In terms of going back through what i do, i have to say not that often. I believe that by keeping what i write as simple as possible, it will help younger readers to understand the story. There are often parts that i do like to fill in, but i find that building characters up over time gives perhaps a more "feel" to them. For example Halap in my first story, he came about halfway through and i spent much of the latter part of the story trying to persuade the reader that Halap, while he had lied to The Order, was in fact a great being who wanted nothing more than the survival of his friends. This is also why i try to have more speech than description. After much consideration, i am going to be a bit more graphic and hard hitting in this than i was the first one. I wanted Noir theme but the last time i tried that i got a negative response from it. I think my next seperate story, if it happens, will be a Noir love story set in the FL universe.
Thanks for telling everyone the ending