OOC: Good idea Code, and thanks DSQrn, Wilde for your inputs! Hope others will contribute soon too
In a galaxy of bright lights and shooting stars, the preference of Sirian inhabitants to wear protective shades was no surprise.
Still, for Rob Schaefer to choose wearing them made absolute sense. Tanya noticed his eyes had a feral intensity, the only feature of a fairly non-descript man that would highlight him from others.
She only saw his eyes once, when he removed the shades out of courtesy before shaking her hand. The grip was solid and she returned the gesture.
Tanya lay back on the couch and closed her eyes, the young woman had felt beaten raw and bruised all over. From the information Rob provided, Tanya learnt that the space around the Luxury Liner Hawaii in Sigma-19 had been turned into a gigantic graveyard. More importantly, she had no idea what happened to Mason, the Nomads, or even her friends.
Calming herself through long, deep breaths, she began to consider her next steps and consolidate the information already known.
Her first thought was whether Rob Schaefer could be trusted. Here was a man that lived and died by a 'Code'. To be in your late-thirties living in the dangerous Sirian galaxy requires a great deal of luck, good sponsorship, ability or a combination of all three. Rob was the exception to the case, he was a true freelancer, maintaining his independence through merely delivering on every assignment he'd undertaken.
Rob didn't mention why he was on Tanya's trail, only mentioning Tanya's less than subtle methods to deal with the root of the problem and the eventual emergence of Mason's plot to ruin Sirius via the Nomads.
Tanya opened her eyes and quickly stepped over to the door that led between the cargo bay and the cockpit, placing her ear to the door overhearing She was thankful Rob was using a speaker.
"Hey Code!" said a heavily accented Rheinlander. "How are you?"
"Not bad, Jason, not bad at all." Rob smiled. "But I need your help. There was a Rheinland fleet in Sigma-19 not six hours ago. I saw it, or what was left of it, leaving through the Sigma-13 jumphole. I need to know where it is now."
"Okay, I'll get right on it. When I find something I'll let you know." The other man said.
"Thanks." Rob said and cut the connection.
Tanya quickly shuffled back to the sofa.
"So," she whispered with a faint smile. "The allied fleets survived."
This implied they beat back the Nomad armada but sustained some losses, Tanya just needed to talk with one of the Rheinland officers and find out if they knew anything more.
A sudden acceleration caused Tanya to fall back onto the couch, but as swiftly as it had come the moment passed. The young woman rose and walked swiftly over to the locker, instantly feeling reassured once she strapped the katana between her shoulders. To her dismay, she couldn't find her cred-stick, which meant no credits until she could get to a capital planet and acquire a new one. Rob re-entered the cargo hold and as the door hissed open, Tanya saw the huge form of Gas Miner Naha fast-approaching.
"We're auto-docking with Naha in a few minutes. Just thought I'd drop in and see if you were feeling any better," said Rob. Was he grinning behind those shades? mused Tanya. "We're leaving the Clydesdale behind," he continued. "And I took the liberty of purchasing a Falcon for you. It's only set-up with standard gear, but it will do for now."
Tanya didn't reply at first, merely watching Rob as he spoke.
"Don't say everything at once," chuckled Rob dryly.
Tanya frowned.
"Listen. You're in bad shape. You have limited resources. You're alone. And frankly speaking, if I didn't tractor you in when I did, your suit could have been struck by any million particles out in space. In a phrase, 'you owe me'," said Rob seriously. "And the only way I figure you can pay me back, is if I give you a little head start. Take it or leave it. Making credits is hard when you don't have a ship in Sirius."
Tanya clenched her fists in frustration, but deep down knew Rob was right. If she believed what Rob said, it was fortunate to have been picked up when she was.
"Thanks," she said finally. Rob visibly relaxed. "I have credits, I just don't have the means to pay you back now. Once I get to a capital planet, New Berlin is probably the closest, I can pay you in full."
Rob nodded, then lowered his shades staring into Tanya's eyes.
"Fine. And until then, I'm sticking right by you. Not that I don't trust you or anything. But you're my investment now, and I intend to collect."
The freelancer snapped his shades back on then turned on his heel walking back into the cockpit.
Even though he couldn't see them anymore, those green eyes kept haunting him. He'd have to focus harder if he was to complete his assignment.
Dev listened as his contact at the bar outlined recent news. Apparently, a huge fleet comprised of ships sent by all four Houses engaged in a huge battle with an invading Nomad armada. The allies won and the Nomads were beaten for now, the damaged fleets returning to their home systems.
The bounty hunter paid the man then leaned back on his stool, putting both heels up on the bar much to the annoyance of the barman. The large man was about to say something, but Dev brushed his jacket aside and tapped the gun in his holster, a monstrous weapon manufactured by Detroit Munitions known as the DM-008 "Widowmaker" Very Heavy Autopistol. Dev didn't like energy blasters thinking they were too easy to use. He preferred kinetic weapons. Maybe he just liked to see blood.
The barman saw the huge gun, paled, then turned round and went back to his business, leaving a smirking Dev chuckling to himself. He downed his whisky, took another puff on his cigarette before dropping it into the empty glass and walked over to the restroom, shoving open the door and grinning when he heard it slam into someone on the other side.
"Hey! Watch where you're going!" shouted the startled man, he was a corporate guy, in a suit and was nursing a red mark on his forehead where Dev had pushed the door onto him.
"Shut it, pencil-neck," replied Dev and pushed past him.
"Hey! What's your problem?" asked the suit this time coming right up to Dev, standing a foot away.
Dev didn't reply and began to relieve himself whistling.
"Hey! I'm talking to you!" shouted the suit again. "How dare you ignore me?" said the man in apoplectic rage. Dev suddenly spun, 'splashing' the man as he did so forcing him to squeal and jump back.
"What?" asked Dev mischievously. "I missed that," he took a step forwards and the man turned and fled from the restroom. He laughed then zipped up and walked out back into the bar, only to face the suit flanked by two burly-looking men.
"Your boyfriends?" asked the bounty hunter.
"He's the one!" said the suit in curiously shrill tone. "Beat him up! Go on, hurt him!"
The two men advanced and Dev laughed, removing his jacket and throwing it to the ground and mockingly put his fists up. Before the men could advance, Dev drew his gun with lightning speed and aimed it at them, freezing them in their tracks.
"So. Who dies first? Maybe if you stand in a line, I can take all three of you out in one shot! That would save me bullets. And you can share the experience," he laughed. Dev was about to continue taunting the three men but two people, a man and a woman, just walked into the bar caught his eye. He studied their movements, cool and assured, as they strode confidently to the bar where they ordered drinks and sat talking in quiet tones.
He looked at the three men frozen before him, then twitched his head sharply to the side.
"Wssht. Get moving. Today, you live another day," said Dev.
"I hate you!" shouted the suit. "You'll pay for this!"
"Yeah, yeah. Get moving lowlife," said the bounty hunter. The three men ran for the exit and Dev sheathed his gun. Having been a Zoner all his life, he was rarely surprised, but these two were interesting.
And he could never resist being curious.
DSQrn, I thought Dev seemed to be a lot like Snake Plisskin...!
Code, when I read your post Rob seemed to have an agenda, though it's not explicitly mentioned. Tried to vaguely build on that.