Final Elite Server announcement! Good and bad.
The Elite server will be operational until approximately the Friday after Thanksgiving ( 11/28?/03 ). After that, it will be taken off-line. This is over 2 months notice, which we thought was the right thing to do. It has been an absolute pleasure bringing this server to you all. I personally can not thank all the people I have come to know through being an admin of this server. We've all weathered the good time and the bad times (mostly good). We have done everything in our power to troubleshoot and maintain the integrity of the game from a server standpoint. Freelancer Multiplayer played as the game was designed has always been our "mission statement."
We do not need, nor want any thanks. If you have gotten to know the admins or chatted with them, we've always done our best to treat people fairly and with dignity. In addition, we have always considered this nothing less than a true labor of love since we all are die hard Freelancer fans ourselves. Finally, we also are well aware of the fact that without our player base, the Elite server would NEVER have been what it is today. Thanks to everyone for being a major part of one of the biggest, cleanest servers out there.
So enjoy the server for the next 2 plus months. I know I will (for a change). See you on-line!
*SPECIAL NOTE* -- With this amount of advanced notice, we have made the decision not to be involved in any character transfers to or from any other servers. Sorry, but that is something we did consider, but have opted to make a clean break and let everyone know about this WELL in advance.
Rob "Stinger" Lordier
Moderator - Lancers Reactor
Creator Privateer FAQ
no good deed will ever go unpunished
Co-Admin Elite Freelancer Server
"Corwin02 spell-checked" for ackuracee