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Freelancer:After The Nomads (Fan Fiction)

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Mon Feb 09, 2004 1:32 pm

Freelancer:After The Nomads (Fan Fiction)

I can still remember the day when they came back, Trent, Juni, King, etc. It was a glorious day, although no-one knew exactly what had happened. All we knew that President Jacobi had been taken hostage and then been rescued by these three people and the Order. Orillion, the real leader of the Order had been allowed to come to Manhatten and everyone who took part in the fight against the Nomads was awarded medals. No-one was quite sure what had actually happened to the Nomads, some said they had all died, some said they wouldn’t come back. I didn’t though, I thought that they were still out there, them and their masters, the Dom Kavash. Unfortunately for us, however, my suspicions were going to be proved right…


Edited by - pSYCHO on 2/9/2004 2:01:26 PM

Post Mon Feb 09, 2004 1:41 pm

It was two years later, many had forgotten that the Nomads had ever existed, especially since very few people had actually seen them. At least, that was until news reports started coming in about a Rheinland battleship disappearing while on a routine mission around the new hypergate. Some people suspected some criminal organisation, such as the Outcasts, but many, including me, knew that even the dreaded outcasts couldn’t take down a battleship that easily. Other than suspicions, life continued as normal, I flew my usual escort mission with BMM, guarding a shipment of alien artefacts that was travelling to New Berlin. As we passed through Omega – 3, suddenly a great purple light surrounded us. Instinctively I turned away from the rest of the convoy to try and escape it, I could smell the ‘light’ melting through the tail of my ship, and I barely managed to escape it. As I turned back to look at the convoy, all that was left was a cloud of smoke and a few pieces of debris…

Edited by - pSYCHO on 2/9/2004 1:43:50 PM

Post Mon Feb 09, 2004 1:52 pm

I limped to Freeport 1 where I sat and contemplated what I had seen. I decided to tell the owners of the base, at first they didn’t believe me, but I managed to convince them by flying with them to the spot where it occurred and showing them the remains. I managed to recover the data recorder of the train and I brought it back to Freeport 1. There I watched the last few moments before it was destroyed. It wasn’t long before the story was spread all around Sirius. Returning to Planet New London, I sat and thought about what a terrible thing had happened and how close I had been to dying. The next day I was surprised when Orillion himself called me. He asked if I would be willing to join the Order, since they had suspicions that this could have something to do with the Nomads and the Dom Kavash and they thought my experience could help them. Although I had no idea how I could help an organisation like the Order, I agreed….

Post Mon Feb 09, 2004 2:01 pm

My first day with the Order was an interesting one, I was met by two escorts who flew me out to the Osiris, where I met Orillion. Here he asked me to describe my encounter while he sat still, nodding at my remarks. I was still in shock just from being here, let alone talking to Orillion. After our conversation, he took me to see the Order’s new heavy fighter, the Horus. I told him I thought it was a great ship and to my astonishment he told me that I was to have one and that I couldn’t work for the Order without a decent ship. Then he took me to see the equipment dealer, where he said I could have any weapons I wanted. I was dumbfounded at his generosity. Then he told me that we were going to meet some people. He took me to the bar and ordered me a drink when I heard someone say my name. Turning around I saw Juni, Trent and King, my heroes…

Post Mon Feb 09, 2004 2:47 pm

A Few days later, Juni, King, another order pilot, and me were on a routine patrol near the hypergate when all of a sudden, the gate activated. We charged our weapons, expecting and attack. No attack was made. Instinctivly, we went through the gate. We turned on our cloaking devices on the way through. A good idea, as it turned out. For on the other side was a nomad fleet, accompanied by the biggest nomad battleship I, that anyone in the order, had ever seen.....

Ohhh! Beu-tiful! Preeety! How do I blow it up?

Edited by - ShadowFire789 on 2/9/2004 2:48:10 PM

Post Mon Feb 09, 2004 4:57 pm

ooh if only the three fan fiction stories could be conbined together!!
they sound as if they all could be interlocked

this is my world; it goes round and round and round
The wolfy types like a cow

Post Mon Feb 09, 2004 5:00 pm

Err, aren't these intertwined?

Post Mon Feb 09, 2004 5:30 pm

there are three different threads of fanfiction; this one, orillians, and the Aftermath one, unfortunately the aftermath lost interest, but some parts will fit in good with these two. 2 different plots, hmm, maybe i can intertwine them myself

this is my world; it goes round and round and round
The wolfy types like a cow

Post Tue Feb 10, 2004 9:08 am

Yeh go ahead, it would be interesting

Post Tue Feb 10, 2004 9:25 am

Leaving the Osiris, we headed back to where the rest of my convoy had disappeared. Here we began to conduct a search for any clues that might have been left behind. We searched for 3 long hours but nothing. Just as we were about to leave, I saw something, a purplish glow in the distance. I went to investigate, radioing the others to follow. As we approached, I realised there was nothing on my scanners, yet there was definitely some disturbance. Trent remarked that it looked like some sort of huge jump hole. Just as we got there, it seemed to come to life, as though it had been turned on. Then we saw it. A huge ship, bigger even than a battleship. It was like the Nomad battleships, except bigger, better and even more powerful…

Post Tue Feb 10, 2004 10:24 am

I was just thinking that since it's quite time consuming for one person to write this and since we have such a talented community here we could actually write this as a joint thing, with anyone who feels they want to continue the story doing so, that is, as long as no-one abuses it

Post Tue Feb 10, 2004 12:23 pm

"Oh my god!" We all said at once. It was a huge fleet of nomads, accompanied by the biggest battleship we had ever seen. I entered a word to classify it in the future: A Juggernaut battleship. The four houses were actually building juggernauts in secret, in case nomads attacked again. Each one was supposed to "fill the gaps," or, for example, have torpodes when the others didn't. We stared in awe, not even remembering we had out cloaking devices on. Then, somthing came out of a nearby jump hole. "Is that a......" trent said. It looked like a rhineland battleship, only it had different colors. And it was MUCH bigger that any other rhineland battleship. The other pilot knew what is was. "It's the Rhineland juggernaut!" Van Hausen said. (I really have to learn how to spell that ) It was joined by 3 other juggernauts, all the houses juggernauts, but miscolored. We just sat there and stared, and wondered how the hell they could've taken our ships from us, right under out noses. Juni was the first to regain her senses. She was checking to see where the nearby jumpholes leaded. "Just as I thought." She Said. All of them lead to the capital systems. New York, New Tokyo, New Berlin, New london. Then Trent looked around to see if anything else was there. There was. It wasn't JUST a nomad fleet, it was every nomad in existence. And more, counting the corrupted humans abord the juggernauts. A fleet so big it outshined the sun. And it was headed for the New York Jump Hole.........

Post Tue Feb 10, 2004 3:31 pm

What the hell? He goes through the Hypergate,sees a massive Nomad battleship, then magically reappears on the Osiris, and heads to the debris where he finds 1. A nomad battleship. Then suddenly a massive nomad fleet complete with Juggernauts. Again, I say What the Hell? PS I think it's Herr Von Clausen. That is all.

"Dragons. They don't scare me.
Insectivores, aren't they...?"
The Soddit

Post Tue Feb 10, 2004 5:27 pm

yeah ur right, not von haussen
i dont think i can conbine these 2 with orillians, orillian has a totally different plot, von clausen is the bad guy etc. i kinda think the only parts the will fit in with all is pSYCHOS part

this is my world; it goes round and round and round
The wolfy types like a cow

Post Wed Feb 11, 2004 8:44 am

Ok, how about you get rid of that extra part and I just continue it, besides I don't know where von claussen came from

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