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The Control Your Own Faction RPG: Part 3, The Age of War- Th

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 8:54 pm

Your numbers are no stronger now than they were 50 years ago. Your "cause" is stagnant, growth comes only from reproduction and the odd foreign fanatic. The average Rheinlander wants only to live his life in peace and comfort, not to die on a fools crusade to sweep a megalomaniac into power. No. The people of Rheinland have seen too many of those sitting in the Chancellor's chair. You have not seen an increase in numbers because they see the truth about you. You are the one who is no better than the previous Chancellors, not I.

I think I know what you would say. You'd say the answer to why our numbers are so small--they aren't, however, interestingly enough--is because you have been spreading propaganda and lies about us and all our allies so long that now you yourselves believe those same lies. We are not pirates, we are not neo-marxists, we are freedom fighters and socialist revolutionaries.

You accuse me of spouting propaganda for so long that I believe it when you are the one who is blinded by hatred. The Hessian population is only a tiny fraction of the population of greater Rheinland. While the Hessian Armed Forces make up the largest percentage of your population (and don't bother to argue that point, we both know that unless you can pull resources out of thin air you need as many people as you possibly can have to steal that which you need to eke out your pathetic excuses for lives), only a fraction of a percent of Rheinland citizens volunteer for military duty.

As for the pirates whom you so romantically refer to as "freedom fighters", they are mostly no more than petty criminals, sociopaths and general reprobates. Do not delude yourself into thinking that they believe your so-called "socialist" yammerings. They have joined your cause that they may sow the seeds of destruction under a veil of semi-legitimacy. It is that simple. Your faction may once have had noble, even admirable goals but it is now an empty shell of its former self.

Edited by - Codename on 12/21/2004 9:09:41 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:11 pm


Chancellor Codename, Commander Wilde, I have a proposal. This may sound greedy, however. Wilde, you say that Republican and Kruger have been harshly cruel. Chancellor Codename, you want the hostilities to end. I suggest that control of Republican and Kruger fall to a faction which is NOT cruel. For example, if Republican was to have control given to DSE, then all the harsh cruelty would end INSTANTLY. I may sound greedy, but any wars are likely to have repercussions to all the other Houses and Corporations. I make this proposal only to stop the constant and avoidable hostility between Rheinland and the Red Hessians-Bundeschu. If you disagree, then I shall leave you to your hostilities and the eventual all-out war that will come.


Edited by - Captain Kill2 on 12/21/2004 9:18:14 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:11 pm

How would you know, old man? I believe I would know better than you, and we have experienced a 200% increase in numbers of the past half-century. You know why that is? Because Corporations in Rhineland do not cease and desist in their blatant cruelty and mechanical thought. If you are a supporter of freedom and democracy, why do you not work with us instead of against us? We support it too, and the rights of the underpaid and overworked proletarian.

Your house was once noble and admirable. There have been strong, willing, freedom-loving Chancellors in the past, but these have faded away. House Rhineland is no more than an empty shell of its former glory.

I have no problem with that proposal. Rhineland might, however. And my character's name is not Wilde, just so you know. Call him Herr van Haalein.

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/21/2004 9:16:39 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:32 pm

To Hessian Leader:

So you "know better", do you? In reality you are only lying to yourself and others. The only decrease in population Rheinland has suffered was a result of mass emigration after the Nomad Incident. Look at the immigration/emigration numbers of the other Houses and you will see that what I say is true.

You accuse me of working against you? I have never done any such thing. When I was installed no Hessian ever contacted me to negotiate terms of peace, no Hessian ever offered to lay down their arms. No, you just kept up your incessant murderous rampages through Rheinland space. When I was working so hard to rebuild our fallen nation did any Hessian offer support? No. But the citizens of Rheinland did. I am forever in their debt. Finally, yesterday you issued me an ultimatum. You must think pretty highly of yourself if you can feel that you have a right to be such an outright hypocrite.

Finally, you have absolutely no right to claim to bear the mantle of the "underpaid and overworked proletarian". You have never done a proper day's work in your life. You have never even set foot in one of the factories you so despise. You have been too busy murdering true Rheinlanders to do that. I am not sure which offends me more, your arrogance or your ignorance.

To Captain Kill2, DSE Chairman:

Thank you for offering to be a truly neutral intercessor. I appreciate your efforts but I cannot help but fear that they will be in vain. I have already attampted such a solution and I was snubbed. Perhaps you will be more successful. One can only hope.

(OOC: Are we really going to keep this up for three days? Not that I mind, of course. I'm really enjoying this. )

"I have no problem with that proposal. Rhineland might, however."

You truly are mad. Explain this, if you can. Why is it that when I offered the exact same deal - plus 90 credits - to the Bundschuh, a fellow revolutionary organization, you counselled them to refuse but now that DSE, another corporation has made the same offer in the interests only of improving its own business, is it suddenly okay?

Edited by - Codename on 12/21/2004 9:53:36 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:47 pm

Yes this is actually quite a lot of fun. On the other hand--us two, we're dying to have a go at each other. could someone perhaps loosen the rules, just this once?

Chancellor, I am the leader of my faction. I know its history, its motives, its actiions. I think I know better how many people join our ranks, no offence. How am I the speaker for the proletarian worker? Read the ultimatum i sent you. It says to shut down the corporations you house that are infamous for abusing the lower class.

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/21/2004 9:48:22 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 10:03 pm

Babbling on about some sort of "Proletarian Revolution" and making unreasonable demands do not make you their speaker. I think that if you were to stop and investigate the claims you toss about like so many Rheinlander lives you would see that people no longer really care. Those who join you out of anger at the corporations have personal vendettas, they do not reflect the attitudes of most.

Also, did you ever stop and think that perhaps you are doing more harm than good? You attack the covoys sent out by the corporations, give those on board a chance to surrender, kill those who don't and steal their cargo. The corporations, being ever profit motivated must make up for the loss of personnel, equipment and source of revenue. The easiest way to do this is to pay the workers less for greater labour. If you truly cared about the Rheinland people then you would stop, for their sake.

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 10:18 pm

I am not doing more harm than good, quite the contrary. I have your attention, don't I? If I was merely writing petitions agianst the companies, you would not even grant me an audience. In truth, the majority of Rhineland's population you will find agrees with at the very least our motives, if not our actions. Furthermore, what is the point of an organization like ours? To, through strength of arms, show the corporations we attack that as long as they continue oppressing the common worker they are not safe. If they violate freedom and override rights, we respond in force. Why? because people have learned a lesson in the past--protests and civil disobedience do not work when a company is only concerned with profit. Only strength of arms will work.

If you truly cared about the Rhineland people you would seize the assets of Daumann and Kruger for good.

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/21/2004 10:18:44 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 10:26 pm

Have you even tried organizing a petition? No. A (non-military) strike? No. A protest march? No. You make these claims with no proof, no support. Sadly I feel as though we have reached a point where you are so enamoured with the status quo that you are unable to break the mold. The corporations have adapted to your existence. You cannot be more than a thorn in their side. Certainly they will not be as successful as long as you and your merry band of murderers continue to be a pox on our society but they will endure. You have not accomplished anything through your "foolproof" method of violence. I do not think you are capable of anything else though. This is sad because no one as young as you should be so full of blind hatred.

And you still havent answered this:

You truly are mad. Explain this, if you can. Why is it that when I offered the exact same deal - plus 90 credits - to the Bundschuh, a fellow revolutionary organization, you counselled them to refuse but now that DSE, another corporation has made the same offer in the interests only of improving its own business, it is suddenly okay?

Edited by - Codename on 12/21/2004 10:35:27 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 10:46 pm

good point. Hessian approval of the DSE plan denied. frankly, I want a war here. Could we get a removal of the grace period? I'm tired of defending myself and counter-attacking.

Edit: I phrased that badly. I withdraw approval because Rhineland refuses to give its thus my support is worth nothing.

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/22/2004 1:46:23 PM

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 10:49 pm

As do I. But I really hope Stormtrooper sees that post of yours. I can use all the help I can get.

After all, even though my logic pwnz your logic, your fleet - as it stands - could just as easily pwn mine.

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 11:09 pm

well, it actually did it that one circumstance. but yeah, Our fleet would really pone you, eh? Especially when you have to start using commodities next turn--you get 2 bloody H-Fuel per turn! That's pretty damn funny.

Hey, Stormtrooper's still part of the LEague. we're getting the help, not you . sorry.

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/21/2004 11:09:29 PM

Post Wed Dec 22, 2004 12:56 am


Chancellor Codename, Commander Herr van Haalein, you have actually amused me. You think I made that offer to INCREASE my profits? I would offer one quarter of the credits gained from the Republican Bases to both factions EACH. I merely wanted a war averted as it has long lasting repercussions AND I wanted to stop the cruelty to Rheinlanders by Republican and Kruger. I admit that I am low on commodities, but I have been trying to get a trade agreement for oxygen and water even while I thought you had both agreed. Now I see that your bloodthirsty intentions cannot be stopped. I offered peace, but instead you wanted war. I shall not stand in your way. But I do hope you don't make this war spill into other Houses because some of them are not as bloodthirsty as Rheinland and the Red Hessians. Also, I find that I am now questioning the Red Hessian and Bundeschu motives. I offered the chance to do what you have been endeavouring to do, and you threw it away. If you reconsider, then I shall be gladdened. If not, I shall leave you to tear each other's throats out.


Edited by - Captain Kill2 on 12/22/2004 12:58:33 AM

Edited by - Captain Kill2 on 12/22/2004 1:06:41 AM

Post Wed Dec 22, 2004 2:43 am

OOC: Sorry i'm late guys but i live in england and so TLR was down all last night for me i'm posting first thing on a morning so forgive any mistakes

IMG turn 1

Moneyaccording to calc) 294
Resources: F 2/HF 16/M 26/O 11/W 10
Fleet: 60 LF wings

Ship stats:

Hawk LF: FA 4/FD 2/CA 1/CD 1

Falcon HF: FA 6/FD 3/CA 2/CD 1

Eagle VHF: FA 8/FD 4/CA 3/CD 3 (2 Free points used here)

Raptor Gunboat: FA 5/FD 3/CA 10/CD 4 (2 Free points used here)

Freeport 4
Holman outpost
Friestat outpost
Cardiff mining facility
Battleship hood

Falkland base
Java station

Message to all: The IMG wishes to become a nutral faction, for now, we will trade with anyone who wishes to recocnise our nutrality. In return for recognising us we will also give Dexter Hovis to the red hessians to dump into deepspace and so cheer everyone up.

Send one exploration team from tau 37

Buy one train

Total credits and recources after turn 1according to calc)
credits: 214
Resources: F 2/HF 10/M 16/O 7/W 10

Post Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:58 am

The Honurable Hogosha seeks to find new frontiers, and is intrested in opening trade agrements.
We require metal,food,H-fuel,oxygen.

We are also extending our hand in friendship to kusari and the outcasts.In hope of friendship and corperation we give them each 10 credits (pending on Kusari until they have shown themself).
We also reqognize the Pirate Leage and we give them 10 credits. We are not hostile towards anyone we have an open mind to all ( as long as they have cash )

300 credits - 10 credits - 10 credits = a total of 280 credits left.

Post Wed Dec 22, 2004 7:43 am

The Pirate's League thanks this honourable action by the Hogosha. It is possible that you too if you want could become a member of our ranks and share the same benefits of commodities as we do. If not, you will certainly have building rights in our systems.

Red Hessian Turn 2

1. I place Yama Shipyard in Sigma 13. Kali Shipyard will be placed in Omega 7. 5 Corsair VHF wings to go to Yama, 2 to Vogtland. 10 LF wings go to Kali.

2. I build 5 Corsair VHF wings.

3. We request a peace treaty with the Rogues and Xenos.

4. I move 15 LFs to Yama

5. I collect 205 credits, -85 credits= 120
commodities left: 33 M/ 7 H-F/ 11 W/ 2 F/ 16 O
per turn income (PIRATE'S LEAGUE): 35 M/ 22 H-F/ 7 W/ 2 F/ 16 O. 160 base income.

Controlled Systems:
Omega 11
Omega 5
Omega 41
Omicron Gamma
Sigma 13
Omega 7
Sigma 19

Base locations (all hidden):
Bruschal Base, Frankfurt
Vogtland Base, Dresden
Cadiz Base, Omega 5
Ronneburg Base, Omega 5
Freital Base, Omega 11
Leon Base, Omega 41
Tripoli Shipyard, Omicron Gamma
Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma
Yama Shipyard, Sigma 13
Kali Shipyard, Omega 7
2 unnamed bases, Sigma 19

Hessian Fleet locations:
Vogtland: 20 LF wings, 2 C. VHF wings
Ronneburg: 5 LF wings
Freital: 10 LF wings
Yama: 5 C. VHF wings, 15 LF wings
Kali: 10 LF wings

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/22/2004 10:35:33 PM

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