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Victory At All Costs, The Story of A Liberty Naval Officer *

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:43 am

Going good Jacob but I see a major problem with your story.

When Black landed his ship in the brit battleship he should of died. There is no air in the landing bay because you blew it open.

Now sorry if this seems rude but I have a feeling that you didn't think it thought enough. I do that a lot.

But other then that it was a great chapter. I like the way how you steped out of the box and started something that uses full scale fleets and not just fighters

Keep it up.

Post Thu Jan 06, 2005 6:31 am

Brilliant story so far would like to see some of the gaps filled in though

Post Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:49 am

yes, if the docking doors were blown out the docks should decompreasure, but at the same time it should also happen each time a fighter docks normally, unless there are multiple doors, so either there are fields like in star wars and star trek, or there must be more than one door... so i guess this either seals the holes in the story or makes em bigger, i guess a little more detail was required... =P


Post Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:16 pm

Awesome jakob! GO BRETONIA!

Post Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:21 pm

Sorry about the gaps.
I was sick when I wrote it, and I was kinda slacking a bit.
I will fix it ASAP.
Sorry again.

Post Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:28 pm

There, I fixed it.
Hope you like the new version better.

Post Sun Jan 09, 2005 9:06 pm

After reading this, i've decided to change my vote in the fanfic of the year thread. This is one of the best stories i've read so far. I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future.

Post Mon Jan 10, 2005 4:37 pm

Wow, thank you very much, J Dawg!
And don't worry, I have more where this came from!

Post Mon Jan 24, 2005 5:18 am

Real good Story
I want MORE! ARGHH! Need some good Fanfiction! FAST

Post Fri Feb 25, 2005 2:20 pm

Well, my computer is down, and while I have a few new chapters ready for posting, I can't get to an internet connection long enough to post them. So, I go back to school on Monday, so I can get new chapters up then hopefully.

Thanks for waiting!

Post Wed Apr 13, 2005 4:56 pm

Hello everyone. I have great news in that I finally have a chance to post some new chapters for this fanfic!

I hope you enjoy them!

Post Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:00 pm

Chapter Eleven- We Won’t Go Quietly

Black dived around the corner. He jumped up, leveled his rifle, and dispatched two more guards. They had to be on the right track now.

The small party of Liberty attackers had been wandering the halls of this battleship for nearly an hour now. It was very exhausting, and they still had not found the bridge. They had found plenty of guards to fight, however, and there seemed to be more of the guards along this path.

By now, the small group had been whittled even smaller, down to only Black, Serena, and two crewmen: Donavan and Reeves. Each person now had a rifle that they had found when they had stumbled across a small armory fifteen minutes ago. Black had also picked up a can of neural stun gas, in case it was needed. They had been hopelessly lost, and none of them had any idea about how to get to the bridge in a Bretonian battleship.

Black ran ahead, and spotted a group of three crewmen running down the hall towards him. He gestured for the other three to follow him, and he ducked into a service passage.

The crewmen stormed past, and kept running down the hallway that Black and crew had just come down.

Black looked down the dimly lit passage that they were in. It went on for a long ways. Plus, there were no guards. Also, as Black checked his datapad, it seemed to lead to the bow of the ship. He motioned for the others to follow him, and he began walking down the passage.

He reached a dead end, and before he turned around to head back, he heard something above him.

There were distinct voices coming from the top of the passage. He looked up, and saw light streaming through a grate in the ceiling. Men were standing in the room above, talking.

Black leaned up, and peered through the grate. It was the bridge! A giant window covered most of one wall, as a similar one did on the Jefferson’s bridge. Rows of computer consoles dotted the sidewalls, with technicians at each one. At the back, a large door stood, with guards at each side. In the center, near the grate, two men stood, talking. One was shorter, and a bit on the heavyset side. The other man was tall and thin. They both seemed to be of fairly high ranking, since their rank insignias had many bars, and their Bretonian uniforms were well decorated.

“This system seems to be the ideal meeting place for our fleet. The small enemy presence was defeated, with only two ships escaping. They will warn those in New Berlin, but there is nothing left to stop us. We have destroyed the entire Rheinland fleet, and what remains cannot even control the panicked civilians,” said the tall man.

“True, but they still could send to Liberty for help, sir,” the short man, obviously the subordinate, said.

“Didn’t you hear? We sent the reserve fleets into California yesterday! The Liberty fleet was soundly defeated, and now our Kusari allies and ourselves are closing in on New York even as we speak. Soon, Liberty will be ours as well. No one stands to defeat us. The two weakest houses, the ones who were regarded as worthless and pathetic, are now the sole rulers of Sirius!”

Black and the others reeled at this news. Liberty had lost California?

Impossible! The 1st Battlegroup had been sent there, along with the 3rd Fleet! There was no way that the Bretonians could have beaten them there, no way!
The men above continued. “You see? We gather the main fleet here, crush New Berlin, move through Hamburg and Kepler, and then attack New York simultaneously with the reserve fleet, and the Kusaris from Colorado!” the tall one said.

As he listened, Black heard a rumble, and began to feel a strong breeze from beneath him. He looked down, and saw that there was another grate under him, and a fan beneath that. He suddenly got a brilliant idea.

He told the rest of his party to move a good distance back down the shaft, and pulled out the neural gas container. He pulled the pin, set it on the grate beneath him, and sprinted down the shaft, as fast as his feet would carry him.
A cloud of gas rose up from the canister, and through the grate on the top, and into the room above. Black couldn’t hear the men on the bridge, but he knew that they were now gagging as the potent gases knocked them out.

He allowed himself a quick grin. He glanced back at his party, and noticed that the rest of them had smiles on their faces as well.

They waited a good two minutes, until the gases had vanished, and then they moved back down to the end of the shaft. Black reached up, and pushed open the grate. The gases were gone off the bridge as well, but all the men on the bridge were knocked out cold. Black had picked up enough from the two men’s conversation to figure out a plan.

Followed closely by his party, Black moved to the main control panel. He knew that they had very little time before the men on the bridge came to, and they would have to be long gone by the time that happened.

He was glad to find that the computer was active, and that he had full access to all of the ship’s systems. He pulled up the communications menu, and sent a message to what he assumed to be the main fleet, still in Omega-11. He told them that they had secured the system, and that the fleet should amass in the system. He quickly received an affirmative response, and smiled. They were playing right into his hands.

He quickly opened up the piloting menu. He set a course for the dead center of the system, set the engines to 300%, and locked the course and speed. Then, a message flashed up on the screen, informing him that the ship’s reactor would overload in ten minutes if he did not lower the speed.

Black smiled. Just as he had planned. Alarms went on throughout the ship, and he motioned for the rest of his party to proceed back down into the service corridor. Before he locked the console, Black sealed off all the doors he could, and found a good path to the docking bay. He sealed off the main door to the bridge, and locked down every exit from the ship, with the exception of the main docking bay. He sealed off every entrance to the docking bay, with the exception of another service passage that he was planning to use to get into the bay.

Once all of this was finished, Black locked down the console. Nobody would be able to change anything now.

He jumped down into the corridor, just as the first Bretonians started stirring on the bridge.

“Let’s go,” he whispered to the three others.

They followed him down the passage. Right above him, Black heard alarms and footfalls. He knew, however, that the Bretonians would have a very difficult time getting onto the bridge, and even if they did, they would have an even tougher time getting the reactor offline. The only thing that mattered now was getting himself and his companions off the ship. Ten minutes wasn’t a lot of time, but it would have to be enough. The rest was up to luck and Black’s navigation skills.

He urged the others to move faster. The clock was ticking. Already, he could hear and feel a rumble beneath him. The sprinted down the passage, into a main hall, and into another passage. Black checked his chronometer as they ran. Just five minutes. He ran harder.

Through another main hall, past a pair of bewildered crewmen, and into the docking bay, they ran. They stopped in their tracks once they entered the bay. The main doors had opened, and the wing of Bretonian fighters that Black had seen leave was entering the bay! Black grabbed Serena and jumped back into a corner. Reeves and Donavan caught the message, and joined them in the corner.

The Bretonian ships, Crusaders, set down. Their hatches opened, and a Bretonian pilot came out of each. Black caught a bit of their conversation.

“But why did they call us in, then?”

“I don’t know! The captain said something about a reactor something-or-another.”

“What’s that all about?”

“No idea, he probably—hey! What is that?”

He was pointing to the Rheinland ship that Black had landed in the bay when he had arrived.

“Man, that sure is nice. Those Rheinlanders always did have the better ships.”

“Yeah, I wonder how the boys captured it?”

“No idea. Let’s go to the bridge and see what’s up.”

The Bretonians crossed to the door that led to one of the main hallways to the ship. They were a fair way from it, since the cavernous docking bay was very long.

Black whispered to each person. He held up three fingers, then two, then one, then he ran for the Rheinland ship. The others each ran for a Bretonian ship. They took care to be quiet as they opened the hatches and climbed in, right as the Bretonians reached the door. They looked up in surprise when it did not open. Black had made sure to lock it down while on the bridge. Right then, Black started the engines, and the Bretonians turned. Three other engines started near him, and Black activated his belly thrusters. His ship was propelled off the deck, and his targeting came online. He swung his cross-eye to right next to the Bretonians, and squeezed off a shot. The deck next to the Bretonians became a black mess, and they, who had originally been planning to try to get their ships back, turned tail and ran to a far corner of the bay.
Black checked his chronometer again. Less than a minute!

“Serena, activate the docking sequence!” he called over the comm, knowing that only a Bretonian ship would be able to open the bay doors. She acknowledged, and the big inner doors began to open. The four ships flew into the airlock, and the inner doors shut behind them. The outer doors opened, and the sight that they saw was incredible.

Space had turned brilliantly bright. Yellow light streamed everywhere. The battleship was flying right into the sun. The mighty sheets of hull armor were melting away, and the battleship itself looked deformed. Parts near the engine were already glowing from the expanding reactor. Black activated his thrusters, and sped away as fast as he could. He activated cruise, and was glad to see that the other ships had already joined formation with him, slaving their navigation to him.

They sped away towards the nearest jumphole, one that had recently phase-aligned to Frankfurt.

They were only 3K from it when a brilliant flash of light came up behind them. Black turned to look, and saw a flash inside the sun’s corona. The Bretonian battleship had just died. Then, another explosion, and another, and another. Then, finally, the most brilliant and bright of all. Black’s viewscreen automatically darkened to its darkest setting. Black seemed to be swimming in a sea of light, and he could see nothing else. He screamed, just as he noticed the batch of color in front of him. Then, he was in a tunnel of color. Everything then went black.

Dresden, and all those in it, had died.

Post Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:03 pm

Chapter Twelve- Unexpected Alliances

It was quiet in the Frankfurt system. The millions of people in the system were now under Bretonian rule. No ships were allowed to travel through the system at will, except those of Bretonian origin.

A jumphole to the Dresden system was located in an obscure corner of the system. The hole began to glow with an incandescent light, which grew brighter and brighter. The hole began to dilate, and grow larger and larger. Then, a ship emerged from the hole, followed by two others. Their momentum carried them a ways from the jumphole. The ships seemed to be dead in space, as they were drifting, and under no power of their own.

Suddenly, a tongue of flame leapt from the jumphole, covering the entire surrounding area in a fire that was a yellowish color. When the fire went out, the jumphole had vanished, but the three ships were still there, albeit a bit burned.

Black awoke. His mind, as well as his ship, was drifting. He struggled to remember what had happened. Then, it all came back to him. The battleship, the Bretonian fleet, the explosion. He knew that the Dresden system was dead, and that the Bretonian fleet, who had massed there, was also dead. He knew that he was alive, but barely. His head felt like it had been split in half. His leg was stinging with pain, and his eyesight was very dull after the brilliance of the explosion.

He ran a systems check on his ship. Scanners and thrusters were active, but he had lost weapons, shielding, and auto navigation. His ship was barely functional, and he was floating in Frankfurt, which he had jumped to seconds before the shockwave from the supernova had reached him. The jump had damaged his ship, since the hole had collapsed right behind him. He wondered if the others had made it.

He pulled up his scanners, and saw that a pair of Bretonian fighters was drifting several hundred meters from him.

He pulled up schematics of both, and found that they were in about the same state as he was. He wasn’t able to determine who was in them, however. He hailed them on the comm, but neither responded. He hoped that they were simply knocked out, as he had been, but they could be dead, too.

He waited, and pulled up a map of the system. They were located fairly close to Planet Frankfurt, and on the bottom half of the system. He knew that they needed to get to Hamburg, and from there to Liberty, so they could try to help protect the Liberty capital.

He had no idea how long he had been knocked out. When he checked his chronometer, he was shocked to see that it had been eight hours since Dresden’s star had gone supernova! Much could have changed by now!

He knew that Frankfurt had still been under control while he had been on the battleship, but Rheinland had been losing its grip on the already chaotic Rheinland populous. By now, unless things had changed drastically, the system would have descended into anarchy and the various pirates and revolutionaries in Rheinland would be running rampant. Rheinland would have already lost, even though Black had destroyed the attacking Bretonian fleet at Dresden. That would mean a difficult journey for a group of damaged fighters, travelling through lawless territory. They needed to hurry, while there still could be some sort of law in the system to protect them.

Just as he was thinking this, his scanners picked up a contact coming in from a nearby asteroid belt. He scanned them, and found that it was two wings of mixed ship types. Mostly Valkyries and Stilettos, the ships were headed right for Black and his party.

Black powered up all the weapons that he could on the damaged fighter, and flew out to meet the incoming ships. The ships drew closer and closer, and Black cut his engines and waited.

“Rheinland craft, this is Colonel Heinz of the Bundschuh. Please leave the area,” came a voice on the comm, “we are here to kill Bretonians,” he added.

“No! Those are NOT Bretonian pilots! Those are Liberty officers!” Black quickly responded.

The ships stopped several hundred meters from him.

“Please explain, then, why Liberty pilots are flying the ships of their enemies?” came the same voice.

“We came from Dresden. We boarded a Bretonian ship and managed to destroy their fleet there. We had to use a few of their ships to escape. My companions are currently unconscious. Please don’t shoot!”

“Oh, so you are the reason that we lost contact with our men in Dresden. The comms are not secure any longer, so we will hear your story at a nearby base of ours.”

“One question, first. Who are you?”

“We cannot tell you now, for fear that the enemies will hear us. We will inform you, however, that we hate the Bretonians more than you do.”

Black found that hard to believe, but he trusted these men.

The ships went up to both of the Bretonian craft, and produced long tendrils of energy, similar to tractor beams, from their sterns. The energy touched the Bretonian fighters, and held on, unlike a tractor beam. The other ships began towing the Bretonian craft away, and Black followed the man who had broadcasted, assuming him to be the leader.

After about fifteen minutes of travelling, Black and the pirates arrived at a small asteroid base in a small debris field.

“Welcome to Brunschal Base, home of the Bundschuh Revolutionaries!” said the pirate leader.

The ships docked, and the pilots got out of their ships. The ones in the Border Worlds Stilettos were Red Hessians, and the Bundschuh were the ones in the Valkyries.

Black turned to the leader of the group.

“So, what is your story?” he asked.

The man motioned for Black to follow, and he, along with three other pilots, led Black to a nearby room. It was a fairly small room, and the man gathered a few chairs and arranged them in a circle.

“First of all, allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Colonel Heinz, and I am the commander of the coordinated Bretonian resistance in this system. We are a combined force of Bundschuh, Hessians, Unioners, and Corsairs who are totally opposed to the Bretonian/Kusari attacks. We are working alongside various other pirate groups, as well as large numbers of survivors of the Rheinland Military and Police who fled when the government collapsed. Other than us, the system is Bretonian controlled,” the man said.

Black shook his hand.

“Now, before we go into specifics, we would like your report of what occurred in Dresden. We are working with Liberty, and I can assure you we can have a copy of your testimony in the Navy’s hands in a few hours.”

So, Black told them the entire story, from the arrival in Dresden to the meeting up with Heinz. It reminded him of the others.

“What of the others that I was with? Are they alright?” Black asked.
“They are fine. The blond-haired woman and the dark-haired man were taken to the medical bay. You will be able to see them shortly.”

Black was relieved. Serena and Reeves had made it. Poor Donavan, though. So it goes, he thought.

“Well, we think that your firestorm in Dresden, while very costly, was very successful. Our intelligence reports that the Bretonian Southern Fleet was decimated. Nine out of every ten ships from that group were in Dresden at the time you unleashed that supernova, and every single one was destroyed. This sector is barely held now, and Bretonia cannot send any more ships, since they are massing their full fleet for the attack on Liberty.”

Black had known this was coming, but he had hoped that his actions in Dresden would have bought a little more time. He knew that he had to get back to Liberty. The last battle was coming, and he was not going to miss it. The future of Sirius hinged on that battle, and Black knew that every single man would be needed.

“Did a Liberty battleship pass through here a day or so ago?” Black asked, referring to the Jefferson.

“Yes, one did come through here alone yesterday afternoon. We did not bother it as it was headed towards Liberty space rapidly. Why do you ask?”

That relieved Black. At least the Jefferson had made it out of that hellhole.

“Well, that was my ship. I hoped she had made it back to Liberty,” Black responded.

Heinz nodded. He understood completely.

“So, what happens now?” Black asked.

“With the Bretonian captors busy elsewhere, and their fleet here crushed, thanks to you, I would like to stage a revolution! Think about it, we could free Rheinland, restore the government, and then march to free Liberty,” Heinz said.
“But, I need to return to Liberty! The Bretonians and Kusaris could be attacking New York within the next few days! I am needed at my home.”

“We will get you home before the attack, never fear. All we ask for is a little more help from you. Besides, your friends will not be fully healed for a few days. If we want to free Rheinland, we will need your help.”

Black took a moment to think. He thought of men like Schleiden and Schwarzkof. Those men would have wanted him to save Rheinland. Then he thought of other men, like Admiral Johnson and Commodore Fox, and knew that they would want him back in Liberty as fast as humanly possible.

He had come to a decision.

“I will stay, and help you re-claim your home, Colonel Heinz. At least until my friends have recovered, that is.”

Heinz beamed. Black had decided that Johnson and Fix could wait a few days.

He just hoped that Dresden had slowed the Bretonian final assault by a few days.

It was time for a revolution.

Post Wed Apr 13, 2005 6:17 pm

Brilliantly done! The perfect thing to relax after a long day at work. Keep up the excellent writing, and I hope you get the next chapter up as soon as possible!

Post Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:03 pm

One word. MORE!!!

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