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Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 7:09 am

Name: John Taylor
Ship: Captured Defender
Location: New york jump hole texas
Faction: Rouges/Hackers

"Beep jump hole phase alining" beeped the computer
this woke john up , not that he had been asleep more drifting off,
"finally" he said to no-one "i can get this equipment outta my hold and get my ship and squad back"
As he emerged from the jump hole he noticed a startrack
"hmm i know"john thought and opened comm hoping that this bluff would pay off and this freelancer would go away
"this is navy patrol delta six to unidentifide civilian vessal identify your self!"

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 10:31 am

Name: Lee Jacobi (Distant cousin of President Jacobi)
Ship: Startracker
Station: The Texas Jump Hole in New York
Faction: LSF

Damn (ifs thats a banned word, sorry but it probably isnt), thought Lee. Now what? Play dumb!
"Uhh.. I know who you are! your the guy who damaged the Battleship Yukon, right?"

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 10:48 am

Name: John Taylor
Ship Captured Defender
Location: Texas jump hole in New York
Faction: Rouges/Hackers

Yea right John thought
"how could you know that, everyone who knows died with alcatraz so give me one good reason I should make you join them"

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 11:11 am

"Well uh, i escaped from Alcatraz! And i want to join you!"
(Presses I key)

Group Invitation sent to John Taylor

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 11:16 am

Name: John Taylor
Ship: Captured Defender
Location: Texas jump hole in New York
Faction: Rouges/Hackers

John accepted the invitation
"Fine if you want to come with me that much follow"
He waited for the startracker to form up but couldn't help felling there was somthing odd about this guy

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 12:59 pm

Name: Lee Jacobi (Distant cousin of President Jacobi)
Ship: Startracker
Station: The Texas Jump Hole in New York
Faction: LSF (Undercover as Civ)

As the Defender fell into formation, Lee opened fire. His advanced Stunpulse ripped through the targets shields....

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 9:00 pm

Name: Xav Vorbarra
Ship: Dagger
Planet: Houston
Faction: Criminal Freelancer

"Mmmmmm...nothing like a good Libety Ale" Xav Vorbarra mumered to himself. It often didn't find taste with foreigners but then again he could be considered one. He glanced around the cozy bar. He smiled to himself knowing that all of these Liberty clowns would love to get their hands on Zeta 9-9 a.k.a The Pirate. The most feared individual in all of the Sirius. Destroyer of more than 500 transports, and known for striking all over the colonies. Most of the time he was confined to the spartan criminal bases of the Sirius but occasionally would sneak back into the House systems....It was luxury compared to life in the Border Worlds. To the corporations of the Sirius, he was the greatest scourge they had ever known. To your averege joe, he was a rather infamous legend.

He alone had trekked exstensivly along the Edge Nebula. Exploring where no human had ever gone before. It was here that he had picked up his special weaponry. After the Rheinland exploratory party had let out the Nomads, the Nomads had spread across the preiviously uninhabited Edge Nebula and provided challenging fodder for Vorbarra to deal with. An arsenal composed of the most deadly codenames and nomad weapons now lined his Titan which was safetly resting back on Tripoli. He was also proud to say that every criminal organization in the Sirius, regardless of third-party disputes regarded him as a great and powerful ally and so he had connections all over the Sirius.

A loud voice suddenly disturbed him from his thoughts. He looked up at the news display. So the Yukon had been badly damaged eh? Hmmm. Security had always been rising and his job was getting incredibly difficult as the Houses tried to eliminate him in everyway. The Bounty Hunters were bad enough, but luckily the Boorman Treaty stopped the Houses from pursueing him with their armies into new territories. He put down his drink and wandered across to the lift-tube.

As he rose across Houston and towards a landing pad he looked at his ship critically. The Outcasts seem to give the Liberty Navy a run for their money here with Daggers...but then again they're not the most wanted individual in the Sirius. Bah. He grinnned wildly then said "Time to have some fun"

--Do I believe in God? Well I believe in myself, so therefore I do--

Post Sun Aug 01, 2004 1:08 am

Name: John Taylor
Ship: Captured Defender
Location: Teaxs Jump hole in New York
Faction Rouges/Hackers

The Defenders sheilds collapsed uder the barrage of stunpulse and starbeam shots
"Sheid fail" the annoying defneders computer stated
John yelled "what the......" on the com channel as he relised that this was probably some sort of bounty hunter.

He quicky fired up his thurster broke formation and swung out of the firing arc of the startracker. There he activated his sheild betteries and unleshed a volly of vengence mk1 shots at the smaller ship while arming his three wind stalker missile luanchers
"Now Listen here bounty hunter or free lancer or whatever you are, i have a fully equped defender here and i'm just about to turn you into a ball of rapedly expanding hydrogen, so stand down!....."

Post Sun Aug 01, 2004 1:20 am

Name: Lee Jacobi (Distant cousin of President Jacobi)
Ship: Startracker
Station: The Texas Jump Hole in New York
Faction: LSF (Undercover as Civ)

"I surrender!"

Switches frequency...

"Go go go!"

Six Patriots swoop out of nowhere, firing javelins at the Defender.

"LSF to Unknown defender, stand down, repeat stand down, lower your shields, jettison all cargo and set your weapons offline. we have forces on the other side of the jumphole."

Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 8/1/2004 2:20:37 AM

Post Sun Aug 01, 2004 1:35 am

Name: John Taylor
Ship: Captured Defender
Location: Texas Jumphole in New York
Faction: Rouges/Hackers

"oh what did I do to deserv this" John moaned off comm. He considered what surrendering would do, meaning the end of his ship and raiding squad

As the LSF ships surronded him he had an idea
"tell me" He chuckled "What will you do if i surrender"
While the Lead patriot started reading him his rites the ships closed in on him anticipating his surrender.
Just as one of the patriots approched his Defenders nose he fired a starkiller torpedo and deployed 10 razor mines behind him.
John then swthsed all power from wepons to engens and burned his jets into the asteriods in the badlands while the LSF patriots hung there dazed

Post Sun Aug 01, 2004 3:39 am

Name: Lee Jacobi (Distant cousin of President Jacobi)
Ship: Startracker
Station: The Texas Jump Hole in New York
Faction: LSF

The Patriots were damaged, but Lee escaped the brunt of the blast. He fired a Wasp Cruise Disruptor at the fleeing Defender it tried to carry on anyewya, using afterburners. He then radioed the backup navy group who were on the other side of the Jump Hole.

8 LN Defenders flew throught the Jump Hole, firing more Jvelins at the fleeing ship.

The Javelins streaked towards the Defender....

(Note to Omega: ha! get out of that one!)

Post Sun Aug 01, 2004 4:20 am

Name: John Talyor
Ship: Captured Defender
Location: Badlands asteriod field
Faction: Rouges/Hackers

Another missie struck the ship jolding it dangourosly close to an asteroid. His counter mesures had bloked afew of the missiles, the asteroids and menouveing got a few more but with the sheer volume of missiles some made it and impacted the ship.

John checked his HUD he was still 15k from buffalo base. the navy fighters closed in , all he hoped was that he could hold them off for long enough
He opened the system wide pirate channel
"This is raider omega-0 under heavy fire, requesting immidate back up taking heavy fire from navy fighter, i repeat i need assistanc"
He turned to face the on coming Defenders and hoped the oucasts on buffalo were as strong as he thought......

(Well outcast we'll see what happens now)

Post Sun Aug 01, 2004 4:48 am

Name: Keros Haraka
Ship: Mule
Station: Badlands, outside buffalo
Fraction: Junkers

" s**t with these rocks" Keros muttered as he bouced off yet another rock in the badlands. He had teavelled to Buffalo because of 2 reasons:

1) a rogue had told him there were good equqment
2) He would make some dough out of side arms he bought from detriot

As the commander of buffalo permitted him to dock, he noticed some cloud appearing and hearing the outcasts say," Attention omega-0, hang on we are coming to help...."

( Help for you omega cheif )

Edited by - Rainbow Dragon on 8/1/2004 5:49:00 AM

Post Sun Aug 01, 2004 7:42 am

Name: David Hellumps
Ship: - none -
Location: LPI Suggerland
Faction: - none -


i was a long time ago a liberty rogues fighter with got jumped by a large group off bounty hunters. i couldn't escape from them, i don't know what happends after that, i don't know... i forgotten things in here, all kind off things... i must get out off here, the only thing i can remember off the rogues was buffalo base, but not sure where it is anymore... or if it still is their...

i was jumped by the hunters in a debri field nearby planet pittsburg, it was south off pittsburg... the hunters had adventage off the situation... and killed me almost, i fought, my squad fought, i will never see them again...

i heard from some other rogues with came later in here that they wanted to helped the trapped rogues, but the fools trapped themself in here now also... i heard that their where only 2 servivors off my squad, me and some rookie... not sure what name he had anymore...

ah, they wanted me in the BHG, but i didn't toke the offer back then... i'm here now already serveral years, making consumer goods in the begin... now i'm happy that i have my own garden on the LPI where i make food with they sell and have for the other prisoners...

an officer off the BHG came to me while i worked in my garden and had a special offer for me. i was able to join them and will be set up against xenos in the colorado system... i think that this may a nice offer... a new hope for me, better then sit here and do nothing...

i asked him if i may be stationed in this system, co'z i wanted to see more off texas then this LPI only... he thought about it, and he offered me a place off a newby with accepted it inmediate... i will be here still a few days and them i'm in a hunters squad... hmmm... i heard that most hunters where pirates before, but well... i'm a pirate, and they need pirate hunters... so why not.

he asked me to follow him, i followed him to a armored transporter where 10 other prisonners are also. the officer said: "this iss all, lets get onboard and fly to planet Houston." we entered the ship and must sit down...

Post Sun Aug 01, 2004 8:25 am

(u wanna big fight, omega? ill give u a big fight! by the way, im Falco from Multiplayer)

Name: Lee Jacobi (Distant cousin of President Jacobi)
Ship: Startracker
Station: The Texas Jump Hole in New York
Faction: LSF

"LSF Theta 1, this is Navy Gamma 1, we have 15 Dagger signatures inbound. We can take them, but I suggest you go. The LSF needs you, and doesn't want you dead."
"Yea, i spose.... See ya later. Clear Skies"
"Not a cloud"

Lee spotted a couple of Bounty Hunters on his scope.

"This is LSF Theta 1 to BH Pirhana 1 and 2. Ive got 10k credits for you if you help that Navy group over there."
"Acknowledged, we'll help."

Lee flew out of harms way. He wished he had a Patriot or Defender, he wanted in on this fight.

(Switching To Narrator)

Name: The Sports News Guy
Ship: The Camera Copter
Station: Somewhere near Buffalo
Faction: CNN

We've got a good match for you today, folks. At home, we've got The Liberty Rouges from Buffalo, vs the Liberty Navy from Battleship Yukon and The BHG from somewhere!!!!

The six Defenders open up first, launching waves of Javelin Missiles. The Pirhanas are launching Seeker Missiles.

The Rouge Daggers are deploying countermeasures, many of the Javelins are fooled, but not those Seekers.

It looks like four seekers are inbound on a Dagger........... ooooooooooh that was a big explosion, the score is down to 14-8.

Its seems the Daggers arn't carrying any missiles, it could prove costly, as the Navy launch yet another wave of Javelins..... Another 2 daggers down!

and the score is now 12-8 to the Rouges.

The sides are in laser range now. The Navy has disengaged there cruise engines and are opening fire from maximum range... there scoring hits, the Daggers are damaged.

But the Rouges are keeping the Cruise Engines (CE) on. This looks liek there shield eraser tactic!

yes it is, the rouges streak past the defenders, deativating there CEs and launching loads of eraser mines.

2 of the Defenders have lost sheilds, one quickly uses shield batteries. (note: in this RPG, each ship can only carry 4 bats, enought to repair a shield once)

but the other is not so quick, the Daggers concentrate fire and its doooooooowwwwwwwwn.

but wait! the Navy has opened up with Lavablade turrets, destroying another Rooooouuuuuge. and the score is 11-7.....

(someone else can finish the story)

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