The stats for the ship by all means are not set in stone. Thats one of the reason why we have not released any infocards for them yet, because we expect to change their stats over time depending on players feedback and mod devleopment.
I have been looking into capital ship lately, and i discovered a few issues with large ships:
1. Lodrange don't seem to work correctly, ships still disappears at close range with 0, 999999
2. The docking scenes still needs a bit tweaking, although its dockable but the camera angles still need work.
So here are the ships planned for the release of next pack (might take longer than usual, we are trying to get the capital ship issues resolved):
(All pilotable ships will have their own buying icon)
Pilotable Ships
1. Added red running lights at the back of the cockpit ball for Tie fighter, Tie Defender, Tie interceptor to simulate the two red exhausts: In Progress
2. KSE Firespray class attack and patrol ship : Complete
3. YT-1300 (mesh by GAG and textured by DA): Complete
4. Tie Advanced X1 (vader version): In Progress
5. Tie Bomber: In Progreess
Non-pilotable ship (still has many issues yet to resolved)
6. Imperator-Class Star Destroyer : Been Tested
Here are some screenshots from the latestly captial ship test features Imperial Star Destroyer. We are making progress but still have alot to work out.
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3
Once the ships pack is out, we be counting on you excellent pilots once again to test fly the ships and discovered flaws for us
Edited by - rapid on 17-04-2003 01:19:28
Edited by - rapid on 17-04-2003 17:15:58