Hahukum Konn, hidden as he was, saw two people approach; the woman, and a rather good-looking man next to her. He stepped out from under the wing, and walked around the nose of the ship to greet them. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, a Kusari man rushed up to the three of them like a man possessed, and breathlessly informed Tanya that she had a message.
After that kerfluffle died down, Konn spoke. "Tanya, I must apologize for obtaining information about you without your permission, so that I know your first name, but you do not know my name."
Tanya and Travis looked at each other and regarded the blond man before them, who they could see also wore strange-looking devices on his face: Two round lenses, bridged over his nose, with frames extending back to his ears. This struck a chord of memory in Tanya, but she could not remember what they were. Also, the man's accent was mainly Libertonian, but to Tanya's practiced ear it sounded as though it had been worn smooth by some years in Bretonia. She wondered, how did this guy know where my ship was?
Konn was continuing. "My name, thus, is Hahukum Konn. As to why I am here, I confess I've gotten you, madam, into some hot water. I told some rather large Kusari goons earlier today that you had Niobium and that I was picking it up from you, so as to buy myself some time before they took my H-fuel and ship from me.
"I then came back here, having memorized the serial number on your visitor pass, and was able to locate your ship. Thus, my apology for my unauthorized quest for some information."
He definitely spent some time in Bretonia , Tanya thought, as she began to get irritated at the way this small-time trader had managed to get her in trouble with who knew what crime syndicate was shaking down people for their cargo in New Tokyo. She got even more irritated as she realized that this was just another unwanted event in a series of unwanted events that had just happened to her, what with Rutger's sudden let-down, the urgent message from Rob and now this!
She yelled, "Mister, I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you don't have the right to involve people in the messes you make and then expect them to help you clean it up!" Tanya was itching to pull her concealed gun out and blast this wiseguy in the head; if she couldn't punch Rutger's face she could at least take out her anger on this freelancer.
Travis got nervous when he realized both of them were armed with weapons that wouldn't register on energy scanners in major Kusari population centers. Mr. Konn probably didn't know this, and was likely unarmed. Not a fair contest...
Konn had his hands held away from his body to show he was unarmed, and was speaking calmly. "Madam, I can only plead desperation in light of the fact that I was likely to be roughed up and my ship and cargo stolen in any event."
Travis spoke softly, so only Tanya could hear: "You know, Tanya, I wouldn't shoot this guy. He did try to warn you instead of just taking off from here and leaving you in the soup with some nasty Kusari goons on your tail."
Tanya was torn between physical action and logical thought. She had to admit to herself that it could have been an even more explosive situation if she had been left to fend off the criminal element in Kusari without knowing why she had to do it, and that the gentleman in the elevator had the courtesy, such as it was, to let her know he'd gotten her into his hot water.
After Tanya's face worked its way from an expression of fury to a more rational appearance, Konn breathed a sigh of relief. He certainly hadn't expected to bump into a woman who was more than the ordinary tourist she seemed, and a male companion who was apparently just as involved in whatever she was doing.
Tanya's voice was more rational as she spoke again: "Okay. I'll trust you - for now. This is Travis Carter and I'm Tanya Williams, since we already know your name. Mr. Konn. Now, tell us exactly what you're doing here and what you told those goons you encountered."
Konn replied, "Thank you, sir.. ah, Travis and Tanya. I'm ex-Bretonian military, and have been a freelancer since I finished my term, doing some missions on the side as well as doing trading runs. I got word that H-fuel was cheap in Kusari, and picked up a cargo-load at Akita. I've never been in Kusari before, so I decided to tour the system a bit.
"I stopped here, and as soon as I left this spaceport, having registered my ship with the spaceport authorities, I noticed I was followed by these three... I hesitate to call them gentlemen, and since goons is what I've been saying, I'll call them goons. I had managed to escape them by a daredevil run across a highway near that large shopping mall complex.
"As I mentioned before, we briefly met in the elevator, and then the goons caught up with me. They wanted my H-fuel as well as my ship, and had apparently known of it almost as soon as I landed. I thought quickly, and told them that I not only had H-fuel, but that I was taking on a cargo of Niobium from someone else - that is, you, Tanya - and that she was to meet with me later today to put the deal through. They agreed to let me keep my ship if I let them take the 'Niobium'.
"I'm just amazed I haven't run into those three goons again today. They must have really believed me when I said I was getting the Niobium."
Unfortunately, just as Konn spoke, harsh voices bellowed from the spaceport, and three men were standing near the Bretonian Crusader, clearly very unhappy that Hahukum Konn had given them the slip. Konn turned rather pale, and he turned back to Travis and Tanya and said, "I'm not armed. I left my weapon aboard ship. I'm going to need help, although I really shouldn't be asking you since I did, after all, get into this mess myself."
Tanya had other ideas, and they involved teaching three Kusari goons a lesson about stealing peoples' cargo.
Summary: Konn finally encounters Tanya, nearly gets his head blown off for his trouble, and luck runs out for him as he realizes his ship's about to be stolen anyway.
Edited by - Hahukum Konn on 3/22/2005 12:09:42 PM