Hey guys, I have the new chapter ready!
Chapter Six- Dead Men's Tales
Rear Admiral Black was riveted to the viewport in front of him. In space, all around him, were the wrecks of what had once been a proud Liberty battlegroup.
"Yes, captain."
"Should we notify the Navy?"
"Yes, get someone out here right away."
Black was still incredulous about all this. Who could have done this? Only a full fleet could have caused such destruction, but they would have taken losses as well. Nothing made since anymore.
"The Navy is sending another task force to investigate. We can continue on our mission when they arrive."
Then, Black saw something in the gloom ahead. He ordered the pilot to move the ship towards it. Slowly, he saw more and more of the object. Then, he could make out the shape just enough... It was a Liberty battleship! As his ship moved closer and closer, Black could still not make out any damage on the hull.
He pulled up the scanner system on his pad. He executed a long-range scan on the hulk of the Liberty ship. He looked at the results. Not a scratch! This side of the ship, at least, was in good shape. Since the scanner was unable to penetrate the thick armor of the ship, he had no idea what was on the other side, or on the inside, for that matter.
He told the pilot to go around the ship, so he could get a closer look.
They reached the other side, and Black was awestruck at what he saw. This entire side of the ship, bow to stern, was filled with big, gaping holes. It was as if the ship had taken full broadsides from half a dozen other battleships! Black pulled up the schematic of the ship on his pad. The holes in the armor enabled his sensors to pierce through to the interior. He noticed that much was damaged, but large portions were untouched. Including the docking bay. That meant potential survivors, and he had to find them, if they were still alive.
He put in a call to the docking bay. He had a transport, the same one he had used to pick up Hapgood, readied for immediate launch. Then, he summoned the ship's contingent of Liberty Marine Troopers, or LMTs, to the docking bay. There were about twenty of them, and they were experts at fighting inside large ships. He told Fox to take command of the ship, and then stood up. Hapgood came running over.
"What's going on, Admiral? I have a meeting to be at, and I hope this will not take too long, whatever it is."
"Calm down, it won't be long. Besides, if this is what I think it is, then it is far more important to Liberty than your mission."
Hapgood was about to argue, but he decided against it.
"Well, where are you going," he asked.
"I am going onto that ship."
"What am I supposed to do?"
"You will wait."
Black briskly walked to the lift that would take him back down to the main level of the ship, hit the button, and the doors shut.
While he waited for the lift to take him down, Black pulled his pistol out of its holster. It was a Liberty Magnum, standard issue for all Liberty officers. He slid it back into the holster. He would need his wits about him, and his trigger finger ready, here more so than any other time. He had no idea what he would find on that derelict ship.
The doors opened again, and Black exited the lift and move into the hall. He walked down to the docking bay doors, and entered. A group of the marines were sitting close by, checking their weapons. They had long, powerful rifles, equipped with scopes, and body armor with helmets. As he neared them, one of the men noticed him, and sprung to attention.
"Officer on the deck!" he cried, and saluted. His squad, as well as everyone in the bay, instantly sprung to attention as well.
Black returned the salute.
"At ease," he said.
Everyone returned to their duties. Several pilots were mulling about. They looked disappointed that they had not been called on to escort the Admiral and his party to the ship.
"Commander Gordon, come here, please!" Black called across the bay.
A young man jumped up from a corner, where he had been talking to his pilots, and jogged over to Black.
"Yes, sir?"
"I would like Delta wing to escort my party onto that ship, and keep a close eye out for any trouble. Afterwards, I would like you to dock with the ship, and keep control of the bay until we return."
"Are you expecting any problems, sir?"
"No, but I just want to be safe."
"Good, good. I will ready my men."
"Thank you, Commander."
The Commander ran off to get his men. Black walked over to Lieutenant Peters, the leader of the Jefferson's marines. Peters was talking with a group of squad leaders. Black interrupted him.
"Lieutenant, are your men ready?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good, get them loaded into the transport."
"Aye, aye, sir."
Peters called his men together, and, as a unit, they boarded the transport. Commander Gordon came back up to Black.
"Sir, my men are ready to go."
"Get them to their ships, Commander."
Black watched as Gordon led the three other pilots in Delta wing to their Defenders. Then, he joined the marines aboard the transport.
Minutes later, the transport, along with Delta wing, was out in space. Black was sitting behind the pilot, with the LMTs in the rear cargo hold of the ship. Black could see the derelict, plain as day, in front of them. The ship accelerated.
"Head for the docking bay," Black said to the pilot
The pilot acknowledged, and the ship veered towards the lower portion of the ship. They moved closer, and the pilot gave a dock request. Surprisingly, the doors opened. Black had expected the docking computer to be destroyed, and in that case, they simply would have blasted their way in. That was not necessary, however. The ship entered the bay, passed through the airlock, and entered the internal bay. The pilot gently set the ship down, and Black went back into the cargo hold. The marines sat on makeshift benches along the walls. When he walked in, the Lieutenant signaled for the men to stand up. They silently followed Black to the transport?s exit door. Before Black hit the button to open it, Peters called out, "Be ready for hostile contact!"
Black hit the button, and the door hissed open. Before exiting, Black called back, and told the pilot to be ready to extract them at a moment's notice. Black charged out of the transport, pistol drawn, and the marines followed, guns leveled, ready for anything.
The bay was as silent as a tomb. The strangest thing, however, was that all of the fighters and transports were still in the bay. None of the ships had left to engage the enemy! In any fight, the first thing a captain did was to launch fighters to engage the enemy ships. It was yet another thing that was out of place in this mission.
The group silently made their way across the bay to the main set of doors that led to the main part of the ship.
So, the team wandered through the ship for about fifteen minutes, stopping every now and then to let Black check their position on his datapad. Then, they hit a dead end.
"Damnit! We are never going to get to the bridge. All the ways are blocked!" Black said as he looked at his datapad. "Well, if we can't get to the bridge, I think I might be able to get us to the next best thing. There is a lift that leads to the command post. We might be able to find survivors there; it seems to have only taken light damage."
They backtracked their way to the lift, and boarded it. Black entered his ID code, and it successfully overrode the lift's security system that was put in place to protect the commander of the ship. The doors closed, and the lift began moving upwards. It was very cramped; they were putting twenty men in a lift that was designed for a maximum of ten. The lift stopped, and the doors opened. Black drew his pistol, and glanced around.
Only the red emergency lights were on in this portion of the ship, while most of the lights had been lit in the bay and the hall. Bodies were on the floor. Black could see fairly well, because of all the viewports in the command post. Many of the bodies were those of officers, and Black and the marines went around to each of them, checking to see if they were still alive. Black saw one body that had a crisp, whit uniform on. It was lying directly in front of the command chair. A pool of blood covered the body. A piece of bulkhead had collapsed right on top of the chair, which explained what had killed the man. Black walked over to he body. He flipped it over, and saw the rank insignia on the shoulders. A Vice Admiral. He checked for a pulse, and was shocked when he detected one. This man was still alive!
Edited by - ww2jacob on 11/20/2004 8:31:53 PM