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Freelancer:After The Nomads (Fan Fiction)

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Wed Mar 03, 2004 1:57 pm

(MODs is it possible for you to delete that SPAM since it just gets in the way, jw)

During my stay, I met many people from different parts of sirius, corsairs, xenos, outcasts, rheinlanders, almost every faction. one person i noticed more than the others, was a girl called katherine, she seemed somehow different from everyone else, unusual, special. i didnt get round to talking to her very often, but when i did, i felt as though i was in the presence of someone greater than me. I couldn't quite pinpoint exactly what it was that drew me to her. I wasn't sure if it was her looks, her mind, or something completely different, i wasnt sure of anything. I never realised exactly how i felt for her until that day, when they came...

What once was FL2, and now is ... *hmm what is it?*

Post Thu Mar 04, 2004 12:36 pm

No-one was prepared, they seemed to come from nowhere. 2 huge juggernauts along with a number of fighters. All we had to defend ourselves were weapons which seemed ineffective against them and a few as yet untested prototypes. All fighters were immediatley launched, while everyone else prepared for evaucation. I was given a prototype. Katherine stayed behind. I now began to undeerstand what I felt for her. It wasn't quite love, but I felt increasingly protective and I felt that this was my chance to do something for her, to protect her...

What once was FL2, and now is ... *hmm what is it?*

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