking alien computers???
The only way to get well with the Nomads is to fight the Monkeys, the Robots and the Order (the last is the easiest, but the Monkeys and the Robots will hate you for that, heh, heh
That's it for now. Tomorrow I will start again with modding, as I was not able to mod the last week.
Edited by - Black Eagle on 8/26/2004 7:26:23 AM
Edited by - Black Eagle on 8/26/2004 7:28:46 AM