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Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Wed Jun 16, 2004 5:11 am

OOC:This is the story of Jake 'Viator' Langley (for anyone who doesn't know, Viator is latin for traveller) and his adventures through freelancer space.

after a long time of travelling, i had left behind my explorers ways and had settled into a comfortable life on the far side of the Tau-37 Binary star, away from the prying eyes of the general populace. I had charted all i could in Sirius, and after a long time of travelling, i thought the eime was high to just slow the pace down. I had fought nomads in Omricron Gamma, traded with the Bunschuh in the Frankfurt system, you name it, i had done it. But after my travels, the public admiration became too much. the constant media attention, the papparazzi on the door of my home in Caimbridge. I had to get away from it all. And then i remembered my travels. there was one place where i was totally in awe of my surroundings. Tau-37. Its serene blue nebulae surrounding the binary star in the centre. Freeport 10 was a short flight away, and i had built up a good rep with the outcasts, ferrying many sick outcasts back to malta when their cardamine had run out. Occasionally i would run some supplies to malta, as a way of funding my minimalist exsistance in the outskirts of Sirius.

Fate it seems, doesn't like having the traveller settle down.

I was in the bar of Freeport 10, enjoying an ancient drink known as 'scotch' with Kenji, my old travelling companion from kusari. most people would consider two men in their late 20's sitting in Freeport 10 drinking strange beverages to be suspicious, but we were retired. 28 and retired. that still makes me grin sometimes. Anyway, I was in the bar with Kenji, talking about the time we 'accidentally' annoyed the Xenos and limped back to pueblo in a battered Xeno Starflier, when two strangers walk in. they had familliar faces, but i couldn't put my finger on what it was. Kenji was the quick one here.

"Thats Edison Trent's son... whats he doing this far out?"
"Edison Trent? That guy who defeated the nomads?"
"yeah, thats him. got married, had kids. looks about 17..."

We thought nothing of it and went back to our story which had begun to focus on a waitress at pueblo.

After a couple of hours, I had said goodbye to Kenji, and he got into his ship and headed back home to New Tokyo. I too, had begun to work my way back to my ship, which was parked in dock 3. The steel corridors of Freeport 10 swayed a little from the solar wind spurted out from the binary suns in the centre of the Tau-37 system. The strange thing was that there was no movement or noise at all, the passageways were motionless. This worried me a little, questioning whether i should see the Zoners about it. I went past the bar and thought,
im still kinda thirsty, i might have another
I opened the door and walked back into the bar. i sat down at the bar this time and ordered a sidewinder fang from the barkeeper, who for some reason had earned the nickname of 'Wook'. For hours id retell the details of my adventures to Wook, and he would love every minute of it. That day i told him about the cute waitress at pueblo.

It was late by the time i left freeport 10, and the trip back to the station i called home wasn't looking all that promising in the way of entertainment. After an uneventful journey, i arrived back at the station i called home, it was the old Ithica station, i had brought it back up to standards, and it was quite comfortable living space, my equivalent of a mansion. I had ample space for the two ships i owned, and for the trinkets i collected over the years. I set up the auto-defense system, and made my way to my quarters. after going through my routine, i was asleep before i made it to bed.

I was sleeping soundly when the docking request announcement came over the intercom...

EDIT: damn spelling

Edited by - Viator on 6/25/2004 10:28:36 PM

Post Wed Jun 16, 2004 11:40 am

Planet Toledo, Omicron Minor System

"Darkstone" was an odd name to have chosen. It had no relation on the young man's ambition, career, anything. It was simply a name that he thought of one day. He was salvaging the wrecks of the Order base. During the days of the Nomads, the Houses were too busy fighting the Nomads to notice that the Order were gaining their funds for ships and equipment by siphoning it off from the capital owned by the Houses. Once the threat of the Nomads was over, the Order had effectively disbanded, although there were carefully placed watchdogs, just in case. But, the organisation was long dead. As a former member, Darkstone knew this, and had braved the unstable jump hole to get to Toledo. He'd landed, gone inside the ruins of the base in an EV suit, and immediately realised he'd hit a treasure trove. While the concrete on the outside of the structure had been almost destroyed by the Nomad bombardment shortly before the assault on the Dyson Sphere, the Order had built this place to be a long term holdout against the Nomads, if that was what it was to come to. He waved a hand over the switch, and with a faint humming, the entire complex came alive, as if not a moment had passed since the Order had frantically evacuated. Darkstone expected only to find pieces of equipment, maybe a power generator or thruster augment. What he didn't expect was access to the Order mainframe. He assumed it must have been left on in Orillion's haste to get to the Osiris. He withdrew a small datachip from one of the EV suit's pockets and plugged it in to the base of the projector, and also a manual control unit, which he plugged into the datastream leading to the projector.

He couldn't have been more surprised with what he found. After the Nomads had been banished, the Order was quick to report to the high governmental personnel the situation that had arisen. The four Houses had gladly given the Order data on all their ships, bases, planets, troops, everything. If the Nomads were only staging a feint, they would show, as people would disappear from their stations and be noticed.

Darkstone summoned the data to the main projector. He had expected the array of flashing dots scattered around the map of Sirius, but what he had not expected were the miniscule lines projecting from each of them. And, when he looked closer, yes! he could see, they were moving in real time! He had here just about the greatest military tool in the whole of Sirius. However, his euphoria at this discovery was short lived, and soon replaced with wonder. For leading off from Sirius were two thick, bright lines. One was purple, the other was sky blue. He touched the button on his control to zoom out by a factor of 10. The Sirius sector immediately shrank to a small square in the corner of the 3D image. But the lines remained unchanged, still leading off the edge of the display. He zoomed out by 10 again. Still, the lines were too long. He instructed the projector to plot the other end of the line, while keeping Sirius on the display. He was shocked to see his control indicate that such an action would require scaling down by a factor of over 80,000. Christ! This thing travelled a long way! This must be the legendary Hyper Gate... Any fears he had about what might lay at the other end were quickly overcome by a giddy, consuming excitement to find out what was there. He downloaded the nav course to the Sirius end of the blue line to his datachip, disconnected the control unit, and set off at a run back to his ship. He would waste no time telling anyone else, this discovery was too important, he had to go now . How did he know that the Gate wasn't about to destabilise?

He punched in the course and set off as fast as his ship could carry him.

Edited by - Darkstone on 6/16/2004 12:44:01 PM

Edited by - Darkstone on 6/16/2004 12:45:04 PM

Post Wed Jun 16, 2004 4:57 pm

OOC:sorry been kinda busy with other things but i'm adding more to my char.Note: i'm alsdo gonna be gone for the next week or so just to let you know.

As he exited the jumpgate from magellan into the newyork badlands near ithaca he noticed there was no activity, in his time the place would have been swarming with dueling bloodhounds and patriots heck maybe even a few wolfhounds and defenders or some outcast daggers, but it was eerily silent no fireworks displays of exploding ships no barrages of laser or the puff of gas of missiles being fired.He headed for the tradelane and docked as he exited the other end near westpoint he realized why there were no rogues for in front of him was a fleet of cruisers a newly designed liberty gunboat and atleast 3 dreadnoughts his comm was blinking and he opened the channel.
"This is the battleship Delaware you are not in our registered list of ship's that have clearance for the newyork system power down your ship and prepare to be taken into custody."
what the hell he thought since when is newyork a restricted system
"This is omicron black 9 newyork is NOT a restricted system and if your bluffing to get your slimy aristocratic hands on my ship you just signed your own death warrant!!!"
"Very well have it your way, all ships, open fire!!!"
well that went well he thought.
He dodged the main blast from the main guns of the capital ships and went for the gunboat he tore through it easily with his beam like weapons and turned his attention to the defenders and guardians, a advanced prototype very heavy fighter.He tore through them like a hot knife through butter but the capital ships could keep him away with brute force so he set his course for rochester since the junkers were supposedly neutral to the navy if he could even be considered navy now. as he approached rochester he was surprised to see hear no query why he was in the area when he came in visual range past a large peice of debris he found out why...

(OOC: i'm pausing here hoping another character will be in lib space so as to help make the next part more real)

Edited by - Dragonborn on 6/16/2004 5:59:15 PM

Post Thu Jun 17, 2004 2:36 am

OOC: yay! im liking this.

That was five years ago. The visitor was from the Order. Turns out Trent's son was a recruiting agent for the Order, and i had been selected for my knowlege of all the systems and factions. This knowlege was soon voided when things started happening in Liberty. Strange things. New York was under lockdown, and the Order was curious to why. Obviously, being a civillian i couldn't just ask some co-workers, but i had my resources. Rotchester was the main one. 'Was' being the operative word here. All that was left was smouldering debris and the knowlege that over 300 people had died not too long ago. The scorch marks on the plates left behind by the Rotchester were seared by weapons i had never seen, and Orillion had assured me that the Nomads were under control, and the Houses were at peace. Two days before, he was on Planet Crete, so the Corsairs were not to blame. That left one major power - The Outcasts.

Kenji had reported from my old Station, the Citadel Station in Tau-37, that the Outcasts had started to become more aggressive in their patrols, even ransacking Daedelus Station looking for Cardamine. Normally the Outcasts left Tau-37 alone, but Kenji said that they had almost crippled Freeport 10 in a frenzied rage, only to be stopped by Zoner re-inforcements led by Wook.

I pondered this when a ship registered on my scanner. It was unlike anything i had ever seen. Well, I had seen something similar, when i visited the Navy Shipyards, and 'browsed' through thier database. It was loaded with strange weapons, similar to ones I had stored back at Daedelus. They were produced in the same factory as the weapons mounted on the front of my ship, which was built by the new fighter works in Bering, Z-Axis Shipwrights. Their latest light fighter was a monster, with the power to hold Level 10 Diamondbacks while still being able to out-run any ship in Sirius, and it was the only one in exsistence, being a prototype and all. I got it through my contacts in the Order, and they knew i could put it to good use, and it was a nice replacement for my old Ragnorok Heavy Fighter. I waited for the other pilot to initiate a conversation, but my patience was worn thin, after being made to leave the scenic Tau-37. I hit the hail button on the comm circuits, announcing who i was.

"This is Sigma-Tau Seven, please respond..."

I waited for a reply...

Edited by - Love Shark on 2/14/2005 2:42:18 AM

Post Thu Jun 17, 2004 11:07 am

Darkstone's navigation information took him from Toledo through the asteroid field that composed most of the Omicron Minor system. According to the navchip connected to the autopilot and cruise control, the Sirius end of the Hyper Gate was within the system, just beyond the boundary of the gas cloud. His computer informed him that he had approximately seven minutes until the ship arrived at the Hyper Gate. Darkstone decided that going through the Hyper Gate leaving no trace was a bad idea. He assembled a rudimentary message, consisting of the coordinates of the Gate, his reason for going, and details of his ship and equipment. He loaded the message chip into a small drone he had designed himself from equipment on Toledo just before leaving. It would fly from his ship to Toledo, and from a low orbit would tap into the base's powerful communications systems. The message would be beamed across Sirius. With any luck, it would reach his companions in the Tau system cluster. They would not be able to bring any immediate help, but they could at least follow.

Darkstone's heavily modified Eagle chimed in the cockpit. There were 30 seconds left until arrival. He could fell the blood pulsing through his circulatory system. He was going to see what was on the other side... There were 20 seconds left, then 10, then 3, then 1, then...nothing. His ship slowed to a halt automatically, precisely occupying the space that the Hyper Gate should have been in. Nothing was on the sensors, apart from the distant docking ring on Toledo and his message drone. That at least was a comfort; the distances were almost equal, showing that the drone had reached the planet.

The sense of loss was overwhelming. For fifteen minutes, he had been convinced that he was about to make a huge discovery. Now, there was nothing. With his disappointment almost bringing him to tears, he reached for the controls to wheel his ship around and head back to colonised space.

His hand never made it. The energy discharge proximity klaxon wailed. Darkstone's years of inbuilt pilot training quickly moved his outstretched hand to his modified control panel, to divert weapon power to his shields. People had laughed at him for including such a control. They had said that to lose all your weapon power was suicide. They were the ones who fell victim to pirates. Having done this, Darkstone looked down at the sensor array readout. An energy spike was clear on the energy/time graph. He called up more precise diagnostics. A burst of electromagnetic energy had appeared above his ship, and quickly dissipated. A particular feature grabbed his attention. The energy had disappeared in precise directions, to four points in a circle on the lateral level of his ship. There was another burst, from the same point. And another. Each time the energy went to those four points. The bursts became quicker and quicker, although there was still apparently no source.

Then, abruptly, a huge structure shimmered into being around Darkstone's Eagle. Girders made of some metallic substance crisscrossed all over the place. There were four large spheres where the energy had been directed, and an even larger one which had been emitting the energy. It continued to do so at more and more frequent intervals. The four receivers started rotating erratically. The plane of the circle went up, down, all over the place. They picked up speed, leaving an energy trail behind them, until they suddenly stopped. However, the energy ring continued to exist, still going everywhere. Darkstone was completely speechless. And then, with a sharp jolt, he was accelerated forward at an inconceivable speed through the crossed girders of the Hyper Gate.

Post Tue Jun 22, 2004 9:35 pm

OOC: *yawn* ok just gto back a few hours ago i'll try and see how much i can write while half asleep.btw thnx for the help viator.

*his comm crackled to life*

"this is Sigma-Tau seven please respond...." he heard over the open channel.

I opened the channel and responded.

"This is Omicron Black 9 indentify yourself"

(OOC: ugh i'd write more but its 12;30 and ive been on the road all day i'll add more tomorrow)

Post Wed Jun 23, 2004 3:42 am

I had received my reply, in a quick reply to my annoucement.

"This is Omicron Black 9 indentify yourself"

Pondering which faction used the designation Omicron, i gave my answer

"This is Freelancer Sigma Tau Seven, investigating activity in the New York system. State your intent, Omicron Black 9."

Post Wed Jun 23, 2004 8:58 am

He was about to reply when his scanners picked up 1 dreadnought, 3 gunships, and 3 wings of guardians coming in at high speed he replied to sigma tau seven tersely

"look i'd love to chat but the liberty navy's on my tail and are almost here you wouldn't happen to know another way out of here would you? i'm sure they blocked off the known jumpholes and the magellan gate by now"

Post Wed Jun 23, 2004 6:01 pm

Even I was wanting to run, to get out of Liberty, after seeing that many ships coming after this guy. The only problem i had during my travels was that I always helped the little guy.

"Head for the Pittsburgh Debris Field! There's a secret jump hole there!"

If there was one thing this ship was good at, it was running. I never thought i would have to run from the Liberty Navy...

"I need to get to Tau-37, all my equipment is there."

Edited by - Viator on 6/23/2004 7:04:25 PM

Post Thu Jun 24, 2004 6:27 am

"fine by me i just want to get out of here in one peice and we could probably do that better if we went together."
it's lucky we both have fast cruise engines he thought.
he only hoped that this 'unknown' jumphole was really unkown.

Edited by - Dragonborn on 6/24/2004 7:30:46 AM

Post Thu Jun 24, 2004 7:42 am

(OOC: tired of writing are we? tsk tsk tsk, shame on you all j/k. I'm having fun reading this, keep it going)

Post Thu Jun 24, 2004 9:22 am

nice story ppl... just to let u know im reading coz im not very good at writing :p

argh i'm never gonna get paid, Goodbye a million credits

Post Fri Jun 25, 2004 2:08 am

(OOC: i'll give you tired, nick!)

The only problem i had with my cruise engines was the power-up time. it was -exactly- the same as standard cruise engines, leaving my new friend in front while i had to catch up. Luckily, the frame of my Reflex was hollow, like a bird's bones, allowing for extrodinary speed and agility. I had to rely on my shields more than your avarage pilot. I had caught up to Omicron Black 9, and was heading straight for the jump hole. i just prayed it was open, it was an intermittent jump hole, which didn't show up on scanners. It seemed to travel a long way too, leading out at Montezuma base, in the Cortez sysem. This was a long shot, but he knew Liberty had no knowlege of this jumphole, The Order assured me of that fact.

"There it is, Let's just hope it's in phase..."

I ran some readings on the jump hole. We had ten seconds to jump. But at least the navy couldn't track us. And maybe i could find out -who- this guy is...

Post Fri Jun 25, 2004 6:04 am

The jumphole lookedlike it was about to go out of phase so we hurried u pand jumped.

"thanks for the help i'm gonnna head to montezuma base and see if i can get some info on whats going on"

Post Fri Jun 25, 2004 6:51 pm

Location: Omicron Minor Hypergate Research Facility
Time: 6:47 PM

'Say that, again?' Arania said
'Somebody went through the gate before we could shut it down' Replied the technician.
Arania was on board a small station situated 2Km east of the Omicrom Minor jump gate, the station was cloaked, earning it the nickname: 'Invisible Gate'
The Hypergate slowly rotated in the distance, a majestic structure of a construction unseen of in human architecture.
'Did Prometheus capture the ship details?' Arania asked
'Actually' Replied the technician 'We havent heard from Prometheus in weeks'
'That is all' Arania said back, and the technician walked off
He stared at the gate, wondering what inconceivable curiosity would have engulfed that pilot to fling his ship 80,000 light years into the void.
Araminta flapped down from the overhead girders and perched on the holographic projector assembly.
'i know what you'r thinking' She said
Arania turned back and headed towards the landing bay
'Too true' He replied, and araminta flew down to his shoulder.

Location: Unknown system, destination of Omicron Minor Hypergate, Codenamed- Red world

The red clouds around him swirled in a beautiful display of cosmic fate, and the Red world system displayed its majesty that gave it its name.
'Who are you' said a computer generated voice from the speaker, 'And what are you doing here'
'Good evening to you too Prometheus' Arania replied
Prometheus laughed
'What are you two doing here Ara?' The computer program replied
'We're looking for a pilot that came here not long ago' Araminta said
A massive spherical structure decloaked in the distance
'Come and land' Prometheus said 'I think i know where he is'
The Anubis landed on the base, a relative pinprick against the sheer size of the dom'kavash base that now served to house the revolutionary 'Prometheus' AI program, built from remanats of DK programming technology hybridised with human neural patterning to create a AI that was capable of feeling human emotions.
The structure cloaked again, leaving no trace that it had ever been

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