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** Tutorial ** - Texturing models in milkshape

Here you can discuss building custom ships, texturing and 3D modeling in Freelancer

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 6:16 am


I am not sure I understand your question.. could you be more specific.. I dont know what you mean by "shape things"

The model.. If I can figure out why my gallery wasn't working.. sure..

The model is available to fly in epsilon mod.....


Retreat[![! ---- I'm too badly messed up now[![!

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 10:36 am

thx for replying and well look on page4 wen i go on it wat do i do
the first instruction it sais something like object type and i wondering if u can tell me the software that im surposed to use for the start u know wat i mean sorry im not clear im all new to this i dont even know how to send the progress

Edited by - coolwoody on 4/18/2004 11:42:53 AM

Post Sun Apr 18, 2004 10:39 am

like ive done any progress i havent even done anything yet

Post Mon Apr 19, 2004 4:08 pm

Cool Woody,

I am still lost.....

Perhaps if you copied and pasted the section you are talking about into the thread and showed me where I am letting you down...

I am sorry, I am trying to help..., if I dont know what you are having trouble with, how can I answer your question...?


Retreat[![! ---- I'm too badly messed up now[![!

Edited by - harrier on 4/19/2004 5:08:40 PM

Post Sat Jun 12, 2004 7:22 pm

I heard you can use milkshape to do new clothes for the characters, true?
if so, what differences are there, where is a good tutorial for re-skinning characters? and do the sunglasses/hats/ gear/etc.

Post Sat Jun 19, 2004 8:32 pm

Shawn Barry,

I have never tried to make new clothes.. though I understand its not too difficult..The only area I have been involved was using the utf editor to extract the textures, these were then changed in PS 7 to a different style.. and re imported with utf.. Presto new clothes....

Maybe someone else who has been involved in this part of modding can answer your question better than I can... sorry I have been no help...

Can anyone else help out here???


Retreat[![! ---- I'm too badly messed up now[![!

Edited by - harrier on 6/19/2004 9:34:05 PM

Post Mon Jul 12, 2004 6:40 pm

Hello guys, Got to tell u i love this thread. I might even get my mod ships ready SOMETIME!!!! this year because of them. As for textures on clothes there is a tutorial on the subject in the THL. Just go to search forums and type in tutorials and keep looking. It take a little but it's there. Keep your fingers crossed for me and i might just have my own ship mod ready soon. got 4 fighters made xcept for tex's.

Post Sun Aug 22, 2004 12:43 pm

Hi guys, great thread harrier; it's been very helpful in texturing my huntress ship mod. However, when I tried to use my ship in freelancer and it was invisible on launch and you just see a bunch of gun mounts. From, reading the forums, it appears either my scale is too small or my textures aren't showing up. I fixed the scale to like 2.5 in milkshape so that isn't a problem, however I am using tga textures and I don't know how to flip them in milkshape. Can you explain to me how to flip them in milkshape so that they will come up in freelancer. I read your previous discussion with Ro9ue and I understand why the textures need to be flipped but, I am sorry to say I failed to grasp how to flip them. Thanks ahead for the help.

P.S. Does anyone have a converter that can convert tga to dds textures. I have that pic2pic converter, but it doesn't convert to dds.

Edited by - Dark*Paladin on 8/22/2004 1:44:55 PM

Post Sun Aug 22, 2004 7:44 pm

Nevermind, about the invisible ship thing. I had my ini path to the mat file wrong, (thanks Crabtree for the helpful suggestion of checking those). Do you flip tga files by flipping your ship upside down. Because I was using your method, harrier, of texturing (including puting my ship upside down) and it came out fine in the game. Thanks for the help.

Post Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:55 pm


In order to get .tga textures to display on your model correctly they must be inverted (flipped) Freelancer for some reason flips tga textures in game, However it seems to make little difference if the files are .dds


Retreat[![! ---- I'm too badly messed up now[![!

Post Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:47 pm

It looks like texturinbg is impossible in Milkshape 1.7.0 and above, because the Texture coordinate editor looks broken, all you can do wiht it is crash Milkshape. I looked in the official forum and others had the same trouble, too.

Post Mon Sep 20, 2004 2:20 pm


Cannot understand this, I use Version 1.70 and have no problems.. if you check the downloads at Chumbalum you will find there is a graphics patch for version 1.70 that includes a couple of open gl drivers that address this issue Here

I dont use 1.71 as i found that it crashes randomly when you try to regroup some faces, dont know exactly why...


Retreat[![! ---- I'm too badly messed up now[![!

Post Sun Oct 17, 2004 2:31 pm

i never understood in other tutorials on using Lightwave this part:

they tell you to unwrap your model (so on the screen you have a flat layout of all the polygons of the model) and use it as a paint-by-number type thing. and i think it does work when you create a UV map like that and paint it and apply it in lightwave


when i tried using that same map in milkshape it doesnt work. am i doing something wrong? it takes that image (say.. beetle.tga) and just wraps it around the ship model completely, like the painted parts as well as the non-painted spaces (where, if used in lightwave, there are no polygons) help please?

Post Mon Oct 18, 2004 5:29 pm


Lightwave is not really my go, but I am pretty sure that texture maps from lightwave will not transfer to Milkshape, I have looked at several models that look ok in lightwave but only provide the base colours in milkshape.

Now i could be wrong, but the only fix I know is to completely remap the textures in milkshape.. There may be another answer but if there is I dont know it.


Retreat[![! ---- I'm too badly messed up now[![!

Post Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:08 am

Hey guys,

Just a note to let you know that there's a piece of free software out there called the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), that allows to save uncompressed and inverted TGA textures. It's at, there are links to the windows version. Please bear in mind that in order to run it you'll need to install the GTK runtime that's also available on the site.

It's great software, and is very powerful and also easy to use, so have fun with it, and also read the help files that you can download along with it

Well, that's my 2 cents. Have fun all, and I hope that I might have helped some of you find something that will be of good use to you


Some say ignorance is bliss, I say they're just too blissful to know better.

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