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Post Sun Aug 01, 2004 10:02 am

Name: David Hellumps
Ship: - none -
Location: LPI Suggerland
Faction: Bounty Hunters Guild

we landed savely on planet houston, we walked outside and must follow a man to a building, it looks like a kind off warehouse... inside where a lot off simulations where new fighters are tested and learned how to fight...

i must also do this training, co'z i didn't flew already for some serveral years... and some said that the AP-line with they use don't fly like the real pirate ships... don't know why, but they may be right... we will see.

we walked further into a new area in the building... this looks more like a bar... we must all 10 sit by the same table and we may order a drink from here. an officer (same as who asked me to join them) came to us and told us what we must do here, and i was right... training flight and fight for the real battles with will be fought later in real space... but some got almost inmediate in action, some newbies on the prison...

they think that i'm ready for a real space flight in a few weeks, they do know how long i was in prison, but they won't say how long... i frogot the total time, just as i said before, i forgotten a lot while i was on LPI Suggerland... i saw only new york system sofar... now wonder how texas was look like... i think the same as new york... ah, time to take some test flights in the simulator...

Post Sun Aug 01, 2004 10:17 am

(well well well Falco nice to see you i havn't been on mp because of tecnical difficultys, now on with the show)

Name: John Taylor
Ship: Captured Defender
Locatoin: Somwhere near buffalo base
Faction: Rouges/Hackers

The navy pilots were good, not the rookies John had thought them to be,
"Hmm, I think the ancient saying 'Descretion is the better part of valor' could be used here" John thought as his engens charged.

He had already used his sheild batteries, and his life wasn't the only one on the line, so he set course to buffalo......

Post Sun Aug 01, 2004 8:52 pm

Name: Xav Vorbarra
Ship: Dagger
Station: Rochester
Faction: Criminal Freelancer

Xav Vorbarra flew out of the Rochester docking ring and he was happy. "Christ that place is a scuzzhole" he said aloud. His attention was drawn to two Rougues who were charging up their engines to fight off a Navy incursion around Buffalo. Vorbarra turned his ship around and entered formation with them. They crossed straight across the New York system, dodging the sun and soon were deep into the Badlands and the fight.

Xav quickly assessed the situation. The Rogues were more numerous but the Navy pilots were more skilled. He quickly locked on to one and wasted it's sheild and most of it's hull with his Usiel and Rapheal laser cannons. The pilot started complaining about systems shutting down so Xav left it and locked on to the next Navy fighter and gunned at it until another Navy pilot realised who he was and ordered all fire on him. "Crap..." Xav frowned inside his helmet. Things had just got 4 times harder.

"Get Freelanced"

Edited by - [RNCredstarpaddy on 8/1/2004 9:57:09 PM

Post Mon Aug 02, 2004 12:24 am

Name: John Taylor
Ship: Captured Defender
Location: Buffalo base
Faction: Rouges/Hackers

John finally climed out of the Defender and was glad to be back on a station. While walking to the outcast office he noteced several dromadarys with outcast markings. Now he relised where the outcasts were taking the equpment striaght back to Malta.
"Ah mister Taylor come right in " said the the outcast behind the desk
"Ok where is my ship and squad?" Jihn replied harshly
"Unfortunatly they were on alcatraz"
"WHAT??!!" John said in disbelif
"We couldn't transport them here so we left them there telling you they were here"
The outcast spoke again as john stood there in shock
"We have another mission for you, after we have finished removing the tracker, extra equipment and ammo you will use that defender to steal.."
"Steal what?" John inqured
"The newest liberty battlesip scedualed for launch tomorrow, its currently docked at norfolk ship yard"
"And if I refuse?"
The outcast rased a gun
"You won't, you leave in two hours that should give you enough time to hack into the Liberty data net"
John slowly walked away, he would find some way to get vengence but for now he had work to do........

Post Mon Aug 02, 2004 8:22 am

(Daggers cant carry usiels, u cheat. from now on, Xav Vorbarra has no Usiels)
(ok continuing the fight as a Navy pilot)

Name: Captain Jones
Ship: Defender
Station: Near Buffalo
Faction: LN

Another Dagger joined the fray. this one seemed more dangerous, so Jones ordered the Navy to concentrate fire. Justice and Vengence lasers slammed into the newest ship, ripping its shields apart. Its lasers seemed down as well (thats for cheating), so Jones ordered the Navy to concentrate fire on the next ship. The Dagger limped away.

Soon, all the bloodhounds were destroyed. The Navy had 5 pilots left, while the Bounty hunter pair was down to one. Jones transfered some credits to the BH.

"Good job, crew. Lets go back for a drink. On me."

Name: Lee Jacobi
Ship: Bloodhound
Station: On patrol Near Battleship Missouri
Faction: LSF

Lee was back at Fort Bush. Apparently the Navy had won the little skirmish. Anyway, someone had tipped them off about a special Outcast/Rouge operation in New York. LSF operatives in Bloodhounds would patrol the New York systems in Bloodhounds. If they saw the operation they were to tell them that the op was off. Then, tracker missiles (so i invented those...) would be fired at the retreating ships, so the LSF could discover more pirate bases....

Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 8/2/2004 9:51:11 AM

Post Mon Aug 02, 2004 9:44 am

Name: David Hellumps
Ship: - none -
Location: LPI Suggerland
Faction: Bounty Hunters Guild

I don't feel me home here iether, but it is better then LPI Suggerland prison station... that's for sure... i have now a lot off flight hours in the simulation and they wanna test my skills on a real ship... they gave me now the starflier with no weaps. it was a ship off a shot down xenos, the person who owned the ship was killed by the action.

i launched with a group off 2 piranhas to escort and lead me. i'm not sure what to do here, but they will tell me after i'm in space... i hope...
after i'm in space they told me to go to the waypoint nearby Abilene, the moon off planet houston. the 2 piranhas are in group with me, i'm the leader and they followed me... never saw a bounty hunter this close without shooting at me... this is totaly new for me this way. i know that i can die here, but well.. i wanna fly to space again, as before, but have more rules around... but well, i'm in space again, free... uhmmm, not total free, but almost again...

the flight lesson in space was easy, just fly a little around, i know that it i'm unable to run and fight with this ship, it has only a class 1 shield and no weaps... but well.. i look around, see houston from the other side then the side i know off it... i asked the hunters if we can fly around the moon... they say that it's fine with them and got in formation with me, so i flew around the moon serveral times. they said that it was enough and ordered me to fly back to houston.

after landing it was time to rest and sleep a while...

Post Mon Aug 02, 2004 10:42 am

Name: John Taylor
Ship: Captured Defender (Tracker removed)
Location: West point
Faction: Rouges/Hackers
(Note to outcast i think after this raid i might need to leave liberty)

On the way to west point he found some rouges finishing off a trainee, so he hacked his account and swiched thier ship identaty tags around.

The west point tutor had been killed with his pupils so nobody new the differnce. After an explenation to the base commander, it was recommended he did some safe flying to the Battleship 'missuri' where he could sleep for the night and watch the big launch tommorow. On his way out he heard somone in the bar saying somthing about theLSF flying bloodhounds. He took note of this and flew to norfolk shipyard........

Post Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:04 am

Name: Keros Haraka
Ship: Mule
Station: Badlands, ithica station
Fraction: Junkers

Now then, Keros muttered, ill take the old route through the debris field and the to rochestor with the cardamine. Keros would handle this last smuggling operation before heading to the Texas system, he knew where the jumphole was now. The bartender warned him about increased LSF/LN/LPI partols gettintg more frequent. He noticed several bloodhounds approaching, they dont look like rogues he thought, they arent acting look rogues too, better avoid them, he thought to himself. An outcast partrol flew by him as he finished hos thoughts

Post Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:29 am

Name: John Taylor
Ship: Defender
Location: Battleship 'Misuri'
Faction Rouges/Hackers

From his room on the Misuri John hacked into the computer system, being very carful to avoid detection. From inside the system the programmed the view ports(Windows) with the holographic image that would create the image of the area around the ship of everything being normal, so hofuly when he stole the ship they wouldn't relise he had stolen it. After this he found the time there would be least patrols and when they would be facing away and for an encore went on to disable the 'missuri's guns. When he was finished he routed all the commands for this to the captins console, so it would look like she orded all this.
"That should get the LSF" John chulcled to him self.

When the time was right he sliped out of the 'missuri' in his defender and docked with the new battle ship. When on the bridge he progrmed the main cannon to dissable the 'Missuri's engians fired the shots engaged the ships cruse engiens, and set it on a course to the Texas jump hole,to the calafornia jump hole,to the magellen jump hole from there he would hide in the barrier until the outcasts met up with him. With the auto pilot set the siched his attandion to watcjing the sensors and progamming wepons..........

(Outcast i'm really goin to have to leave liberty soon)

Post Tue Aug 03, 2004 6:07 am

Erika Benteen/Defender/Liberty Navy/West Point Acadamy

Cpt Bentnn of the Liberty navy is a well known and dangerouse Navy pilot with at least 50 Rouge kills under her belt, But today made her nervouse, Today Patrol would take her to the Colorado sytem, she was being transferd the the Battleship Rio Grande.

I know I shall meet my fate, somewhere in the stars above, those I fight I do not hate, those I guard I do not Love

Post Tue Aug 03, 2004 10:38 am

Name: David Hellumps
Ship: - none -
Location: LPI Suggerland
Faction: Bounty Hunters Guild

the officer asked me to join his squadron around in texas... i accpeted, but they don't have the ship here yet... their is an incoming transporter with 3 piranha's onboard, with have a good escort force around it... the transporter and the escorts are having also some weaps for the new hunters.
so i'm still in the wrecked starflier they gave me...

outload after putting weaps on it;
- adv. starbeam
- adv. starbeam
class 1 graviton shield.

the 3th mount isn't anymore on the ship... to bad, but well... i must live with that for now... after a while i will get my new piranha...

Move with your wing wing to LPI Suggerland and defend the prison at all cost.

ok, my wing leader launched first, i was next... i entered formation with him, and waited for the 4 others... we moved to the tradeline forthe way to LPI Suggerland, but none may enter the line, we will fly in open space to the prison... so we did, none may dock at the prison also. we must stay all outside.

after a long flight time we saw the prison again... i don't know if i'm the only ex-prissoner from their or if their are more off them out here, but well. we stayed idle at the prison at the moment.

Post Tue Aug 03, 2004 10:05 pm

Name: Xav Vorbarra
Ship: Dagger
Station: Buffalo
Faction: Criminal Freelancer

Xav strode down the dark hallways of Buffalo Base, thinking hard. He would probably have to leave Liberty now and go back to the border worlds now that the Liberty capitalists knew The Pirate was back in Liberty. He also needed a new ship, or better his own one. But for now, the Dagger would have to do. He walked into the docking bay where repairs had been finished and the crew slunk off once he paid them. He climbed into the cockpit and flew through the airlock towards the Texas system.

He stopped at Beaumont to pick up some Light Arms and then continued on towards the Hudson jumpgate via the debris fields. A nosy Bounty Hunter rookie patrol got a little too confident and tried charging at him. They were newbies and had little skill so he was able to come out on top. He recharged his shield and continued on towards the South Dallas Debris field.

He wasn't too far away from it when he heard a faint scream over the comm. He quickly scanned the patrol routes in his neural net and as he got closer to the Debris field he noticed the LSF and Liberty Navy had set up a new, high traffic patrol route and was systematically cleansing the South Dallas of criminals. He frowned and turned his ship towards the Bering system. Planet Brazos appeared on his left view-port. He flew a little too close. Six Bounty Hunter ships flew up to greet him. A couple were newbies but the others were fairly experienced. He locked on to the first newb and started blasting away with his Rapheal and Drail laser cannons. The newb's shield melted away pretty quick and soon his hull gave way under Vorbarra's intensive fire. The other guy, in a starflier he left, judging it to be no threat. He continued fighting, killing another vet and badly damaging their Wing Leader's ship. Then he had to left because even though he had superior skills they had superior numbers. Constantly dumping countermeasures to avoid the cruise disruptors he charged up his cruise disruptors and headed back to Beaumont, his plans in Rheinland temporarily held up.

"Get Freelanced"

Post Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:13 am

Erika Benteen/Defender/West Point Acadamy/ Liberty Navy

As Erika lauched her personilsed Defender from West point. During the Nomad wars, Cpt Benteen was part of the Order force that recued President Jacobi, Her Personlised Defender was armed 2 Vengence Mk2s, 2 Vengence Mk1s, Wasp Missiles and Slingshots. Exiting the trade lane at the Mussori, she met up with the rest of her patrol, 2 more defenders of standard armament.

"This is Navy Delta 6 to Bounty Hunters Red 5 dash 1, Im scanning your Cargo Bay"

"Your clean"

I know I shall meet my fate, somewhere in the stars above, those I fight I do not hate, those I guard I do not Love

Post Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:08 am

Name: David Hellumps
Ship: Old Xenos Starflier
Location: LPI Suggerland
Faction: Bounty Hunters Guild

Nothing happends out here, realy nothing, i think the criminals are out on duty or at their own base... but none, none came here... so we fly back to planet houston and will take the tradeline to new york system, to escort the last tradeline for the incoming BHG transporter, with was filled with piranhas.

the way to the gate was clear, but by the jump gate where some rogues... we attacked them inmediate and destroyed them after a few minits... one off them stayed alive in his escape pod with was beamed up by the wingleader, our officer, don't know his name, but well...

after this jumped the transporter into texas, we all go in formation with the transporter and escorted it to planet houston where it docked first, then the other escorts landed and then it was our turn to dock...

i looked how they unloaded the transporter withh a lot off parts and a few things with looked as wings and a main body part... also about 4 guns where outloaded from the transporter... i went inside and toke a drink at the bar at the bounty hunters base on the planet...

Post Mon Aug 30, 2004 7:24 am

Name: Yrael
Ship: Dagger
Location: Norfolk Shipyard
Faction: Freelancer Clan

Yrael and the rest of his clan, dubbed "Scout Clan", were near Norfolk, on a almost completely suicide mission. And it wasn't going to be tolling people who came by. "This is Freelancer Scout Clan to Battleship Missouri, permission to enter Zone 21?" He knew the answer to the question, but it was still worth a shot. Besides, they had a backup plan. Their mission? Build a base in Zone 21 for the Scout Clan. Definatley suicide. "Permission denied." "oh well" "Scout Clan, time for plan B." They headed for the tradelane to the texas gate. When they were out of scanner range, they left the tradelane and headed for Zone 21. out of the scout clan, there were 3 bloodhounds, 5 daggers (including Yrael), 4 startrackers, 3 mules, a rhino, 2 patriots and 4 defenders. In all, 22 freelancers allied together. once in zone 21, the freighters would jettison their cargo and the fighters would help the frieghters build the base. But first, they would have to commandeer a heavy lifter.

"Death to ZugZug!" Oh, and by the way, considering I outrank you, I shouldn't have to listen to you.

Edited by - Scout29 on 9/1/2004 5:12:36 AM

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