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A new RPG(as in each person makes posts about his/her char s

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:12 am

Arania had left. Citadel was falling apart, and there was no way of undoing the damage created by the Dom'Kavash. But they would pay. They would pay dearly for the attempt to destroy humanity. They would pay for the death of innocents.

"A.K.... Prepare Daedalus. This ends here. This ends now. Jennifer,"

She looked up.

"Take care of A.K. for me."
"Where ar you going?" she asked with fear in her voice.
"To save humanity."

I walked into the Daedalus chamber and strapped myself in. This would hurt, but the pain would give me the strength to defeat the Dom'Kavash.


A.K. beeped a reply

"Start her up."

I strapped myself in and waited for my destiny. A long needle pierced my neck and a stream of nanites flowed throughout my bloodstream. The changes were almost instantanious, and so was the pain. I let out a massive scream, and heard the desperate banging of Jennifer on the chamber door. I could feel my mind clearing as the neurons in my head were strengthened by the microscopic machines dedicated to augmenting my bodily systems. My muscles were becoming stronger, and metallic implants formed under the my skin, producing limitless supplies of hormones and other drugs.

After a few minutes, the device had expended it's nanite supply and had finished the augmentations. If the nomads had developed anything good, it was this. But something was wrong, I could feel another conciousness in my head.
Who is in my mind I thought, attempting communication.
I am an artificial intelligence known as Promethius. You have devloped a way to telekinetically communicate with me?
Correction. you are in my mind. We somehow are one. And we shall strike at the hearts of our enemies with our combined power.

Promethius processed this.

A third would be better. There is a acceptable mind nearby, it may be possible to intergrate her into the equasion.
Jennifer is not the best candidate.
I am detecting a nearby resonant psionic signal
Process the identidy.
It is a recently deceased Rheinland fighter pilot, designated Military Red Five, or Helena Kristofen. She would make an acceptable candidate.
Very well, intergrate her mind into the equasion.

A sudden burst of energy entered my, well, our mind. Helena's conciousness was weak, but still intact.

Where am I?
Citadel Station. Your body has died, but your mind was salvaged and brought into our head.
Welcome to our collective thought. Okay, enough chit-chat, lets kick some Dom'Kavash butt.
I was unaware the Dom'kavash had such organs
Don't split hairs, Promethius.
Sorry to interrupt, but why am i here?
Let me explain. If there were only two minds,we would struggle for dominance, but with three, the equasion is balanced. we work in unity

I, We stepped out of the Daudalus chamber to a stunned Jennifer. Obviously, my features changed, my body was different, larger, and supposedly my eyes glowed a deep blue.

This was irrelavant though, and it was time to kick ass.

OOCPlay with that, boys!)

Edited by - Viator on 7/1/2004 2:17:47 AM

Edited by - Viator on 7/1/2004 2:18:17 AM

Post Wed Jun 30, 2004 4:59 am

OOC: hmmmm everyone seems to be getting along fime eithout me ah well have fun guys cause i seemed to have dropped out of view since i'm not telepathic or interesting )

Seeing that his part was done and he was no longer needed he went to the docking bay told his ship to come as close to the airlock as possible and put on a vac suit,wwent thru the airlock and got in his fighter.He activated his cloak and decided to do one last favor for humanity.He attacked the dom'kavash fighter.Dom'Kavash weapons and defenses may be good but thry are no match fot beam weapons of alliance design for even the Dom'Kavash's weapons were weaker than theirs so neither the ship nor its pilot survived the pilot tried to phase the ship so the weapons went right thru but his weapons were constantly changing in this way to prevent such an occurence once it was destroyed and he recloaked he activated the jumpdrive that he had built himself during his time on the station he had just left.
He headed back to from which he came.The unknown.

(OOC: have fun guys your doin great i bow to the superior writers before me

Post Wed Jun 30, 2004 6:48 pm

OOC: you might want to edit your post, as Araminta cant be more than 10-12 metres away from me at all times, another facet of dæmon Biomehanics.

Location: Coalition Supercarrier Nafllgar, Tau-37
Time: 06:45 AM

The mist swirled around him, light and dark simultaniously.
Arania trambled as a large figure appeared before him.
"Who are you?" he yelled, his voice echoing.
I am the ancients, i am the Dom'Kavash. I am the firstborn
The Ancient's message fluttered into his head much in the manners of Araminta's telepathy. The Dæmon herself sat on Aranias shoulder, trying desperatly to put out enough light to see this 'Ancient'
"What do you want with Me?"
The Dom'Kavash have grown arrogant, proud, we were no like this, not before technology corrupted our minds. We were a peaceful race, we found our way throug life using the Instinctive Psionics that resided in all of us
We are reaching the End of our spiritual lifetime, we cannot sit idly by and watch our spawn tear apart the very fabric of spacetime. only through you can we acheive this
we are going to merge with you, granting you spiritual immortaility, your relative, Viator, sacrificed himself to combag the Dom'Kavash, he to is now immortal
"Go on..."
we are going to give you the csomic powers of the Dom'Kavash, allowing you to exert 'dicipline' onto our, and soon, your offspring
"Will i still have my.."
Conciousness, yes, we will take a back place in your mind, much like Proteus does now, and emerging only with your permission. The Powers of the Human, Nomad and Dom'Kavash Powers combined, along with your relative Viator's work, will be more than enough to defeat the Dom'Kavash and finally ensue peace
"Why me?"
You are the only pure person left in Sirius, you and Viator are the only people left that would forsake thier own desires, thier own lives, to save others
Arania felt that the Ancient had hit thier personalities dead on.
That is also why your dæmon is a Phoenix, becose nobody before you was like you, you are the first.
"I suppose Viator's is too, if he could see it?"
No, viator's dæmon is not a phoenix, possibly a drake or a dragon. But his dæmon's form is irrelivant now, when this conflict is over, you can show him his if you wish. The immedaite matter at hand is wheter or not you will allow the merge
"Its not like i have much of a choice"
you do have a choice, we all are our own choices
"In that case, go ahead"
The ancient placed it's hand on Arania's head, and began to fade.
Arania screamed as the combined forces of the Firstborn flooded into him and his dæmon.
He felt himself grow stronger, not physically, mentally.
Arania awoke in a sweat.
A figure foated in his conciousness: "fight them" it whispered.
Arania got out of bed and collected Araminta from her perch.
He stripped all remnants of technology from him, weapons, neural interfacing, everything.
Walking don the corridoor in a loose-fitting ceremonial robe, he haeard a loud alarm sound:
"Dom'Kavash ships entering Tau-37, they are attempting to detonate the sun"
calm as anything, he walked into the Docking bay, and waved his hand in a swiping motion at the nearest Dom'Kavash ship.
It disintegrated, as though Arania's hand had slapped it out of the way.
Hopping into a nearby 'basilisk' class Coalition fighter, he flew straigh towards the Dom'Kavash capital ship, the one aiming the ugly-looking gun at the thwo suns of Tau-37.
"Power is not in the body or technology" Arania said
"It is in the mind and the Cosmos" Araminta finished.
Before anybody could react, he slammed the ship straight into the Dom'Kavash sun-cannon.
The ship exploded in a brilliant display of red and black.
The Dom'Kavash ship followed cue, exploding violently just before it had the chance to fire.
The rest of the Dom'Kavash group fell quickly, although this was a small victory, this was a relative pinprick next to the actual size of the Dom'Kavash fleet, everybody there knew that.

Location: Citadel, Tau-37
Arania materialised outside the Daedalus chamber, A Shmmering Araminta on his shoulder.
Needless to say that Viator and Jennifer were surprised to see him after the had just killed himself on the Dom'Kavash ship.
"Ok, before you say anything, im a spectral being now, so this is just a projection, second, i know where the Dom'Kavash homeworld is, along with the rest of the Dom'Kavash fleet?"
"How do you know this?" Jennifer asked
Araminta was the one to answer this time: "The Firstborn of the Dom'Kavash chose to give us thier powers in order to end thier shame of thier offspring"

Post Thu Jul 01, 2004 1:35 am

"Just a question, Where is Viator?" were the words that emerged from Arania's mouth.

I had returned to my chambers to fully assimilate the extra power I had. To consolidate, to appreciate the extent of my revenge. When I spoke, three voices emmited at once, and there was an infinite chorus within my mind, within our minds. Our purpose was clear. There was only one path. My soul prayed that it's purity would not be overwhelmed by electronic sentience or another's mind.

I emerged from my chambers to see either a holographic Arania, or a spectral being. It's answer to Jennifer answered my dilemma. He turned toward me and his eyes widened. I knew i was a mass of flesh and machine, and that my mind was one of three in my head.

"What have you done to yourself, Viator?"
"We have improved ourselves. But this is not the time for small talk. We must leave for the Dom'Kavash homeworld. Time is of the essence."

Post Thu Jul 01, 2004 2:30 am

OOC: Lolololol this has changed so much since our original writings. It's cool how it all interlinked but Viator and Arania weaved it together with this telekinetic stuff--great work guys. And I'm still the bad guy creator. So tough to keep up with you guys's imaginative writings I gotta really think sometimes about what to do. Keep it up! Btw, I think Waalbeck has gone he's so philosophic and tranquil compared to the relentless B******d he once was. Oh well it's like Juni said, people are changed by their worlds, rarely vice-versa. Cheers to Dragonborn for this opprtunity. There should be more threads like this--I'm hooked!!!

The surviving Domk'vash flocked around the wreckage of their fleet, howling in agony. Kossus roared in anger and pain. Although there was no sound emitted in space, for anyone telepathic it was defeaning. He and the others flew freely through the vacum and started tearing apart "Citadel" station. Kossus sent the others to attack the puny human fleet while he charged all his energy into tearing the base's structural reality away from the fabric of time and space. Basically vaporising it. Meanwhile the Domk'vash fleets were involved with a furious battle between themselves and the Coalition neo-communist like guys. As Kossus slowly evaporated the base he mind-looked into the battlefield. He saw one of the dom'kavash battleships explode after direct hits from the Coalition Battleship Politviousky and the Cruiser Yevgeny.

Kossus howled again as the nomad traitors tried to enter into his thought patterns. He sent them spiralling out with a powerful mind-blow. Though he could not hold them off forever. Then he had an idea. Leaving the critically damaged Citadel station for a second he summoned one of the nomad underlings who he had been keeping. "OSIRIS!" he screamed. Osiris, brother of Prometheus slowly appeared in the Tau-37 system, first by DNA structure, then the fibre-network skin of the nomads covered him and he was in his true physical form. Nomads were considered second-class in dom'kavash society and were often made to do unsrupulous things by their masters. Osiris tried to answer but Kossus silenced him with one finger. Then he pointed to a nearby Large Train, stuffed full of MOX. He shattered the windscreen, sending the crew to their deaths and then mind-commanded Osiris to board one of the dead crew bodies. Osiris did, under extreme mind control bidding from his master he floated the dead man back and started to fly the ship towards the sun.

Then Kossus, happy with the arrangements turned back to the destabilising Citadel station and gave it one last burst of energy, cracking the station into three bits. He checked on the Coalition battle. The dom'kavash were slowly winning this battle. Good, he thought. Then he turned to attack the group of human ships.

Waalbeck steadied himself as the Crusier he was in made a successful jump to the Omicron Alpha. He checked the latest updates and the Coalition were fighting with the incredibly ancient race, the dom'kavash. The dom'kavash it seemed were an alien race who's large empire had the Sirius as it's far western border. He remeber them from the original nomad incident with that freelancer. A doctor Quintaine had said then that the dom'kavash had been incredibly advanced, more advanced than we are now in 801A.S. when humanity had first started to crawl out of the oceans. But they had left the Sirius in a mass exodus 10 million years ago. After their nomad slaves got beaten by a flimsy race such as ours they had come back to take what they thought was theirs....with a vengeance. Waalbeck didn't mind. Nothing surprised him anymore...nothing

Hasta la victoria siemprè! (Ever onward to victory) - Ernesto Che Guevara

If you tremble indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine. - Ernesto Che Guevara

Post Thu Jul 01, 2004 3:35 pm

OOC: Osiris was the brother of Proteus, Prometheus was a program.
I agree, this is one of the best things ive done for ages! the story keeps changine, and i was on here yesterday, repeatedly pressing the f5 buttin wainting for someone to post, to see what would happen next.
This is fookin brilliant!!

"Warning, station hull integrity critical, depressurisation imminent"
Arania glanced at the tipping station.
With one thought, he materialised next to Kossus.
The Dom'Kavash trembled with rage, and sent a massive psychic attack spiralling at him.
Kossus screamed, for as the attack hit Arania, he felt the pain of his own doing, tenfold over.
screaming and writhing, Arania stepped over him.
"Burn in hell" Arania's voice teemed with rage, a pain burning for Millenia.
"I know" Arania and Araminta replied in unison, thier voices resonating with base and treble tones.
With that, the Dom'Kavash disintegrated, its bodily parts flying everywhere.
Switching back to Viators position, he noticed the air slowly seeping out of the critically damaged station.
"Get a ship and get out of here" Arania said "Sirius is no longer safe. Take my ship, use the Jump Drive and head to Sol, i will meet you at Sydney station above Venus. Sol is closer to the Dom'Kavash homeworld than Sirius, and will make an excellent staging point"
With that, Arania dissapeared.

Post Thu Jul 01, 2004 4:19 pm

OOC: good going guys its taking a dramatic twist at which point i may rejoin this great masterpeice(after all i did say into the unknown which is where......who knows....YET)still this is a great peice of art if i may say so all of u have far more imagination than me by far goofluck hope u get to the point where i might be ablle to rejoin the story soon!!!

Post Thu Jul 01, 2004 5:15 pm

(OOC) Hey can people still join in?

Celso,is there a cushion glued to my butt?!not glued,super glued!!

Post Thu Jul 01, 2004 9:43 pm

Z'ha'dum sighed. He was a young dom'kavash prince. Kinetically connected to the Ancient One on a psychic plane like no-one else he alone was aware of the Ancient One's thoughts and feelings. He now knew what to do.

Z'ha'dum appeared in the Sol system, it was a pretty poor system. A single cold, barren red planet not even warmed by the tiny white sun. He saw the two immortal underlings approaching them and halted them. "Immortals, you have no further role past here. My people have lost their way and cause so we must leave this system forever. We venture past this galaxy, the superclusters of galaxies and into the ultimate darkness of nothing to find the zultair, our utopia. The Ancient One has said so. And it is His supreme willing. I obey and take on the leadership of my people, the ancient dom'kavash and their 60 million year old legacy. Your destiny however is not chosen and cannot be fortold for you have made the supreme sacrifice for your race and now only exist on a psychic plane. Though I can only suggest, I think your role in space at this time is to defend your people from the unscrupulous easterners of your old world, the Coalition. Do as you will for I must lead my people. I will spend the next 60,000 years of my life searching the cosmos for the zultair, even if it is only found by the distant unborn generations of my spawn. We will hold faith in the Ancient One. Good willing your time with your young race will be easy. Although it is advisable to watch over them until the end of 'mankind' they are young still and even though many of them are murderers, back stab and are corrupt and rash with important decsisions for their future, take that only as the mischevious deeds of a youngling, they have a lot to learn."

Z'ha'dum held up a hand, and it glowed bright green while the yellow electrical discharges in it coursed even more violently and brightly and even though his face was only a cleft of gelatinous green plasma and two brightly glowing yellow slit eyes he managed a weak "smile", even if it was a bit lop-sided. "Fair well, courageous sentinels of your race. It is told in our most ancient texts that our Ancient One's course started out much like yours. May your deeds be recognized and richly rewarded by your people." And with that he disappeared, leaving only a mind transfer image of the dom'kavash leaving their homes for the edge of space and Viator and Arania pondering their next move.

OOC: I hope that's not to hard a storyline to answer to, i kno i've had some put some real thought into the great works of dragonborn, arania and viator. Great work guys, we've really made this something special. might go play freelancer now, but im eagerly awaiting the next exciting work from you all.

Hasta la victoria siemprè! (Ever onward to victory) - Ernesto Che Guevara

If you tremble indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine. - Ernesto Che Guevara

Edited by - redstarpaddy on 7/1/2004 10:48:28 PM

Post Thu Jul 01, 2004 10:34 pm

OOC: um, im going to assume that the Dom'Kavash are gone now...
Stormtrooper: provided you can write stories and integrate yourself into the storyline, yes.

The Beauty of the Cosmos had only ever been fully explored and appreciated once before, by one race, by one people.
Arania stood, no, was the cosmos, looking amonig it in awe, at the majesty of a creation that was as complex on the stallar scale as it is on the Subatomic level.
no longer needing to posess the mind of a Human, his conciousness wandered the stars, Seeing the evolution of small races on an abundance of worlds, many of which had grown sentent and self aware.
Taking a temporary physical form, he materialised in Sirius. The recovery effort that had been undertaken after the Dom'Kavash attack was incredible.
But it would be a long time until the Human race decided to stop fighting, even now, pirate groups had re-started thier unscrupulous activities, and Sirius was at war with itself again.
"Araminta" He said to his golden Phoenix-Dæmon "Its gonna be a long night"

Post Thu Jul 01, 2004 11:25 pm

Life in the Sirius slowed down a little after the dom'kavash left. The masses of the Sirius slowly moved back to their destroyed systems. Life quality was incredibly low in the barren systems not already tainted by the Coalition. Waalbeck and his cruiser full of people were waiting in the Tau-29 system for--a sign or something. Then they heard that a tiny settlement had been struck up on Planet Carinea, in Omicron Alpha. Even though the system was riddled with an organic poison, fatal to humans, a small clear base had been established in the wooded fields of Carinea. But the eastern Omicrons were a huge war-zone and Tau-37 was encompassed by a massive belt of dark matter clouds which were the most dangerously radioactive ever recorded. So it was 2 weeks later when they ended up on the partly terra-formed planet Ayr in the Edinburgh system. The tired and depressed crew of the Cruiser made a rough landing there that crippled their ship, trapping them there. But nobody cared.

Waalbeck sat on a heavily frosted crate, staring out at the frozen wastes of Ayr.
He, along with the other dazed people of Planet Ayr were shadows of their former selves. Waalbeck's once proud uniform was ripped, torn and dirty. His once handsome slick brown hair was now gone, and a shaven and scarred scalp remained. He looked wan and sickly. Though he was a considerable sight better than the rest of the group on Ayr, roughly 5000 people. They all had pallour complexions, dull hair and eyes and no hope. Ayr was divided into five communities all who were secretive and mistrustful of the others. The main system of transport was a dune-buggy style cart. Slowly, Waalbeck got up and shuffled towards his work, growing synth paste in a ruined Bio-dome that had miraculously survived a fall from space to the surface of Ayr and had been at least repaired into working condition. They only had limited machinery so the paste developed was a tasteless cellulose like substance, only just edible. As the side of good fell in the Sirius, piracy was rampart. Waalbeck, unlike most of his "community" had been able to stay away from Cardamine. He passed the large plantations of the hardy orange grass that was the main source of protection money for the Pirates who terrorised them. As the suns set on another dull day, Waalbeck crawled into his tent which was in the wreckage of the Cruiser he had fled Tau-37 in during those chaotic times. He had long forgotten the name of the cruiser but vaguely remebered people and friends. It was hard to tell what was reality and what was made up in his tortued dreams everynight. As he sipped on the partly empty bottle of Kusari Sake he had stolen earlier today he had a period of unusual clarity. It was pierced by a scream. Panic rose in his eyes and he lept outside. The usual dullness returned as he realised what it was. Jamieson had been caught stealing and was being put to death, Outcast style. They had put him in the fenced off area of Cardamine grasses. As they had found out and many Freelancers had been told in rumours from Planet Malta, Cardamine was incredibly sharp and people got fatal lacerations (cuts) after walking through it even after a couple of seconds.

So they put Jamieson in it and he had tried to stay still but evetually he fell asleep and fell down. As he got up it cut him all over. He would die of blood loss in seconds. Waalbeck took another swig of the Sake. So this is what the people of the Sirius had been reduced to. Waalbeck looked towards the sky. It was covered by the ever present grey clouds. Escape from Ayr was banned, by the pirates. So was owning a ship. Waalbeck thought sometime, somewhere help would come. He didn't know how or when, but he had a feeling they had someone to look after them. He smiled. Soon the dishevelled, disgruntled people would have help...soon.

Hasta la victoria siemprè! (Ever onward to victory) - Ernesto Che Guevara

If you tremble indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine. - Ernesto Che Guevara

We must carry the war into every corner the enemy happens to carry it: to his home, to his centers of entertainment; a total war. It is necessary to prevent him from having a moment of peace, a quiet moment outside his barracks or even inside; we must attack him wherever he may be, make him feel like a cornered beast wherever he may move. - Ernesto Che Guevara

Why does the guerrilla fighter fight? We must come to the inevitable conclusion that the guerrilla fighter is a social reformer, that he takes up arms responding to the angry protest of the people against their oppressors, and that he fights in order to change the social system that keeps all his unarmed brothers in ignominy and misery. - Ernesto Che Guevara

Post Fri Jul 02, 2004 2:00 am

I sat in the back of my freighter, trying to contemplate the power I weilded. If there was an electrical system, I could transport through it. I could phase shift, I could become pure light, i could survive in sub-zero temperatures. You name it, I could do attempt it. But I was empty, a dried up husk, with three minds in one. The first thing I had to do was rid myself of the others, the other forms in my mind. Promethius volunteered to reside in A.K., but Helena would not want to move.
It was Jennifer who thought of the solution, of intergrating Helena with the freighter. Her conciousness was now a pattern of electrical impulses, and it was a matter of seperating hers from mine. It was really an anti-climax, having the Dom'Kavash dissapear due to Arania's whim. Daedalus was destroyed and I was the only human to be 'augmented'. Which is probably a good thing, because in the wrong hands, it could end a lot of lives, while destroying the lives of the rest.

Our freighter was stopped outside of the old New York system. It was strange that the last time i had slept it had been in the Hyatt on Mannhatten. Now I couldn't sleep, the biocells in my body kept me in a state of perpetual readiness. My mind could rest, but the body would stay active, ever ready for action.

Helena was in a dormant mode, A.K. had been shut down and I was at the controls looking into what used to be New York. An inky blackness was all that was left, one more star left to whim of Fate. To think of how many people were annhilated in the attack almost brought me to tears, and chipped off a small part of my sanity. The cold of space seemed to be nothing to what I felt inside. I just wanted to end all this struggle and have everyone get along.

But that would never happen. Fate will not have the Traveller stay still for the slightest moment.


Post Fri Jul 02, 2004 4:01 pm

Waalbeck huddled while the cold winds swept outside. Memories, imaginings and hopes flooded his mind. He remebered sitting down with his father and mother by the fire and some chocolate Synth paste in their schloss just 50 miles out of New Berlin. The book on Gaian wildlife he was givin for his 10th birthday. The sake bottle was lying in pieces outside.

He woke up groggily to the whine of engines setting down. Ah, so it was collection day. He knew by the roster that it was his and some other's turn to load the credits and a small supply of cardamine for the pilots. He got up, put on the IMG coat he had found and walked out to where the crates had been delivered. He got a float pallet and pushed it towards the crates. After he loaded the crates he manoeuvered the float pallet towards the Stiletto's cargo hold. He breathed deeply, noting the pungeant spicy smell of the Cardamine. Then he slammed his fist into the float pallet which shot forward. It took out two pilots and careered off the landing pad, heading into the frozen wastes. Half the pirates started chasing that. Then Waalbeck grabbed the other courier and held him hostage-style, avoiding all the Pirate shots. He dropped the now dead courier and ran to the ship, swinging himself up on the wings and onto the top of the plane. He kicked the cockpit door up jumped inside and closed it. 'Phew' he thought, but then he was interrupted by shots from the stunned pirates. He crawled through to the cockpit space and engaged the engines. The blast threw back all the pirates who were clambering into their ships. He let out a loud cheer as he flew through Ayr's opressive clouds and left that misery behind.

But it was not over yet. He had to get out of this Pirate clan's territory. He flew past the wreckage of Perth station and the rag-tag dangerous looking pirate base that had been assembled with scrap and other "found" items from the area. Luckily they were engaged with a huge battle with the Gaians and so paid no attention to him. He didn't know where he was going but he hadn't forgotten the slavery on Ayr. He needed to get them help. They were probably other enslaved people all over the Sirius. At least he was temporarily safe in this Pirate's ship.

Hasta la victoria siemprè! (Ever onward to victory) - Ernesto Che Guevara

If you tremble indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine. - Ernesto Che Guevara

We must carry the war into every corner the enemy happens to carry it: to his home, to his centers of entertainment; a total war. It is necessary to prevent him from having a moment of peace, a quiet moment outside his barracks or even inside; we must attack him wherever he may be, make him feel like a cornered beast wherever he may move. - Ernesto Che Guevara

Why does the guerrilla fighter fight? We must come to the inevitable conclusion that the guerrilla fighter is a social reformer, that he takes up arms responding to the angry protest of the people against their oppressors, and that he fights in order to change the social system that keeps all his unarmed brothers in ignominy and misery. - Ernesto Che Guevara

Post Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:12 pm

He sipped the Sidewinder fang, enjoying the physical taste of the dring coarsing down his throat.
The power over the entire universe couldnt bring him the simple pleasures of an alcoholic drink.
Arania sat at the bar on Planet harris, gazing at the terraforming domes outside, wondering why the human race always needed more.
Three figures walked into the bar, sidling up to the bar.
"Were looking for that Order punk Arania" They said to the Bartender "You seen 'im?"
The bartender merely pointed at him, and went back to polishing the already-spotless mugs behind the bar.
The three thugs walked up to him.
"Youve got a price on your head mate" The apparent 'Leader' thug said "And wer'e here to collect it"
Arania turned, looking the Thugs up and down.
"Ara, your turn"
Araminta decloaked on the counter
"Are you serious?" one of the thugs laughed.
"Yes" Araminta replied.
That put out the last thread of hesitation in them.
The three of them drew two pistols each and aimed at the Phoenix.
Araminta rose up to her full height, spreading her wings, eagle-like, displaying her golden plumage.
The Thugs fired.
She ducked, just as the shots went whistling over her head.
Raising herself up slightly, she spread her wings, right before breathing a massive stream of fire into the thugs leader.
Araminta then flapped her wings together once, and the other two thugs heads went smasing together, cartoon-style.
Aramina collected his flaming dæmon from the counter before checking the insignia on the thug's uniform.
"Damn coalition" Arania muttered, dematerialising "Perhaps it was a mistake..."

Post Sat Jul 03, 2004 12:23 am

He headed north, simply because the southern systems were in imminent threat from the Coalition. Punching in a few keywords he saw a Coalition reward for the capture of one, Arania. Waalbeck smiled to himself. Planet Harris it was.

He landed rather smoothly and jumped out. As soon as he saw the terra-forming buildings he was flooded with the haunting memories of the atrocities on Ayr. Harris, although still pretty rough was nothing compared to Ayr. He strolled into the bar, pushing aside tables to get to the bartender. Time to change identity. He lowered the quality of his vocabulary, and the octaves of his voice to set the new system pirates. "Yo my man, set me up wif Arania." The bartender didn't even look up, shaking his head. Waalbeck smiled, he loved these parts. He grabbed the bartender by the coller and threw him through the massive window that faced the landing pads. He jumped out and landed neatly beside the stunned bartender. "Did that knock sum sense inta yur fick 'ed mate?" demanded Waalbeck, his fake voice and words fitting perfectly with today's Bretonian gangster trend. The bartender got up and started running away. Waalbeck grimaced. Playing hard to get eh? But then he saw the bartender pointing at the lone figure walking away towards an Anubis. Dressed in an old Order suit the shaven headed Waalbeck jogged over to stop him.
"Remeber me? Doesn't matter now Arania, the Sirius needs you."

Hasta la victoria siemprè! (Ever onward to victory) - Ernesto Che Guevara

If you tremble indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine. - Ernesto Che Guevara

We must carry the war into every corner the enemy happens to carry it: to his home, to his centers of entertainment; a total war. It is necessary to prevent him from having a moment of peace, a quiet moment outside his barracks or even inside; we must attack him wherever he may be, make him feel like a cornered beast wherever he may move. - Ernesto Che Guevara

Why does the guerrilla fighter fight? We must come to the inevitable conclusion that the guerrilla fighter is a social reformer, that he takes up arms responding to the angry protest of the people against their oppressors, and that he fights in order to change the social system that keeps all his unarmed brothers in ignominy and misery. - Ernesto Che Guevara

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