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Show off your new and WIP ships! **New Thread**

Here you can discuss building custom ships, texturing and 3D modeling in Freelancer

Post Wed Oct 11, 2006 12:46 pm

Some fighters, dropships, and warships from the Aerotech mod:

SL-21 Sholagar
S-4 Sai
Old F-100 and new F-700a Riever versions
Sovetskii Soyuz cruiser
SL-25 Samurai
LCF-R16KR Lucifer
SYD-Z4 Seydlitz
Zechetinu-class frigate
Chimeisho-class jumpship
TR-13 Transgressor

...there's another dozen fighters and dropships finished, and another 45 on the way. We have two modelers, so work is going rather quickly. Eventually, we'll top out at around 75 new ships, all from the Battletech/Mechwarrior universe. None of the old Freelancer content remains, since this is a total conversion.

Edited by - Hadryon on 10/11/2006 1:52:36 PM

Post Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:56 pm

ok. ive done some skinning lately (havent figured out the whole thing till 2 weeks ago from when i started 3 months ago)

so... here are some of my skins:

Edited by - Silent_Shadow on 10/12/2006 6:01:52 PM

Post Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:22 am

Haydron..very impressive,have to say that i'm drooling at the fought of seeing the SL-25 Samurai in's a beauty

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
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Post Wed Oct 18, 2006 5:33 pm

@ Silent_Shadow, you might need to check with Firebase about the Blackspecter skin. He dosen't normally let people re-skin his ships and has only let the evo team to my knowledge.
Nice work though.

Edited by - Mace_166 on 10/18/2006 6:37:51 PM

Post Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:39 pm

I have 2 designs, one is from the Tut by Dritz 4.0, and the second is a ship I drew in 7th grade (pencil and ink pens orig) I need help tho. I can get them into MS, but When I try to export into CMP or MAT, it crashes MS.



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Edited by - ThePurplePunster on 10/24/2006 8:40:06 PM

Post Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:54 pm

This is the latest addition to my growing fleet of ships. This one, Designated: Locust_LF , was finished today and flies nicely.

I can place a pilots personal face pic on the pilot.
The pilots are custom made and always show up in the cockpits of each visible cockpit of my ships.

Edited by - Rankor on 11/2/2006 10:12:05 PM

Post Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:34 pm

Here is the Junkers newest addition to compliment their aging CSV.
This is the CSV2.

Post Fri Nov 17, 2006 11:44 am

Just a weird idea I had, am I on the right track? (just a play on an old theme..)

1430 Triangles, untextured

Other Views:


Rear Top

Rear Left

Front Right

Front Bottom


Cheers, Visc

Edited by - Visceral on 11/17/2006 12:16:59 PM

Post Fri Nov 17, 2006 6:24 pm

That looks good. I take it you're pretty new at 3d modeling.

Post Fri Nov 17, 2006 10:25 pm

both are very nice- i particularly like rankor's take on the CSV (looks like a spaceworthy vehicle) - Visceral's fighter reminds me of kusari fighters, except that it has a more aerodynamic feel. i'd love to see some canards on it, and a simple aluminum-rivet airplane skin

either of you interested in modeling for a FL mod? looking to place ships with brighter skins, that kinda fit. anyways, check out my forum for some screenshots and info if you're interested

sole proprieter

Post Sat Nov 18, 2006 2:47 am

Thanks for the replies I'm not exactly new to modelling, but until now haven't attempted a FL model, and thought it might be something to test drive (The smoothing on the first model is intentional btw). My texturing and uvmapping is where I have the most difficulty (creating textures from scratch is a challenge for me). Think I'm a fair bit too inexperienced to contribute to a mod just yet, but it'll be something to look at once I've got my head around the 'finer' points of creating

Just for fun I played with this:

The 'ChickenHawk'

*cough cough*

Cheers, Visc

Edited by - Visceral on 11/21/2006 12:54:12 PM

Post Sat Nov 18, 2006 9:28 am

Take a look at my site,
If there is anything you like in particular, I'll wrap it up and send it to you.
My biggest challenge yet to come is placing new bases and stations in my mod. That is something I'm gonna have to learn and I won't release anything that is bugged up.

I would like to help you. But at this present time I am working on my own mod that probably won't be released to the public for some time until I finish it. I am also assisting with a couple other mods at present.
Lord knows, the only way I'll ever run my own server is to rent one. LOL.
Out of respect to all the other great mods out there, I won't mention their names. This particular mod has a new 3rd dimension added to it...Height.
With a few exceptions, I've left most systems alone unless I could add something to them to give them addtional character and "space".
If it were possible to re-create the entire Sirius System, I would do so. But this means there would be no possible story line to follow. It would have to be strictly OSP or MP. The concept I am working on is trying to focus on a "digest" of sorts.
I've already tried what I've got in SP, but SP does not like it at all and kicks me promptly out of the game. Oh well! Gotta sacrifice something.

Post Sat Nov 18, 2006 10:18 am

well thats why people mod in teams - overlapping areas of expertise.
besides that I can add a little spicey goodness to any ship model, by breaking it down to destructible components, making a custom SUR, and giving it a wireframe
you might be interested to know its an XML toolkit mod Rankor - I noticed your post in Argh's dead forum. Basically, its what you're talking about - no major changes to the universe, except that stations will be replaced- mostly i'm replacicing the original ships and tweaking/completeing a lot of exploits like dynamic asteroid fields, gravity, nebula drag, destructible docks, lootable stations, etc. anyways, I love the ships on your site - you do have a broken image in one of the galleries fyi. I'll send you a small list of the ships I'd like to use, after I've had some time to think about where I might deploy them

a starflier with wings, hehe - it actually looks better than the original

Edited by - Cold_Void on 11/18/2006 4:43:54 PM

Post Sat Nov 18, 2006 4:58 pm

just got through checking the sirius-engineering gallery....everything looks ok from this end. Which part did you notice appeared broken?

Post Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:55 pm

it must be firefox 2, because i went back and its ok now (it was the HAMMER, but it loaded completely this time)

could you please send me the maintenance pod, 88 wasp, renegade, locust lf, and sirius wheelstation? of course I will give you full credit in my mod for your works, and btw I know how to move that pilot model in the locust so it only shows up in space, if you'd like

Edited by - Cold_Void on 11/18/2006 5:59:02 PM

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