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Free RPG

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Fri Jul 30, 2004 6:03 am

Free RPG

No set storyline, make up your own. Only a few rules.

1. Everyone must start and stay in Liberty, unitl annoncements are made when you can go further.
2. Only one character per person.
3. Starting ships can be: Starflier, Startracker, Patriot, Rhino, Defender, Bloodhound, Mule, Dagger, or CSV.
4. At the top of every post, type your Character Name, Current Ship, Current Station and Current Faction.


Name: Jack Smith
Ship: Patriot
Station: Manhattan
Faction: LPI


Sports News, CNN (this guy is for narrating the story, anyone can use him)
Lee Jacobi, LSF
Mike Henry, Junker/Rouge
John Taylor, Rouge/Hacker
Keros Haraka, Junker
Xav Vorbarra, Criminal Freelancer
David Hellumps, LPI Prisoner

Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 8/1/2004 2:05:52 AM

Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 8/1/2004 9:04:14 AM

Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 8/1/2004 9:25:44 AM

Post Fri Jul 30, 2004 8:44 am

can we have any Nomads in this?

Post Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:57 am

Pilot: Mike Henry
Location: Rochester Base
Ship: Blood Hound
Faction: Junkers/Rogues

How's that sound? I'm a little confused beyond this haha

Post Fri Jul 30, 2004 10:28 am

Name: John Taylor
Ship: Defender
Location: Area 20k east of battleship Yukon heading for Alcatraz depot
Faction: Rouges/Hackers

"Ok" he thought to himself "no more crazy ideas". He had just pulled off the biggest raid in his life. It would go down in rouge history if he lived long enough to tell any one.

His plan had seemed simple just hack into his record so the navy and police wouldn't arrest or shoot him then land on Los Angeles find a frieghter heading to the yukon and sneek on board. This part went well his problems started on the battleship, while he was concidering his best corse of action the frieghter he was on unloaded its freight food or somthing (he haddent checked) and started loading toxic waste. He crawled up to the computer controles and set the atuo-turret to fire in 30 seconds. After his destraction he hid in the yukons cramed ventalation systems till the night shift change came on, he ambushed on of the pilots, stole his uniform and hid the pilot in the vents. John procided to use the pilots key card to acces the wepons storage loaded as many guns,missiles and torpedoes as he could then made it to the launch bay. It was then he hit a major snag the hanger doors were sealed tight. Running out of options john tried the only thing he could think of, blowing the doors open. He launched two torpedoes and prayed the hole was wide enough. Several metal crunching seconds later he was back in open space but his cover was blown his shields came close to colapse as the Yukon gave his captured defender a full barrage of weponry while his cruse engeines charged but soon he was out of the turrets range.

Eventually he reached mohaive(sorry i dont know how to spell it) and set a course for alcatraz he had had enough for today.

(this is my first time writing sorry if its not very good)

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 12:08 am

Whats the point in this anyway? For people who can't afford an RPG so they imagine one?

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 12:44 am

No, it's to help people learn how to make a good fanfiction story. Like I should write some on this because I feel like my story is taking a turn for the worst.

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 1:24 am

Name: Lee Jacobi (Distant cousin of President Jacobi)
Ship: Special Ops Dromedary/Drake Combo
Station: Los Angeles
Faction: LSF

"You wanted to see me sir?" said Lee?
"I got an assignment for you," said Lieutenant King. "Someone just sverely damaged the Battleship Yukon. We saw them heading for the suspected location of Alcatraz Depot. You and nine other ships will find this base and destroy it."
"How will we get in?"
"We have special ships lined up. Its a Dromedary Freighter, with a Kusari Drake inside a shielded cargo bay. The Drake is loaded with torps. All you have to do is sneak in, fly the Drake out of the cargo bay (carefully) and shoot.
"What about the Droms?"
"We're just gonna have to leave those behind. Destroy them if you can."
"Yes sir"

I knew I should of joined DSE, thought Lee........

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 3:00 am

Name: John Taylor
Ship: Captured defender
Location: Alcatraz Depot
Faction: Rouges/Hackers

Jhon was having the time of his life, the rouges had started a huge party ever since he arived back. He was just downing his 2nd drink of the party when he dicided to see if his dagger was ok, he just didn't like leaving it som where. When he got to the launch bay he found his ship had gone and in its place were a large group of outcasts.
"ah mister taylor good to see you at last"the lead thug said
"ok weres my ship"inqured john
"you din't answer the question"
"shes on buffalo" the leader stated
"ok what do you want?"john asked
"the equpment you stole the rouges have said we can have it"the outcast continued"Now we know you are not a common rouge so we took extra precotans to insure its delivery"
"you mean my ship and reading squad are on buffalo?"
"Yes hey will all be dumped into deep space if you refuse."
"ok i'll give you the equpment but if you break this deal i will personally hunt you down"
"sanchez" the outcast replied
Enraged john boarded his defender and set a corse for the texas jump hole
"lets hope the navy didnt trak me" he prayed

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 3:50 am

Name: Lee Jacobi (Distant cousin of President Jacobi)
Ship: Special Ops Dromedary/Drake Combo
Station: On route to Alcatraz Depot
Faction: LSF

"This is Rouges Theta 1 to Dromedary Kappa 3-2. State your intentions."
"This is Dromedary Kappa 3-2. We're hauling Cardamine to Alcatraz."
"Good, follow me in."

Lee wondered how close he should get before using the Drake. He knew if he got too close they would realise he had a Fighter in his cargo bay, but if he didn't get close enough, they would intercept the torpedoes.

The rest of Theta squadron, nine similar Droms, followed his lead. Alcatraz Depot came into sight. Just a bit closer....
A Rouge patrol of 4 Bloodhounds flew towards them.

"The is Rouge Patrol Green. Stand by, im scanning your cargo bay."

Lee switched over to sqaudron frequency. "Now, now!
Lee opened the door behind him and climbed down a short ladder. he found himself in the Drake's cockpit. The Drakes had been rigged to carry three Starkiller Torp launchers. This meant they carried no other armaments.
Lee hit a special blue button not normally found on a Drake. The enlarged cargo doors of the Dromedary opened, and the Drake blasted out.
"Theta sqaudron, fire torps!"
A wave of thirty torpedoes launched at the Depot, closely followed by two more waves. In the first wave, 20 were shot down by the fighters and the Depot defenses. But 10 got through. The destruction was immense, a huge fireball ripping the station apart.

Theta sqaudron wheeled round and activated their cruise engines. Unfortunately, 4 Bloodhounds launched cruise disruptors. Three of them hit. Stopping the Drakes. But Theta sqaudron had been briefed on this. The three pilots instantly ejected, having no weapons, and were tractored in by the other Drakes. Theta sqaudron accelarated away from the Bloodhounds, meeting up with a Navy patrol near Cali Minor.

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 5:59 am

Name: John Taylor
Ship: Captured Defender
Location: Dallas debreis fields
Faction: Rouges/Hackers

Just as he was charging his cruise engiens he heard a faint transmission from Alcetraz:
"taking heavy fire requre immed.................."
There was only one faction capable of detroying that base the navy as he sped for the new york jump hole he hoped they had just followed and not placed a tracker on him other wise he would have company.

And company ment he would never see his raiding squad or ship again.......

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 6:10 am

Name: Lee Jacobi (Distant cousin of President Jacobi)
Ship: Startracker
Station: California Minor
Faction: LSF

The navy patrol told Lee to land at Califronia Minor, his next briefing was waiting.
"Hey, sir," said Lee
"Jacobi! Well done on the last op," said King.
"Your next assignment isn't to hard. The navy saw someone leaving Alcatraz, and had time to shoot a tracker missile at him. We want you to track him down and kill him."
"What ship do I get, a Defender?"
"Sorry, but if he sees a defender he's just gonna run away. You've got a Startracker for this one."
"Yes sir."
"Have some lunch, and you can leave."

After lunch, Lee visited the local Equipment Dealer. He had to buy civilian weapons, navy ones would give him away. He bought some advanced stunpulses and starbeams.

Going to the launch pad, he blasted off...

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 6:21 am

Name: John Taylor
Ship: Captured Defender
Location: New York Jump Hole In Texas
Faction: Rouges/Hackers

The new york jump hole notorius among rouges it was set on a phase shift pattern so it went through a cycle of neing open for two hours then being shut for four.

John had intended to make it but a peice of the debris feild had thought overwise. it had knocked him of course delaying him just long enough so the hole would be out of allignment. Pondering his options he decited to wait here rather to go back to the now navy infested calafonia system so he sat back opened up a bottle of sidwinder fang and pulled a sandwich out of his backpack and waited.......

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 6:24 am

Name: Keros Haraka
Ship: Mule
Station: Rochestor
Fraction: Junkers

"Okay, heres your credits,pleasure doing business with you." said the commodities dealer with a smile."Thanks," replied Keros. " Im lucky the liberty law never scanned my cargo." Now, Keors had made money by shipping Cardamine from Buffalo to Rochestor for some time. Now he was trying to look for more profitable trade routes. He heard from someone that oxygen and food ratios were needed at the Beamount junker base. So he began making preparations for his trip, one thing would be to get better weapons....

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 6:36 am

Name: Lee Jacobi (Distant cousin of President Jacobi)
Ship: Startracker
Station: The Texas Jump Hole in New York
Faction: LSF

The tracker unit showed the target on the other side of the Jump Hole. But it wasn't phase aligned right now. All he had to do was wait...

Lee went over his story. He heard that the target was the one who damged the Yukon and wanted to join him.

He was mad joining the LSF. Even the LPI had to be better than this. Still the pay was good....

Lee sat back and pulled out a small bottle of Liberty Ale.
"Cant they make decent drinks in Liberty.........."

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 6:53 am

Sorry to double post, but could this be stickied? its coming along well now, and i think other people might benefit from it.

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