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Post Thu Oct 09, 2003 4:05 pm

Duriel, I agree with you, death threats are deplorable. But I have read through many of the posts on this site with respect to Reynen, he was a lightning rod of controversy in this saga. I don't want people to be insulted, especially in one of my threads, but I don't want others saying some people can't harbor any ill feelings toward someone who does polarize a community.

Sir Spectre

.... Time passes too quickly to be enjoyed and too slowly to be endured.

Post Thu Oct 09, 2003 6:34 pm

Duriel - i HAVE answered the phone to be threatened to be killed - and all because i wouldn't hand out a girls phone number to some fantasising sicko. I called the Police - and i strongly recommend Reynen does. They withheld their number on mine, but my mobile company worked with the police to trace it. UNfortunately the person only gets a warning over here (context was obviously not a serious threat to my life) but it was still well deserved of the creep, and it won't look good on that persons record. seriously - call the cops - its what they are there for

Post Thu Oct 09, 2003 7:27 pm

Why is this thread not locked yet!! All people are doing is continuing to ATTACK and insult me and the people I work with!!

Moderators: By allowing people to continually insult me and my team and doing NOTHING about it, you are doing nothing but ENCOURGING trouble.

I do not want to deal with the subject anymore, however I will not idely sit by and let people insult us behind our back and walk all over us. If you see someone sending a flame again me or the team EXPECT a flame in return, SIMPLE AS THAT. So if you want to keep the peace LOCK THE THREADS OR DELETE THE FLAMES.


Yes I'm sure you were getting annyoyed. Being made an idiot because all you do is make ASSumptions does that to people. Even now you ASSUME that I have left, which I have not! You have NOT presented an ounce of fact in this discussion and DO NOT NOTHING BUT ASSUME THINGS.

As for the BOLD it was the most annoying thing people can do and it served it's purpose now didn't it.



Your right I am a nutter, confinement does that to you.

Also my posts reflect the SAME tone used by everyone else who a posting. Are you saying NO ONE ELSE EVER posted anything that was "offensive and attacking, as well as abusive, derogatory and threatening."

I have already apologized to peopel to doing what I did AFTER things happened.

If you are going to accuse ME of editing my posts after a significant time then you need to accuse EVERYONE ELSE WHO HAS DONE THE SAME THING. Including yourself.

Also Chips to EDUTCATE YOU. If I were to list names of people who I accusued of stealing, they COULD techincally sue for libel, even if they DID steal!!!!

Also another thing people are TO LAZY TO LOOK UP. When you post your works to the internet, you have an AUTOMATIC THREE MONTHS COPYRIGHT. It's a LAW, look it up.



Yes you are completely right. I also listed my reasons as to why I did it, or did NONE of you even bother to read it and just make ASSumptions. Cross analysis clearly shows AT THAT POINT, I had neccessary reasons for knowning that information.


Sir Spector:

I can't believe you are accusing me of this. What the **** would I have to gain out of going this!! What possible gain could I get out of screwing myself!! My god that is one of the most STUPID things I have ever seen.

I guess you made this post just so people could take more jibes at me and the team. At least it seems that way.


Also as for wassaups comment, "so one of you sue me. i dare you. we have a freedom of speech, as long as we are not threatening him directly."

What do you call accusing me of impersonating microsoft and trying to hurt myself? Your DIRECTLY accusing me of commiting a crime, WITHOUT PROOF. Not to mention the suggestion itself it COMPLETELY ABSURD.

Also sir spector, if people want to hate me for EXPOSING PEOPLE FOR WHAT THEY REALLY ARE, which is the main reason people are pissed in the first place. They ADMITTED THE TRUTH when they would have rather lied about it. That very much indeed pisses people off.

On the flip side those that really do support us showed their true color and we are very grateful. However the majority seems to bascially hate us. Which is fine by me. Like someone said, we won't last forver and when we get replace then THAT group will be the target of everyone's jealousy and hate.

RIght now we are one of the best which is why we are hated because so many people are jealous that they didn't think of it first.


So are people going to do nothing but throw insults and make ASSumptions or are you guys going to just DROP this subject. It's getting old and alot of you just seem to be out to start trouble.

Chips & Wassap:

I wouldn't put it past you 2 to look up my info and make those phone calls, I BET YOU GUYS were some of the ones who were making death threats and such. Look at how much animosity you uys are showing toward me. Can you deny it. If you didn't have an ovewhelming hate for me you would have dropped this already. But NO every chance you guys get you are bashing ME personally and getting other people to jump on YOUR bandwagan.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Edited by - Reynen on 09-10-2003 20:59:09

Post Thu Oct 09, 2003 8:24 pm


Sir Spector:

I can't believe you are accusing me of this. What the **** would I have to gain out of going this!! What possible gain could I get out of screwing myself!! My god that is one of the most STUPID things I have ever seen.

I guess you made this post just so people could take more jibes at me and the team. At least it seems that way

I didn't understand what Nephilim was saying. I was asking a question, I was NOT accusing you.

I don't want people to be insulted, especially in one of my threads,

That's what I said earlier in my thread. I meant it.

Sir Spectre

.... Time passes too quickly to be enjoyed and too slowly to be endured.

Post Thu Oct 09, 2003 9:06 pm

Reynen - believe it or not, like i said i don't care. I will credit you with what you wish if that gets you to calm down! Seriuosly - i know what is going on as this is unravelling on a public forum. I have now totally calmed down, and bear no menace to you, or too anyone else.

My last post seemed pissy, but that was because i was still stewing a little bit over wanting to credit Accushot for the ships, and not Reynen mod. He taught me how to make them - therefore i wanted to credit him. Does that seem so un-natural? However, i don't think modding is worth my health or my bloodpressure rising, so you can have the whole of that part to feed your desperate ego instead!. Does that satisfy you? Is that what you are after? Good o then - that is settled.
Every ship in my mod is thanks to Reynen - just wish i had known before - i could have saved alot fo time and effort on my part by just downloading reynen mod and copy/pasting the parts over.......hell - i could have saved ALOT OF GOD DAMNED TIME AND CRASHES FROM IT ALL!!!!!- However, i look forward to you emailing me that part of the code now, as i wish to see how far off i really was. I mean - if i have to credit you like anyone who did what i just described - then i at least would like to see the files that others get out of it.

This is not just one sided though - i think BOTH sides here need to stand down, back off and behave like adults. I like arguing - it reminds us that we are living, however, i don't like war or being hated, and this is what is fast becoming here. I can easily swallow my pride - and simply say - Sorry. Life isn't worth this pathetic arguement - which has been pathetic from start to finish. We have all been behaving like pissy little children.

You obviously care deeply and are protecting your venture - that is fine with me. Now - i personally took offense about several points - like trying to get the community shut down, and copyrighting crap - but that was lost in the madness - and i have to say - i found your petty treatment and attitude towards others infuriating.

However, I Now i just remember my age - and that this is all computer games. So - Sorry to anyone and everyone who read my posts and thought i was misguided and out of line. But - i don't care. You neither know me, or understood what i was getting at............and i cannot be arsed to explain anything at all anymore.

I would like to point out however, that at no point did i swear, threaten, abuse, make claims about that person i don't know, or make any other claims about their character in any way. I argued the topic twice, and then gave up - but notice i didn't insult, crow or parade over any comments made.........why? Because i am mature. Was i wrong - well you can make your own decisions about that if you wish - your perogative, but i have now left the arguement.........i have a life to live, and this was never getting anywhere here fast. We resolved....................................nothing.

I am a very laid back person. If people crave credit for stuff - they can have it............if it means that much to you ( although i NEVER copied, looked at or anything else anyones ini files to either find out how it was done, or to look for ideas - and i NEVER withheld credit from those I THOUGHT deserved it, its just that some think i owe it to others instead, so now you can stop spreading malicous rumours about me doing this. You have no evidence to back your suspisions on here.) however, it would be helpful for a comprehensive credit listing somewhere - cause honestly......unless you search through really old posts for months - who the hell knows who actually found out what???? - and therefore - would you expect newer members to know who made what?


To anyone else - like i have always said - i claim nothing - take what you like.

Now - I am out of this arguement. Sorry to all and whatnot - although there is only one group who have a reason to be offended by most post. So - to starfyre studios gang - sorry, I don't want to argue, i don't want to fight, and i really don't care.

Now however - one last little thing. Are the community in general going to get thier much deserved appology?

Also - i am severely disappointed in that pathetic comment that either I or Wassup could have made the phone call - but lets face it, did i really expect anything less...................
Please make your appology to me below


erm - edit - i would like to point out that i NEVER beared any menace to anyone from the start, and i will never bear menace to anyone, or have ever beared menace to anyone. Poor word choice in the first line!!!

Edited by - chips on 09-10-2003 22:07:45

Post Thu Oct 09, 2003 9:17 pm

By the way - i never asked for company in my arguements, and seeing as you obviuosly countered any foolish points i made, then look somewhere else for what turned people against you..............i suggest you re-read some of your posts - and interpret the attitude and tone, noticing the contempt there too. At THAT point you will find the person which made people join in posting against you.

Post Thu Oct 09, 2003 9:29 pm

I will be first to admin I have lost my temper in a great dela of posts, but you have to look at the root of the problem as to why I lost my temper in the first place.

If people don't insult me or my team I won't lose my temper and respond in kind. Also if you look, every single one of my posts has been AFTER a number of insults. There is only a couple topics I have started, which some people turned them into flame wars.

My whole life I have been drilled into standing up for what I thought is right and to fight those that insult me or the people I am with. I am doing just that. If people want me to shut up, then they will have to lead by example. If I don't have a reason to argue then i won't. Simple as that.

Now as is stated in the forums now, the matter is now closed. There is to be NO MORE discussion about what is going on. I consider the matter over and done with. If you wish to talk, them email me in private and we can discuss this.

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Post Thu Oct 09, 2003 9:36 pm


Now - I am out of this arguement. Sorry to all and whatnot - although there is only one group who have a reason to be offended by most post. So - to starfyre studios gang - sorry, I don't want to argue, i don't want to fight, and i really don't care.


I will be first to admin (admit) I have lost my temper in a great dela of posts, but you have to look at the root of the problem as to why I lost my temper in the first place.

Well this is a good start to civility.

Do two half apologies, make one apology? At the very least, this is a good sign of the calming of emotions.

Again I say, let us quibble no longer. We are friends!

Or at least people of like interest.

Sir Spectre

.... Time passes too quickly to be enjoyed and too slowly to be endured.

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 1:19 am

Ahh, much better let's keep our posts small so we dont have to read essays...

Personally I was worried because I had only just anounced my mod days before. BUT I have had a chat with a few of the people of business, one of which owns a gaming lounge. And I am safe, feck if anything happens I was asked to mod his lounge....

hmmmm small posts good no bold goooood...

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 2:52 am

im a ****ing 12 year old. my voice isn't deepened yet, and ive been trying to convince you to not kill yourself. and now you think i threatened you? by god, if one of us had to fall off a bridge to save the other, id fall off for you.

now, as for the lawsuite issue. im not exactly going up and saying "OMGWTF YOU ARE TEH CIRMINALZORZ!!!!!11elevntyuno1" instead, i have been simply saying that i think you are wrong. did i say you should rot in jail? no. did i say you should die? no, quite the opposite.

for the copyrighting, you are correct about that. im also not quite sure where microsoft was going with the money. why should you get your ass kicked because another company had almost sold TNG t-shirts but decided not to? i dunno if you were accepting donations or not, but whatever. most of microsoft's point is mooted anyway.

so yeah. just dont kill yourself.

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 3:22 am

u sure talk mature for being 12
but i am 13
so theres not really a difference
xcept for a few month maybe?

A note to freighter fighter: I STOPPED A MONTH AGO!!
oops!! sorry Fear Factor
"Turn left at fork in road......
In Soviet Russia, road forks you!"

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 4:12 am

@Reynen, so as to avoid any more misunderstandings, I'm going to simplify what Wassup said, because it might look like he's angry with you on first look.


if one of us had to fall off a bridge to save the other, id fall off for you.

He respects you.

i have been simply saying that i think you are wrong.

He disagrees, as is his perogative.

i dunno if you were accepting donations or not, but whatever. most of microsoft's point is mooted anyway.

Much of the argument has been subdued or put to rest.

My Humourous & True Lancers Reactor Plays with Real Posters as Characters in These Divine Comedies:
The Full & Complete Text of "Much Uba About Nothing"
The Full & Complete Text of "The Taming of the Psycho (Hey)"
& The New Play:
The Full & Complete Text of "Zlothello"

Sir Spectre

.... Time passes too quickly to be enjoyed and too slowly to be endured.

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 4:34 am

good job spectre!!!
*gathers crowd to clap and cheer*

A note to freighter fighter: I STOPPED A MONTH AGO!!
oops!! sorry Fear Factor
"Turn left at fork in road......
In Soviet Russia, road forks you!"

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 4:44 am

Technically you don't need to be a business to accept donations anyway unless its more than 50k a year? Some how my subcontracting works for me but i dont mod for money, which im not saying you do either. And more or less they would be for you doing a service to the community for hosting such a mod.

Besides i think MS should help you develop your mod more maybe even package it...

That way you CAN make some money out of it... Get into talks with MS

OR ingnore me both are good!

Post Fri Oct 10, 2003 7:55 am

At last,Zlothello!

Milkshape 409.

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