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Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Sat Jun 12, 2004 2:44 pm

I'm hardly the guy you want tips from. I know nothing about writing. Everything I ever wrte down just apeared on the screen out of nowhere. But I found that it helps to give your char a past. Write a backgroundstory about him about where he was born, what happened to him that effected his life and ultimately turned him into what he is today. This gives you a startingpoint and alows you to "become" the character and write better stories.

Something a lot of people here forget to do is to describe the scenery. This creates atmosphere and you can use it to help your char along, like letting him hide in the container he passed a while ago or behind a few crates on teh landing pad.
On teh other hand, don't over do it. Don't use an entire page to describe what a tree looks like.

Of course, describe his fealings. this (if done right) makes it easier to explain stuff and lets the reader "connect" with the char.

But the best advice I can give you is to ask a real writer, not me.

Anyway, good luck and don't expect to get it right the first try and don't feal bad about deleting entire chapters if they don't feal right or don't fit in to the story somehow. I could fill a book with the stuff I've deleted

Celbrating one year of Daftness

Post Sat Jun 12, 2004 3:19 pm

OOC: i actually think this is a good idea, so im gonna add myself
And i like to combine elements from various fictional stories, so dont be surprised when my Phoenix talks, shes my dæmon.

Location: Maldava Graveyard, Omicron Gamma

The Maldava cloud was a hostile place, even for the most skilled pilots, as the radiation could render most ships crippled within moments.
Thus it would be a surprise if anyone had gone far enough into the cloud to find a lone Anubis floating there, perpetually staring at the glowing gateway into the void beyond.
With corsair ships scattered around, one mightv'e thought it was another derelict tomb, if it wasnt for the running lights.
The pilot, one known only as Arania, was getting impatient.
'Where are they?' he muttered, staring at the unknown jump hole.
The golden bird on hs shoulder ruffled her feathers, sending a shower of red dust floating around the 0-G cockpit.
He leant forward, scanning the scanner register, but there was nothing on the list apart from the hole and about 20 dead corsair fighters.
'Why arent they here?' he muttred again, easing the ship towards the hole.
'Maybe they know you're here' Whispered the Phoenix, obviously distressed.
He glanced at the bird, fully taking in her glowing form, and noticing the ruffled feathers.
'Ara, you can calm down' He said soothingly to her 'There's nothing here'
'Then can we go?' she asked
AS a response, he tunred the ship around and flew out of the cloud.
A chatter of radio conversation greeted him, as he heard the Corsair fleet organising the next shipment to the omegas to organise thier attack on Rheinland
We'll have to stay on crete for a few days he thought
Another thought fluttered into his head, a thought not his own: Just as soon as we can get away from these corsairs as soon as possible, i dont like them staring at me
He chucked at his dæmon's message, remembing all too well the Corsair's curiosity with Araminta the last time they were on a Corsair base.
'This is Order Theta one dash one, requesting permission to land' he transmitted to the docking ring.
'Roger that' came the robotic reply 'You have permission to land'
Deftly manuvering the fighter into the ring, he flew down to the Corsair homeworld.
The Anubis autopiloted down and landed with a thump.
He was quite surprised when he heard the next thing over his radio
'Order Theta One dash One, Get out of that ship, you are under arrest'
Six corsairs came into view, one holding a massive bazooka-like salamanca cannon.
'Well, good morning to you too' He said sarcasticly, and Araminta chuckled slightly

Post Sat Jun 12, 2004 3:43 pm

As a real writer the Mantra comes to mind

Detail Detail Detail
Grammar Grammar Grammar
Detail Detail Detail

There is no Silicon Heaven! But where do all the calculators go ?

You could no more evade my wrath... than you could your own shadow!

Post Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:12 pm

heltak, unless your gonna offer criticism, advice or comments, dont post, especially with these ticket-yourself remarks.
You are only a 'good' writer if you can prove it

Post Sat Jun 12, 2004 11:21 pm

Major Gunter Waalbeck watched omni-present night sky of New Berlin anxiously. After all, it wasn't often that you were shown your nation's biggest secret. He heard clattering boots on the tarmac. The commodore walked briskly towards him, rubbing his hands in anticipation? Or because it was so cold? Waalbeck didn't know, he was too excited to think. The commodore signaled to him and Waalbeck moved off towards his ship and began pre-flight checks. "Major Waalbeck, please follow me immediatly, stay close" snapped the Commodore over the com-link. Slowly, Waalbeck's Valkrye lifted off the ground and moved gracefully into the inky black sky.

--Six hours later--

Soon after leaving, the two man flight had cloaked and sped towards the Frankfurt system in silence. Waalbeck wasn't really familiar with this system, for some reason it gave him a bad feeling...maybe because just one more system forward marked the centre of the Crow Nebula, and the site of the worst ever defeat of the Rheinland Imperial Navy by the hands of guerilla GMG forces. He shook these defeatist thoughts from his head and concentrated further. Their invisible flight took them to a large, odd brown nebula to the left of Planet Holstein. They disappeared one noticed, the traders going on with their daily business. Suddenly they came to a strange clearing in the nebula, it was still misty but the clouds seemed to have been cleared if in preparation for a base... to reveal a huge minefield..the commodore took him through a very, very tight path and Waalbeck had some very close encouters with the spiky devils. Evenually they made it to a clear zone. The commodore's voiced snapped back on to the comm-link, though it wasnt directed at Waalbeck. "Sunray minor, Sunray minor this is Iron Hammer code force three." Waalbeck raised an eyebrow...who was he talking too? Suddenly there was a flash and in front of him was a Rheinland Cruiser, with several flights of Valkryes uncloaking all at once. Then a red and blue flash and a jumphole appeared. The commodore seemed slightly pleased. "Major you are about to see what very few have for the past 200 years" Waalbeck tried to reply but the commodore silenced him and they moved into the jumphole. There was the predictable blue flash, but then....

Major Gunter Waalbeck sat back in his set, eyes wide, mouth openening and closing and his breath rushed out of him. "Welcome to the Colditz system Major, and to the real Rheinland Military" said the commodore who was smiling broadly. The system was a swirl of orange and green, the Walker Nebula and Edge Nebula surrounded them. To his left was a massive shipyard, with 16 holding positions...all filled with new Battleships. A large orange sun glared down from above them, reflecting on several Cruisers, flanked by gunboats and Valkryes as they passed the two by. A large red planet sat squat in the middle of the system and military craft flocked around that as well. The system was filled with a patchwork of shipyards, military bases, weapons platforms but most amazingly of all, Battleships. Waalbeck counted 6 and there must of been about 20 crusiers and countless numbers of Gunships and Valkryes milling about the place. "Are you ready?" said the commodore politely over the comm-link. "Ready for what?" asked Waalbeck. Your initiation as part of the new glorius Rheinland Imperial Navy. "Yes Commodore" replied Waalbeck boldly as they moved towards the red planet which had been christened the Wolfschanze (Wolf's Lair) after some hiding place of an ancient obscure German leader. As they descended through the atmosphere towards the various military bases on the surface Waalbeck could see lines of powerfully built soldiers in green fatigues marching, training and partaking in assualt exercises. Gunboats and Valkryes skillfully dodged huge rock formations and flew thorugh valleys blasting targets with their Flamecurses.
Waalbeck shook his head in disbeleif...This was the Rheinland Military, the one he'd always dreamed of. The most powerful force in the Sirius and a force worthy of restoring Rheinland's damaged pride. One question still remained in his head. "Commodore, no disrespect meant to our glorius nation, but in it's damaged economy how could we afford this wonderful gift?" He laughed. "Surely Major you couldn't think that a nation could stay just above bankrupt for over 200 years? We would be very rich traders if we hadn't repaired our defence forces but I think this is a much more worthy cause to spend money towards, wouldn't you agree?" "Yes commodore, and so glad I am that we did choose this course of action." The commodore nodded in approval. "Yes, you are a model words of course, your skills in the field have yet to be proven but you will learn much here." As they landed Waalbeck sat back in his set contemplating his future. Rheinland really did need a good army. The colonies were at the brink of war and Rheinland was thought to be an easy target by the other colonies. Well he thought, we will see who's an easy target...
To be continued

Post Sun Jun 13, 2004 8:51 am

When the doors of the hangar bay where his fighter was stored opened the site chilled his blood, there surrounding his ship were 15 dagger's and 3 stiletto's all aiming at his one of a kind fighter. he had built it himself he had come across the blueprints for it and its weaponry while hacking into the liberty's database it's design was radical, 4 engines one atop the other on each side of the cockpit with a wing in between and below the bottom engines, on the back behind the tail it sloped down into a ovalish tail end back here there was a design for a jump drive that had not yet been developed, so instead he increased the size of the reactor so that it's output was more than 3 titan class generators, for the weapons used on it would need the extra power to operate at peak efficiency.
But even the most advanced armor and shields would not save his ship from the force in front of him that prepared to blast his ship into oblivion for without its shields it would desintigrate under the barrage of destructive energy. he quickly pulled out his remote control that could give him limited control over the systems he activated the shields, and ran towards his ship telling it to open the tinted glass canopy which with a whine of hydraulic systems did so, he leaped for it as the outcasts began to fire at his fighter he quickly punched another button on the remote control telling it to 'eliminate' any threat to it or its pilot suddenly it opened fire on the outcasts firing from its cannons which were codenamed 'Azure Fire' for some reason. the outcasts stunned tried to flee but the hangar bay was closed and if they fired on it the zoners would retaliate he took manual control of his fighter and then requested to leave.
"Freeport Four this is Omicron Black 9 requesting to launch"
"Aknoledged Omicron Black 9 you are cleared for launch"
what i[s up with that first the man in the bar and now thesed outcasts waiting by my ship ready to blow it to smithereens usually if they saw my fighter here they would turn tail and run like a bear was after them
He set his course for the old magellan to newyork jumpgate activating his advanced cruise and telling his neural net to alert him when he got near the jumpgate or hostiles were detected.It was not like him to run but his ship had one terrible weakness its shields may have been advanced for its class but a couple of fully armed sabres could still take him down easily.He sat back and relaxed, little did he know this would be the only time he would be able to relax for awhile...

Edited by - Dragonborn on 6/14/2004 9:23:23 AM

Post Sun Jun 13, 2004 10:33 am

I never said I was a good writer. Or even a published writer, I just said I was a writer if you want to beg to view some of my work you can but I don't see the need to lower myself into thois flame war or into this pathetic my writing > j00rs thing either. I posted the best advice you can get.

There is no Silicon Heaven! But where do all the calculators go ?

You could no more evade my wrath... than you could your own shadow!

Post Sun Jun 13, 2004 11:04 am

OOC:Heltak either add to the story or don't post its as simple as that your not contributing constructive criticism so leave this thread alone and find another one to spam and blab constrctive nothings on.(ok thnx for the help guys i edited my last story posting so its not too 'uber' and added some punctuation i will probably add on to the story tonight sometime)

Edited by - Dragonborn on 6/14/2004 9:25:02 AM

Post Sun Jun 13, 2004 11:14 am

Considering the fact I just gave you some of the best advice you can get I suggest you hush up. I was considering joining this to keep my skills sharp but now I think I'll make my own and hold sign ups.

There is no Silicon Heaven! But where do all the calculators go ?

You could no more evade my wrath... than you could your own shadow!

Post Sun Jun 13, 2004 1:05 pm

(OOC: Heltak, shut up and let these guys do what they want.
If you're such a good writer prove it. Only then you're free to make comments.
But never in the disrespectful way you just did.
Sorry guys, carry on)

(More OOC: As for DB, try and add some points and comma's here and there. Mostly at the end of teh sentence. That reads better
Also, but that's a personal thing, try not to over do the über stuff. Keep it real. And add some thoughts and detail to it. Look at redstarpaddy's post (nice stuff) and see how he did it)

Edited by - > Nickless < on 6/13/2004 2:21:55 PM

Post Sun Jun 13, 2004 7:07 pm

OOC: dragonborn, you might want to add some grammar, otherwise it all bleeds into one sentance, and is one bugger on the eyes to read, the ship design is good, but a bit advanced for 20 years of technological development...


Location: Crete, Omicron Gamma

Arania looked around at the 8 guns pointeds at him, his face was blank, as though this happened to him all the time. And, as such, the corsairs holding the guns were surprised that he didn't show any fear.
'So' He began 'What am i under arrest for THIS time?'
The corsair holding the salamanca stepped forward, holding a Glowing Dom'Kavash Artifact.
'You have been found guilty of robbing the graves of the Fallen Children' She said
Arania looked at her, mentally taking note that she was female
She aimed the Salamanca at his head and asked: 'So, will you come quietly?'
The words stirred something inside the young Arania, wincing in pain, he put pressure on a mysterious scar on his neck, a scar that was inconspicuous, abnormal, and anything but ordinary.
Breathing slowly, he answered her
'prepare to die' Came the response
They didnt even have a chance to start shooting.
A large neutron blast came from the Reaper mounted on Arania's ship, vaporising 4 Corsairs, quick as lighning, a long blade slipped out of Arania's robe-like flight suit and was sent flying at another corsair.
Two more fell as they were shot, matrix-style, by a concealed Pistol.
The female corsair barely had time to react before she was on the ground, held there, uncomfoaratably by the large Salamanca Cannon held on her back.
'No' He said, before knocking her unconsious.
Two Titans were approaching the pad, and Arania dashed to his ship.
The Anubis blasted away from the pad, fortunatley, the Titan's pilots didnt notice the bodies until the Anubis was long gone.
'Ok, i now Oficially hate corsairs' Arania said, desperatley trying to activate the cloaking device on his ship
Araminta sat at the helm, using her golden beak to tap into the computer where she wanted the ship to go.
A loud blast shook the ship as three legionnares opened fire on the Order ship.
Arania punded the cloaking systems in desperation, trying to save the valuable inforamtion he had retrieved from that Corsair.
As if on cue, the cloak kicked in, just as Arania's ship entered the omicron Theta Jump hole
'Lets hope the Zoners dont mind phoenixes' Araminta said, as they approached Freeport 9.
'Or Nomads' Arania Replied

Post Sun Jun 13, 2004 10:53 pm


Please, don't you have anything better to do than piss against these guys? They are trying to write a story and clearly have fun doing it. Just because it's not up to your standard, doesn't mean they shouldn't write. Who cares if it's not perfect grammar? They are not writing a real book that's going to be published now are they? Nor are they writing columns for a magazine. All they are doing is writing some fan fiction that they write for their and other people's enjoyment. If you can't stand the lack of grammar or lack of details or whatever it is you find annoying, then simply don't read it and stay the hell out of this thread. Don't let me catch you deliberately destroying their fun in here again....I mean it!

Moderator for The Lancers Reactor
Creator of the TLR FTP Upload Service
E-Mail: [email protected]
MSN: [email protected]

Post Tue Jun 15, 2004 9:53 pm

---6 years later---

The colony news service, all the news that's fit for you"

"Orla Bell here reporting from New York where President Robins is now meeting with top Navy commanders, the LSF secretary-general and several of his best operatives in an attempt to devise a plan to guard Liberty against the rapidly spreading conflicts flaring up around the Sirius..."

"Micheal Bently reporting here live in Omega 3 where the Rheinland military build-up is reaching critical stages. All Battleships have been withdrawn from their original positions and/or have been sent to Bretonia's borderlines. Right now as we speak, our newest regeant King Grave is meeting with Parliament to draw up a peace treaty with Rheinland and their secret navy who are becoming increasingly hostile. In related news the withdrawl of Battleships in several key areas such as the Dublin system and the Cambridge system has caused crime to triple especially in the Dublin system which is rapidly being overrun and conquered by political separist group, the Mollys..."

"This is Aki Hirayuki speaking live at the Emperors palace where Shogun Edo is meeting with the newly crowned Emperor Kyu to discuss battle plans and defensive strategies against the New Rheinland Navy whose Northern fleet has began a strategic build-up in Frankfurt, close to the jumphole which leads to the mystery Rheinland military system. The Kusari Naval forces have been providing the GMG with heavy military equiptment and the Battleship Nagumo is rumoured to actually have jumped to the Sigma-13 system! Also several prototype Battleships have been brought out of the production line after recently completed field trials to support the massive base of Cruisers and Gunboats that have been fortifing the Honshu system...."

Colonel Gunter Waalbeck snorted and switched off the Kusari channel. 'Hmpf' he thought, look at how their so called friends panicked and squirmed with fear as his colonys armies moved closer. He was actually postitioned in the Tau-37 system after a massive trip through the Sigma cluster and then the Omicrons. The Rheinlanders still had their cloaking technologies and had snuck an entire fleet past the Outcast homeworld without being detected. The fleet was split into two groups, one to attack Kusari's relativley undefended western border and the other to attack the relatively unprotected northern Bretonian front. He was in group two the second half of the fleet that was to attack the Bretonian's northern frontier.

The main attack was still to come through the Omega systems and the Sigma cluster for the Kusari operation but if the Shogun and King thought that the Rheinlanders had somehow got their fleets into the Northern systems why wouldn't they bring them all? A very un-original plan relying heavily on deception and sneak attacks. Then, when Kusari and Bretonia had been defeated, Liberty would be encircled and on all three fronts the glorius Rheinland navies would attack the rich centreworlds and claim the prize of what many belived was theirs. But this was all still to come and relied heavily on many tricky operations

--2 days later, Tau-31 system--

"Yes Lieutenant, your report?"
2nd Lieutenant Pitts stood stiffly at attention, neuroboard held firmly under his arms. "No hostiles sighted, only two Outcasts that were dispatched by a Crusader loss to us"
Captain Biggs sighed. "We should be defending the Omegas not running after pirates when Bretonia most needs us"
Pitts nodded curtly and turned away to his other business. Captain Biggs was the commander of the Cruiser Lancaster which was deployed to deal with any pirates or hot-headed Kusari commanders who thought they might take advantage when Bretonia was at it's worst. Little did he realise it was about to get worse, a lot worse. He paced across the bridge and towards his study only pausing to check his neuro metre....11:57pm Universal time. He quickened his pace, determined to fall asleep as quick as possible before some other problem rose up.
He awoke to a bang.
"Uhhhh" he groaned. Looking around he realised the ship was on a lean. The light flicked and lighting gas steamed from the broken fixture. His eyes narrowed and he quickly put on his uniform and helmet with the distinct darkened visor. Storming outside he pulled the first person he saw and demanded an explanation. It was Corporal Lee. "We were attacked by several Rheinland gunboats and a steady flow of Valkryes...we ah destroyed them eventually but not without losses..." "What losses!?" ", because the whole lower section was blown off and those two sections over there were decompressed," he pointed to an area that was sealed off and looked quite volatile. "Plus our gunboats and most of our Crusaders." Biggs rubbed his hand over his forehead. "So our status is?" The Corporal looked uneasy. "Well 60% destruction of our cruiser, rendering it immobile and we only have 3 friendlys left -- they're Crusaders all partly damaged and no contact so far with New London, Battleship York...Hell we can't even get hold of Planet Harris" Biggs slammed his fist into the table so hard the whole crew turned to stare.

Waalbeck breathed out slowly. He had only just escaped the roaming Crusaders but his men had done sufficient damage. He had to keep the Bretonian forces isolated, confused. So far the intercepted communications had given him the view that the Bretonians were confused, and afraid. The sabotage of the Leeds Jumpgate had been completed by a team of specialists and where that Bretonians thought they were sending messengers...well they were warped to oblivion in the damaged Jump-gate. He received a new comm-link, thinking it to be a Bretonian communica but it was one of his men reporting destruction of a gunboat patrol in the area. He counted down in memory...that left only one force left alive...the crippled Cruiser which had to be taken out. "Sneak 1? This is Sneak 2.....rendezvous at the postition of king major over and out". He turned to cruise speed and headed towards the cruiser.

The Valkryes blasted it with their flamecurses and picked over the helpless crusier like vultures over a fated animal. Then Sneak 1 arrived, the Gunboat Schussler and locked the missile turret on the cruiser. The captain of the Gunboat adjusted his cap and smiled grimly as he fired off seven missiles at the cruiser's massive behind. The aft section crumpled under massive pressure and the other booths crumpled with it. Biggs was already dead, the gun in his hand still pointed towards his head as his cabin crumpled up. The sailors in the midst of putting on vac-suits were sucked out by the vacum and their comrades who were fast were sucked out into the void and towards a slow death of asphxyation.

--Battleship Westfalen, Hamburg system--

Hans Gruber was the oldest worker on the old Westfalen. He loved the ship and even though he was only a mechanic he was full of pride for the Rheinland Military and was saddened by his colony's deep problems and the sore sight of the Military these days. Of course he was to low a status to know about the real Military but that was beyond the point. He walked the darkened corridors checking odd dials and system read-outs. He started towards his working place, the Westfalen's ship docks. He paused and walked up to the dock's control space where Wilhem the foreman worked. As the doors slid open he gazed with horror on poor Wilhem. The young man's raven black hair was slick with blood. He ran forward to look onto the docks. Black clothed indviduals were swarming all over the place. The ship, equiptment, and commodity dealers were stacked like common plates against a wall, all dead. Suddenly the doors hissed open and a black suited individual jumped in holding a massive handgun with a green sight. He froze. Gruber's eyebrows drew together, the old man struggling to make sense of the situation. Suddenly his whole body was flipped away by the new Daumann Perforator gun held by the commando. The commando worked quickly, placing explosive all over the foreman's headquarters and left silently. As more indviduals became aware of the almost invasion of the Westfalen's docks the black suited individuals climbed aboard their ships, several Humpbacks. As they rapidly disappeared from sight down the Battleship Westfalen-Hudson Jumpgate tradelane alarm klaxons sounded in the Westfalen. As soldiers and technicians rushed into the lower decks to find the area littered with explosive there was a mass exodus from the ship. But just as the first were leaving the explosives were detonated by a single courageous operative hiding in a locker room deep in the ship.

The old proud Battleship Westfalen was rocked violently and broke into several pieces which drifted and crashed into Planet Kiel as stunned traders and merchants flocked around it.

Meanwhile Rheinland forces had completely rattled the Kusari forces in Sigma-13 and any guerilla resistance by the GMG was swiftly and violently crushed. The Liberty navy had responded quickly and they were full of rage. Gerald Rice, a right-winger had staged a coup d'tat and had seized control supported by the LSF, Liberty Police and the Liberty Navy who were facing massive downsizing under Robins. And President Rice's first order was the total seizure of systems Bering and Hudson. They even went so far as to send elite commandoes into Hamburg to destroy the ageing Battleship Westfalen which was a succesful mission. The planned Rheinland attack into Omega-3 had gone temporarily awry as they had encoutered heavy resistance from Corsairs and Red Hessians. Kusari was fortifing itself for the imminent attack from overwheling Rheinland forces, Liberty was activly preparing for war and consoling Bretonia who was confused and becoming relativly helpless as their bulk force was in Cambridge. But there was still more to come
To Be continued.

(Im going away for a week so i might not write for awhile. I have copies of this so if this thread closes while im away ill start a new one. feel free to comment critisize or whatever
cheers, redstar paddy)

Hasta la victoria siempè! (Ever onward to victory) - Ernesto Che Guevara

If you tremble indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine. - Ernesto Che Guevara

Post Wed Jun 16, 2004 12:12 am

(OOC: nickless, i hope you didn't had that to me, co'z i didn't had a post in here, i am DB...

- hmmm, maybe need a namechange, so they can't call me DB anymore

ps. i know you wanted to say that to dragonborn...

on-topic, nice story

Spamius Threadius

Just one second after the birth of the Universe, space was flooded with particles and over the next 300 million years stars and galaxies began to evolve into the kind of cosmic landscape that we recognise today. But there's one big problem. We shouldn't really be here. People, planets, stars, galaxies should all be impossible dreams. In theory, nothing should exist.

Post Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:09 am

OOC: you REALLY love rheinland dont you?

Location: Battleship Sechmet, Sirius sector
Time: 2:06 AM

Nothing stirred aboard the ship, the steady hum of electronics and the ship's reactor filterd through the corridors where hundreds of Order personnel slept.
A footstep echoed around the dark bridge of the ship as a hooded figure rose from his chair at the communications console.
The screen flickered as a new message popped on the screen:
The hooded man waited patiently for the download to finish. The numbers clicked by slowly, 37%, 38%, 39...
after minutes of frustrating download, the image flickered to show a map of Sirius.
'Show Rheinland Troop movements' The man said gruffly
The screen changed, instead of having numerous multi-coloured dots and lines, many faded to be replaced by semi-transperent white dots and lines.
The overwhelming presence oin the screen, however, was the matrix of GREEN dots and lines clustered around the bottom.
'Show battleships only' He said again
Alot of the lines faded this time, but there was still a significant number of lines radiating outwards.
Noting the lines he said again:
'Show only movements unknown to the house military'
All but two paths vanished, one reaching far around the back of sirius through into the omicrons, the other, and this interested the man greatly, reached into the black void behind Bretonia into an undiscovered system, not taking any jump hole or gate route.
A red glow illuminated the console as a phoenix materialised on the man's shoulder.
Araminta gazed at the console, apparently uninterested.
Arania striaghtened up and looked out the window at the entire sirus sector laid out below him beautifully.
He sighed and a tear formed in his eye.
Aramita flapped off his shoulder and perched on top of the console, staring longingly at the pinpricks of light.
Arania sat back down at the console.
'Display order presence'

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